
Working Visit (3)

This morning, MBC's s main branch bank service looks solid. As usual, Monday is the busiest day. Many customers who want to deposit their money, withdraw their savings, or taking care of some administration filled the office. The waiting area is filled with the clients who want to meet the customer services and teller.

A middle-aged man barge ahead in line and giving the slip withdrawal and passbook to a teller who was still serving a client.

"I want to withdraw some money, I'm in a hurry to go to City J," he answered arrogantly. He ignores other people's sharp gazes who are waiting, showing his arrogance and power to act as he wished.

The security approached the man with a friendly smile and giving the man a queue number.

"Sorry sir, this is your number. You need to line up like others," security said politely while showing the waiting area.

"I am in a hurry. My flight is at 9 o'clock," The man said arrogantly with a higher tone.