
You are my "100 times" Heartbeat

"You know my love-A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip. For me, it's you. You took my everything, now it's my turn." "I'm ready for everything, my Red velvet. Let's burn together." Harlin, a devoted daughter, stumbles upon a horrifying scene that shakes her world to its core: witnessing Rowen, her beloved partner, commit the heinous act of murdering her own father. The trauma of this discovery leads Harlin to break all ties with Rowen, believing she can no longer trust the person she thought she knew so well. However, fate intervenes when Rowen accidentally stumbles upon a scandalous video revealing Harlin engaged in an illicit encounter with another man. Shocked and confused, Rowen is torn between his desire for revenge and the love he still harbors for Harlin. As the two former lovers find themselves on a collision course, their paths cross once again when Harlin returned her country after five years, igniting a whirlwind of emotions, betrayal, and hidden agendas. Both, desperate to take their revenge, while, Harlin desperate to protect her own secrets. They again reconcile with the memories they once shared with the harsh realities that tore them apart. What they will do, when, "Mind says: "Move on," but, Heart says: "Hold on"

Ash_oishe · Urbain
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13 Chs

I don't mind to be "characterless"

The sun has set quite a bit in the west. Harlin is riding her bike, heading towards Harmony. After telling Erken, he sent Harlin's clothes and bike through his driver. Even though Edem wanted to send a car, Harlin prohibited it. No one knows Harlin's identity; from that direction, nobody would naturally expect an ordinary game developer to bring such an expensive car into the company.

Along the road near Harlin, various colorful cars are moving. A moment later, when the red light shines on the road, everyone stops their vehicle. Beside Harlin, a bike comes and halts. Two boys are sitting on the bike, the older one with sunglasses and a helmet on his head, and the younger one is slightly darker-skinned; he breadth his hair behind.

Harlin hadn't worn her helmet today; Erken forgot to send it, and he had to repeatedly hear cussward 145 times for it. Annoyed by the wind's gust, she pulled out a rubber band from her pocket, tied her hair up, and nonchalantly tossed it away. Just then, her gaze caught the wing mirror. Behind Harlin was a car of ash color. Although the car didn't grab Harlin's attention, the person inside certainly caught her eye. Black sunglasses over his eyes, neatly tucked hair at the back, wearing a black shirt, holding the steering wheel with his right hand while the other rested on the gearshift.

"Rowen!" "What is he doing here?"

"Oh, damn, I forgot to wear my helmet." Harlin began searching her pocket for a mask. "No, nothing in that, fuck."

"Look, bro, the whole uptight vibe from top to bottom is on fire." As the words reached her ears, Harlin turned her gaze from the wing mirror to the side. The boy in the passenger seat was addressing another boy in front of him and gesturing towards Harlin. She raised an eyebrow. Meanwhile, the boy sitting in the driver's seat shifted his gaze towards Harlin.

"Yes, such a dashing, hot, red chili. Hello, Miss!" the boy waved.


"I'm Farik, may I know your name?" The boy asked with a smile


"Where do you live?''

"Hell. Why? You will go?" The boy stammered, looking at Harlin with an anxious expression.

"Are you free tonight? Have some fun?" The boy behind him asked. His eyes showed a clear hint of desire.

"Fun!" Harleen chuckled. "Real fun would have been when I could push you into a blazing fire, kid."

Harlin gritted her teeth and whispered to herself.

Harlin looked back at her glass again, Rowan was still seated calmly. The reflection of Rowan's face on the small mirror didn't give away his emotions.

The green light from the street headlamps illuminated, and the cars slowly started moving towards their respective destinations.


Harleen began her journey towards her own destination. After traveling a bit, she noticed two boys on a bike following her. A few moments later, the bike turned to the left, and the two boys behind also followed suit. However, then an unpleasant incident occurred.

Suddenly, a car came from ahead and due to her carelessness, Harleen, along with her bike, ended up underneath. "Oh, no," she exclaimed. The boy who had been trailing behind on his own bike rushed towards Harleen, leaving his bike behind. "Hey, are you okay?" The two boys helped Harleen out from under the bike. The younger boy was trying to lift her up.

"Ah!" Harleen felt pain in her leg. "Perhaps your leg is broken, and there's blood coming from your head too. Let's go to the hospital," said the older boy. "I can manage..." Harleen couldn't articulate well, experiencing a throbbing pain in her head. After just recovering from a gunshot wound a few days ago, now this, ugh.

Before Harleen could say anything else, the younger boy scooped her up in his arms. He carried her on his back. As the boy started walking in the other direction, someone grabbed his arm. Harleen squinted her eyes and recognized the person, "Rowan!" "What do you want?" "Okay, let go." Rowan said, releasing the boy's arm.

"Meaning?" the boy with disheveled hair said. They could sense something, but before they could fully comprehend, Rowen snatched Harleen away from the other boy's embrace, placing her in the passenger seat of his car.

"I am sorry. Please, wait a moment. We'll reach the hospital very soon," Rowen said, placing a hand on Harleen's cheek, then gently tucking her hair behind her ear. Harleen gazed at Rowen with a surprised look in her eyes.

Rowen closed the car door and stood in front of the two boys.

"What's this all about? Who are you?" Farik inquired again.

