
You are my "100 times" Heartbeat

"You know my love-A diplomat is someone who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you will look forward to the trip. For me, it's you. You took my everything, now it's my turn." "I'm ready for everything, my Red velvet. Let's burn together." Harlin, a devoted daughter, stumbles upon a horrifying scene that shakes her world to its core: witnessing Rowen, her beloved partner, commit the heinous act of murdering her own father. The trauma of this discovery leads Harlin to break all ties with Rowen, believing she can no longer trust the person she thought she knew so well. However, fate intervenes when Rowen accidentally stumbles upon a scandalous video revealing Harlin engaged in an illicit encounter with another man. Shocked and confused, Rowen is torn between his desire for revenge and the love he still harbors for Harlin. As the two former lovers find themselves on a collision course, their paths cross once again when Harlin returned her country after five years, igniting a whirlwind of emotions, betrayal, and hidden agendas. Both, desperate to take their revenge, while, Harlin desperate to protect her own secrets. They again reconcile with the memories they once shared with the harsh realities that tore them apart. What they will do, when, "Mind says: "Move on," but, Heart says: "Hold on"

Ash_oishe · Urbain
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13 Chs

A vague-faint sound and David's cage

"I have heard Rowen's company is also working on something similar."

Harlin is tongue-tied; she doesn't know what to say. She knows everything. Simply put, they will compete directly with Rowen's firm. But Harlin would not let Rowen win so easily. Though there is no news on RM Group's release date, Quite suspicious! Harlin remembered how, for five years, Rowen had an appetite for losing Harmoniya. Harlin is damn sure that this boy is plotting something.

Grandma could not help but be intrigued as Harlin abruptly shut her mouth. Harlin's eyes dripped with salty water as she remembered something. Grandmother inquired,

"What happened to you?"

Harlin responded without looking up.

"Nothing. "

"If nothing else, why are you crying like that? Tell me what happened."

In Harmony's words, Harlin said in a broken voice,

"Some old wounds are still raw, Grandma. It's very irritating. "

Mrs Harmoni quickly grasped the situation. Using her age's experience and wisdom, she deduced the cause of his granddaughter's tears and silence. She sighed and exhaled loudly. She touched Harlin's hand faster this time and said,

"So it is for Rowan..."

Harlin sat up from her grandmother's lap as soon as she took this name. It happened, lo and behold, that Mrs. Harmoni shuddered. Harlin expressed concern with her dark, clouded face and tear-soaked eyes.

"Please, Grandma. Don't take his name! I wish I could forget. I just want to forget about it. All! Keep that in mind; the man is now the only enemy of your granddaughter."

"Are you sure?"

"Why?" Harlin dilated her pupils.

Harmoni gave her a friendly smile and said,

"Can you ever forget him, no matter how hard you try?" "Love is never forgotten."

"So?" snapped Harlin, arching her brace.

"Do not look at me this way. I know you went to London to wrap yourself up. I didn't agree either. Five years have passed, but the life of five years ago still holds sway in your heart. "You can not forget about the man." Harmoni smiled at her and added,

"Now, in your stage, you can destroy him in a split second if you want. But you won't. "Can you show me that I am wrong?"

Harlin jerked her head, attempting to decipher her grandmother's signal. She cocked her brow and stated,

"Have you ever noticed how the weather is before a storm arrives?"

"Not exactly, why?" Harmoni inquired, perplexed by the question. What exactly does Harlin mean?

"Then you don't understand. Leave it. Countdown, granny, Rowen has no idea a blizzard is coming for him." Harlin smirked.

Harlin slid out of bed and went to the closet, looking for something.

"Are you going somewhere?" Grandma asked.

"I have already seen your face; now I have no business here, so I am going back to my house."

"This late night! You won't even spend one night in my place." Grandma mumbled.

"No, not today. Then we caught up." Harlin declined.

"At least, take Eden with you; it's not safe to go alone at night. " Grandma demanded.

Harlin threw a sharp, sideways glance at Harmoni, then smiled and said gently,

"I used to live alone in Canada. No problem; nothing will happen to me. As you know, my beloved adversary has taught me to walk alone."

As she sped along the highway ahead, a fork of light lit up the sky, closely followed by the angry growl of thunder. R15, V4 Dark Knight, 15CC, 4-stroke, 4Volve engine, it may be questioned why, at this late hour, a girl who should be hiding carefully rides a bike, rather than a McLaren Elva or a De Tomaso P72, or is she so wealthy?

You will get it eventually; just be patient.

She'd kept a careful eye behind her on the road, yes- nobody tailed her. She accelerated as a bend approached, managing to keep her vehicle pointing to the left. Soon the road evened out; the long-term parking lot stretched out before her, and she carried on. She climbed out of the car.

