
Chapter 32



"I want to take you somewhere. You are in?" he asks her, and they get up as soon as she nods. On the road, neither of them speaks, but their silence says more than they admit aloud. 

"Jay, why are we here?" Emma asks as soon as the car stops and sees the cemetery. 

"The cases that have to do with children hurt the most," he whispers and turns to look at her. Her gaze is warm and compassionate while she waits to hear the rest of what he has to say to her. 

"Here's one of the reasons," he says, getting out of the car. 

They walk through the graves and Emma can't help but notice how well Jay knows the route. She follows him silently until she sees him stop in front of a grave. "Ben Corson 1999-2007", is written on the grace and Emma turns to look at her partner. Jay's eyes are fixed on that name and after he sighs he opens his mouth to speak.

"He was the younger brother of a girl that I dated in high school. His parents, Danny and Gail, came to my graduation from the academy. I still see them on what would be Ben's birthday. Me and my partner were first on the scene. I was the one who found him and... And I still see his face. Even after all these years," he explains as he stands in front of the grave. 

"What happened to him?" Emma whispers and looks at Jay. 

"His neighbor, Lonnie Rodiger, was caught jerking it outside an elementary school a week before finding Ben. They also found kiddie porn on his computer and secret pictures that he had taken of Ben. We all knew Lonnie did it, but, you know, his dad lied, he gave him an alibi and they had a good lawyer," he reveals, and the tone of his voice changes. He's still whispering like someone's going to listen to them. 

"Oh God...What happened to Lonnie?" Emma asks, wanting to get him to get it all out of his chest. 

"They found him strangled a few years later. I was a suspect in the investigation into his murder. They took my gun and my badge, Voight suspended me. No one had believed me, not even Erin," he sighs as soon as he remembers everyone's behavior, and Emma's heart drops. 

"It turned out that his father was the one who killed him. He was tired of protecting him all these years; he found new photos on Lonnie's computer. They got into a fight, Phil took his belt and did what he did," he continues, and Emma goes closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder, happy that Jay shared something like this with her.

"You know I never doubted you, right?" Emma is the first to break the silence and take a step back so they can look each other in the eyes. 

"I never thought you killed Garrett, because I know you, Jay. I know you're a good cop and you work with your heart and even if I didn't show it before, I'll always support you," she tells him, and Jay's eyes fill with tears. 

"Emms..." He starts to say buy she interrupts him. 

"I trust you, Jay. I've trusted you from the day I met you and if I was gonna follow someone blind, I'd follow you," she admits, and her heart hurts with Jay's look. He doesn't understand what he did to deserve someone like Emma. He doesn't respond to what she just confessed to him. Instead, he hugs her even though inside he knows he'd like to do something else, but he's scared. He's afraid she's going to turn him down, he's afraid Voight's going to react, he's afraid he's not good enough for her. Maybe someday, he thinks, and without him knowing, Emma thinks the same thing. They just didn't know this day wouldn't take long to come.

As the days went by, the new cases they were taking on forced them to go undercover, and it seems things weren't going as they would have liked. First, Atwater went undercover to stop a criminal enterprise. But things didn't turn out well when a police officer stopped them and shot his partner just because of the color of his skin. Kevin, however, though ready to reveal the truth, eventually told COPA that it was self-defense. And just as this case was wrecked, the next one was going to have a bad ending too. Not completely at least.

"Be careful," Emma tells Kim and Adam as soon as she hides the cameras to their coats and they leave for the abandoned warehouse where they would meet Adam's CI Kurt, along with the man who would sell them the guns. 

"I think he felt my vest," Kim whispers to Adam as Davis walks away. 

"Son of a bitch. Okay, it's your call," he replies, and everyone is waiting to hear her decision on the radio. 

"Christmastime," she says their safe word and signals everyone to get ready. "Kurt, get the hell out of here right now," Adam tells his CI as they pull out their guns. 

"Chicago PD!" Kim yells as soon as she sees Davis in the other room, digging through the trunk of his car. 

"Step away from the car," Adam tells him, and at that moment the man starts shooting at them. 

"Shots fired! Shots fired! He's armed," Adam says on the radio, and the whole team enters the warehouse. 

"Offender down!" Jay yells as Davis falls to the ground and Kim and Adam come out of their hiding place. 

"21. Shots fired by offender and police, offender down. Call the crime lab," Voight says on the radio, while Kim confirms the shooter is dead.

"All right, our lead suspect is now lying on a slab at the morgue, so we need a plan B. Well, what else do we know about these guns?" Voight asks back at the station. 

"Uh, this is the machine gun that Davis was firing at us, a so-called 'cop-killer'. He had two other ones in his trunk," Kim replies, showing them the gun. 

"We find any prints on these guns?" 

"No, I checked with the lab. The only ones they could find were from Davis" 

"No make, no model, and no serial numbers because some punk is manufacturing these off the books," Jay tells them. 

"So lethal as hell and untraceable," Antonio comments. 

"All right, what else do we know about Davis?" Voight asks again. 

"We know he's a local boy on parole from Statesville" Kevin replies. 

"And he wasn't supposed to leave Illinois, but I ran GPS on his car. He went to Wisconsin yesterday. He stayed for 30 minutes, and then he came back to Chicago," Adam adds. 

"So those GPS coordinates put him to at a depot in the backwoods which just so happens to be home to a regional gun show," Jay tells them. 

"Where he bought the guns" 

"Yeah, safe bet he didn't go for the cheese" 

"Okay, well if that's where he went, that's where we gotta go. Boss, we gotta find the seller," Kim says as she looks at Jay's computer. 

"All right, I'll contact my guy over at the ATF. He will swear us all in so we can work across state lines. Burgess, you and Halstead go in as buyers. Spencer and Atwater, you are backup. Stay off the radar. I don't want the locals involved," Voight tells them and then returns to Adam and Antonio. 

"You two hang back with me. We'll deal with paperwork on the Davis shooting".

In Wisconsin, Emma and Kevin sit in a security van in the parking lot, while Jay and Kim are walking around the convention, pretending to be buyers. Emma's heart tightens as soon as she hears Jay's voice on the radio. 

"We got a problem. Security's gonna blow up the deal. Keep an eye on Kim," he tells them, and he goes to stop the security. 

"All right, I'm gonna follow on foot," Emma announces to Kevin as soon as they see Kim leaving the building with two men.