
Chapter 10

"Black tea with forest fruits," Jay says as he climbs the stairs and leaves a cup on Emma's desk. 

"Thank you," she says with a smile. 

These small gestures make her heart beat a little louder each time. Jay opens his mouth, ready to ask her if she's okay, but their boss's voice interrupts him. Voight informs them that Atwater's sale had gone south. But also, that today is an initiation day for the Kings. Everyone frowns when they hear this, knowing that such days never go well. Everyone puts on their jackets and leaves, following Voight's orders to quickly pick up people who aspire to join the gang.

They enter the small basement where the suspects' car was last seen, keeping their guns on hand. The only light in the room comes from their flashlights. 

"Emma..." Kim says as soon as she sees the blood on the wall. Their gaze falls on the floor. A bag and a pair of shoes are there. But what makes them hold their breath is the blood that is all over the floor towards a room. It's like they dragged someone there. 

"Oh my God," Kim whispers as she enters the room and confronts the body of a young girl. Emma and the others follow behind her, watching Kim confirm that the victim is dead. 

"That's one hell of initiation," Jay says with an obvious disgust for those who did it. 

"What kind of an animal does something like this?" Antonio wonders. 

"I can tell you a few names," Emma says, exiting the room with the radio in her hand. Everyone is now looking towards her without being able to understand exactly what she meant.

"That was my C.I. he swears he can't ID the two pledges," Dawson tells them back at the station as soon as he hangs up. 

"Do you believe him?"Emma asks. 

"It doesn't matter. He's not giving them up," he replies. 

"I got the M.E. report. The DOA was raped and strangled to death," Scott, the homicide detective who is assisting them in the case, says. 

"Any third-party DNA?" Voight asks. 

"No, they were wearing condoms. They found traces of spermicide inside the victim," he replies. 

"Her name is Daniella Rios," Kim tells them, and everyone looks at her. 

"Yeah? How do you know?" Antonio asks. 

"I was researching local dance groups. She looked liked she was wearing a dance uniform, and there was a dance charm on her bracelet. Village Dance, it's an after-school program for at-risk teens. Uniform's the same," Kim explains, showing them pictures on her laptop. 

"I'll run her name and get an address" 

"I already did" 

"So go talk to the family," Voight says, and they leave.

It turned out that the bracelet found by Daniella's body was didn't belong to her, but to her best friend Tina, who was also there. However, she didn't talk about it, even though it was obvious that they attacked her, too. 

"I heard that Tina got assaulted too," Emma says to Kim, as soon as she enters the break room and sees her standing with her back turned. 

"Yeah, I mean, she didn't say that, but it's pretty obvious. She's terrified," she replies when she turns to her. 

"I don't blame her. It's not easy to talk about something like that. Especially when it's so recent. You don't know who to trust and who not," Emma replies, catching her off guard. The tone of her voice, the smile that was missing from her face, and her eyes staring into the void made Kim realize that Emma was talking about something more personal than Tina's case. 

"What's up?" Emma asks again, wanting to focus on Kim rather than what she just said. 

"I went through the same thing with my sister. She got drugged and raped" 

"Did you arrest the offenders, right?" 

"Yes, we did. We arrested them," they continue to talk about Kim's sister's case. Both resting on the counter with the mugs in their hands. Until Adam knocks on the door. 

"I've got something," he tells them, and they follow him.

After they managed to break the code with which the perpetrators were speaking, they found themselves in their house holding their weapons. 

"Guys, we've got two bodies" Atwater's voice is heard from the living room, and everyone goes there after checking the rest of the house.

"Hmm, okay, that's one way to take care of rapists," Jay says as he sees the blood on the underwear of the two dead men on the couch. Both Miguel and Eduardo had their penises cut off. The offenders have just become victims.

"Yo, so we talked to CIs, Gang Intel, bangers. There are no conflicts with the King crew, at least not right now," Atwater tells them the next day at the station. 

"Which means these two punk rapists, sorry, 'victims' were probably killed by somebody connected to Daniella or Tina," Kim says, correcting herself as soon as she sees Voight staring at her in surprise. 

"The real victims," Ruzek says slowly. 

"It sure feels like revenge," Scott says. 

"Okay, so, circle back with the family. There's got to be a brother, an uncle, somebody out there capable of doing this," Voight tells them. 

Later Kim and Scott spoke to Tina's boyfriend, who told them about a person named Q. After research, they found the possible place he might be, so Emma and Jay went to the bar. But Emma, just as they were leaving, saw the Q tattoo on the shoulder of a woman, who was now in the interrogation room.

"Isabel Torres, street name Q. Short for Queen," Jay says as he sticks her photo on the board. 

"Long rap sheet: drugs, larceny, aggravated assault," Emma tells them. 

"She runs an all-female gang called the Viper Queens, but for the most part, they're a delivery service for the local male gangs," Antonio adds. 

"Yeah, a woman behind the wheel lowers the risk of arrest by 50%, maybe 60%," Alvin says. 

"Yeah, because we're all biased. We think they're weak enough to be criminals. Because we didn't think the shooter was a woman. We don't profile women as criminals. They're not tough enough," everyone hears Kim say. 

"That's a little bit of an overstatement, don't you think?" Adam asks her. 

"Really? Because we never used 'her' or 'she' when talking about suspects in this case. It was 'he' and 'him' from the jump" 

"She kind of makes a point," Kevin agrees. 

"Okay, enough," Voight interrupts them. 

"We've got homicides to solve. Right now, we got a whole lot of nothing. No physical evidence, no forensics. So did these rape victims. Find the connection with this female banger Q. The rest of you canvas the neighborhood where the bangers got popped. Show photos of them, Q. Maybe someone saw them together near the time of the murders," he says. 

"Hey Sarge, I'm looking at this M.E. report, and based on stomach contents, it looks like the last thing the Kings had to eat was pizza. So, you should let me and Ruzek check out some local restaurants," Atwater suggests. 

"Well, there's a good place to start," Voight tells them, and they leave for the pizza place.

At the end of the day, they managed to catch Q, who killed Pena, who turned out to be her rapist. 

"Molly's?" Jay asks Emma as soon as he sees her in the locker room. She is sitting on the bench with her elbows resting on her knees and her head bowed. His voice makes her jump. 

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." 

"It's okay. I don't think so. Sleep seems more tempting to me now," she tells him. 

"Okay. If you change your mind, I'll be there with the guys," he tells her, and after thanking him for the invitation, she goes to the door. But his voice stops her again. 


"Yes, Jay?" 

"Today's case has been somewhat hard. If you want to talk to someone, you know where to find me," he tells her somewhat shyly and makes her smile. 

"Thank you, Jay. I appreciate it," she tells him. 

"Come on. I'll take you home. Don't look at me like that. I realized you don't have your own car," he tells her, laughing.