Harlin is now standing in front of a restaurant where she used to be a part-timer when her father got sick.

'Food Castle, the shimmering name of the restaurant, gleams with rainbow light. Harlin stripped off her hood and placed her left hand in the pocket, while her right hand was used to brush her hair.

She pushed open the restaurant's door and walked inside. Soon after, she heard a woman's voice yelling at someone.

"Are you jesting with me? You did not see my son and just ran into him! What if he got burned?"

A severe-looking woman who was wearing square glasses, her brownish hair drawn into a tight bun, was yelling at the waitress. Harlin is familiar with the waitress. Ramiya, a yellowish-blonde girl, stood in front of the woman, her head down.

"Mam, please come down." Ramiya tried to pursue her.

However, the woman kept yelling; Harlin stepped in to stop the bad-tempered woman. But she is restrained by a harsh voice.

"What is going on here?" Why so much noise?"

This sister Amy, the owner of this restaurant. She looked irritated. The lady dashed over to Sister Amy.

"Your employee stomped on my son."

Amy narrowed her eyes and looked at Ramiya for an answer.

"Boss, this mam's son was creeping around here. I...I...was walking with the boiling soup; he was running at me, and I didn't notice. Amelia noticed, so she knocked him down, and he fell. That is why...." Ramiya kept shuddering.

"So?" Amy snapped.

"So! Your employee pushed my son, and he got hurt." The woman burped.

Amy bent her neck, turning to the woman.

"Owww...what if he got burned? Is that okay with you? ''Do not hatch your dirty scheme here.''

"Mam, that's your son's fault. And why don't you look over him carefully?" Amelia, Amy's daughter, stated.

Harlin looked at the girl, a sweet, coy-composed girl. She was seven years old when she last saw her, and she is now in her teens.

"Who are you?" The woman hissed, "I guess there isn't anyone normal here." She pointed at Amelia; the girl is crippled in her legs.

"Get out of here," Amy commanded the woman. The woman rolled her eyes and couldn't believe her ears.

"How dare you?" exclaimed the woman.

"No more words. We do serve normal people here. "

"Hey! You know who I am."

"I don't want to... And by God's promise, if you don't leave my place in a microsecond, I will hew you right now. "Get the hell out!"

The woman swallowed. Amy's finger indicated the outer door. Then she left the place with her son.

"I witnessed a novel scene, wuuh."

After a jiffy, Harlin clapped and tried to attract everyone's attention.

"Yoooo, Boss, I'm impressed."

Amy turned to the left, her eyes suffused with tears, when she recognized the girl. Harlin! She dashed over to Harlin and embraced her with joy.

Amy adored this girl. Though everyone knew she had left the country for an unknown reason, Amy knows everything. Harlin did a lot for her even after she left the country. Her restaurant, Amelia's operation—everything was possible for her.

"Honey. You are back."

"Umm. Are you happy?" Harlin inquired, smiling.

"Aunt, Harlin." Amelia rolled her eyes.

"Sister, Harl! Ramiya was astounded.

" Hello, Rami."


Amy led Harlin to the middle of the restaurant.

"Ramiya, extend a notice. We are off and won't allow any guests. It is party time."

It's midnight,

Harlin walked slowly, her steps heavy on the muddy road, aware of the darkness that engulfed her like a blanket of gloom. Amy and others asked her to stay with them, but she refused. She must reach her destination before night falls and the remaining light slithers away, relinquishing its claim to the rayless shadows.

She stepped forward to get on her bike, but suddenly, she stopped. She pricked up her ears when a vague-faint sound stepped behind her. She rolled her eyes. A group of men gathered in front of a Mercedes-Benz at the intersection-middle of the road.

Who are they?

One of them opened the door of the car, and a tall and strong man with thick dark hair came out from there.

Harlin recognized the fat head man, who looked like a pig in a wig.

David! A rookie of the underworld Mafia. What is he doing in this place?

His peers bereaved each other and welcomed him. With the power of thunder rolling across the skies, a beam of light revolved around them. A man kneeled there, his face hidden behind a black sheet. David sat in an expensive chair in front of the man.

He riffled at his peers, pointing to the mask of the kneeling man. So one of them acted under the orders of their leader.

Harlin pondered: She has no business there, so she set out to leave. She hopped on his bike.

But suddenly, lightning strikes in the distance, illuminating the night in that small moment. In the few seconds of blinding light, she could not help but notice that kneeling man.

Though the evening was cold and inhospitable, it was the chill of fear that froze her quivering flesh as one of David's wallas sheathed and revealed the man's face.