"I don't think you can see, sir."

"Mr. Are you taking that girl somewhere? Seeing a girl makes you want to act uncivilized, and here you are, taking an unknown girl along like this on the street."

Rowen grabbed the collar of the boy's shirt and clenched his fist, ready to punch him. But as the boy's fist moved towards his nose, Rowen sidestepped, then grabbed him again and lifted him up. Blood oozed from Farik's nose as Rowen held him up.

"So much curiosity isn't good, bro. Rowen Matthew is not like you, who would turn every girl on the street into a sexual object. From that jam, you're going to stalk her for at least two hours. I'm letting you go for today, because I don't want to trouble my fists, otherwise, for the crime of touching her, you wouldn't have been able to return home today."

Rowen took out a handful of money from his pocket, handing $10,000 to the boy.

"Get some treatment," he said.

"Returning to the driving seat from the Harleen's room, Rohan pressed his hand against Harleen's forehead and started the car. Harleen had lost her memory long ago.

The two boys stood there, exchanging glances like idiots. Rohan drove straight ahead and nudged their bike with the car, sending it moving.

Nearly 14 hours after the incident, Harleen discovered herself in Rohan's room. Gradually, she sat up, pressing her head with her right hand. The room was decorated just the way she liked it, the same old bedroom. Why am I here? As she pondered a bit, the events of yesterday flowed clearly in the stream of her mind. The sound of water from the bathroom pulled Harleen's attention towards the direction. Leaving the bedsheet on the bed, she walked towards Rohan's bathroom. Rohan's shirt was left on the bed. Rohan in the bathroom! With the towel wrapped around her waist, she was about to open the bathroom door when the sound of the door opening caught her. Seeing the boy in this state was difficult to control. Harleen drew back, lying down with an electric shock in her eyes. Harleen clearly understood that Rohan had entered the room and was approaching her. Harleen's heartbeat was increasing as if someone was hitting her from inside.

As Rohan took a breath to speak, Harleen could sense that there was now a few inches of distance between them. A few seconds later, as drops of water splashed from Harleen's mouth, she blinked her eyes and mouth. This was Rohan's old gesture, Harleen knew well. What did this boy want?"

"Will you rise on your own or do I have to support another wing, like last night? The last words 'like last night' were enough to evoke the image of Harlin's closed eyes, resembling the shape of a damselfly's wings.

With a push to Rowen's chest, she sat up and muttered,

''Like last night.' What does it mean, Rowen?'' By now, Harlin's gaze had shifted towards her own attire.

"Have you changed my dress?"

"My room, my bed, my person, so of course, it's me who will change the dress. You just remember the attire changed, is there nothing else you have remember?" A devilish smile appeared on the corner of Rowen's lip.

"What did you do yesterday?" Harlin asked with trembling voice; her eyes met Rowen's abhorrently.

"What did we do? Yesterday, we both spent rosy hours."

Rowen, approaching Harlin, planned to pull her. Harlin tipped her head and asked, "So, beside other reasons, was this also one, that compelled you treasonably, hit my accident tomorrow. To fulfill your lust? The character of Rowan Matthew never changes. In the end, the names of two words, murderer and characterless, are another name for him."

Rowen didn't expect to hear these words from Harlin. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath. It was the same thing again!

"I haven't changed your dress. If you feel like coming in front of my car and smashing yourself can change anything, NO. Be happy that I've brought you to my house and given a place in my bed. Otherwise, Rowen Matthew never lift his hand to the dustbin."

"Just speak under a little correction, I didn't ask you to help me, but you've come with me willingly. All that happen because of you, Mr. Matthew. And you keep the trash with you or whatever, I don't tell you to show me so much love." Harlin didn't notice when she cut back the gap between them.

"You beat the boy to death without any reason."

Harlin was unable to complete sentence as before Rowen pressed her throat against the pillow.

"Is it painful for that boy? Why? You never show me that much concern. I would be happy, if I could put them off, in a bowl of cruet."

With a gaze fixed on Harlin, Rowen stands resolute. Regardless of how strong a girl may be, she finds herself powerless before a man. The grip Rowen has on Harlin, born of his anger and jealousy, causes her immense suffering, her face flushed red. Yet, despite the agony, a smile lingers on the Harlin's lip.

Hatred emanates from her eyes, intense and piercing. Harlin struggles to breathe amidst his torment, her face turning crimson. Why does this girl despise him so much?

"I've given you everything, Harlin. I've kept nothing for myself. Everything I have, you know about. So, why does you hold such disdain for me?" Tears begin to well up in Rowen's eyes. Harlin's gaze softens; the most cruel man in the world crying? Is that for her?

Slowly, Rowen moves closer to Harlin. His eyes fixate on her rosy lips, momentarily filling his longing with years of thirst. Rowen places a finger on Harlin's lips.

"Red, Velvet, I am sorry. Maybe I'll have to earn that flawed tag from you again."

Without wasting another moment, Rowen claims Harlin's lips as his own. For a brief instant, Harlin is taken aback, and her body is enveloped by a cool breeze akin to a monsoon's first rain. Harlin's eyes, still wide open, meet Rowen's and his possession escalated more.

"The best kiss is the one that is shared through the eyes, before it touches the lips multiple times. It holds trust and the purity of love."