
You are mine until I fade

"Life was good until he walked in, he was stubborn, arrogant, and a ruiner," His essence makes her body appall every time, she is alone. He was nowhere, but he was everywhere. He swears that he will stay with her even if he will die, and he let this happen. When he got no way to be with her he got died and aimed to live with her, by taking place of her spouse. " Faith.... Faith...," She heard him growling, she turn and stare into his ferocious eyes. She frowned cause she saw him this way. " When I told you not to move from my eyes then what are you doing here?" He asks while his muscular body was pumped in. " Austin..... I... I am in the kitchen, as you see," She controls her horror and lets out. He abruptly clutched her arms, and let the pain. " Austin you are hurting me", she cried out. " What? he didn't do this before," He smirks and Faith felt this is not her Austin.

Sana_Hanook · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

"Believe in yourself"

Faith sits and Austin stares into her eyes she shortly breaks the connection, she saw John moving out.

" Where he is going?...," She sat off but Austin halt her.

"Let him go, sit down", she turned and glimpse his ray.

She looks down because she doesn't know what to say or do.

" From today you become my employee, I have bound you with me.....," he let out and she looks quickly up.

" With your company, " she corrects him.

" This company belongs to me, my name has been published here, my name gets a sale, my name is everything so this is my company", Austin said.

" So do it all by yourself why do you need people for this," Her logical questions make him smile.

" You are clever, but without a brain," He squints his eyes at her.

" Oh, so you can see inside bodies?" She whispers that tease.

"What Ms. Anderson?" He asks and she shrugs her head.

"Nothing," she replied, and Austin find her uncomfortable she was scrapping her hands with her short nail, and Austin chortled at her.

"Where should I sit?" She asks.

"Here, " Austin show her seat and table in distance from his table and seat, she didn't notice it cause the office was too big to roam around the gaze, as well she was nervous.

"Wh... Why, I mean, I am an employee and I need a block like others do, " Faith objected.

" Yes, but for some time I want to see your efforts, " He said.

" I will put my all into this, but can you arrange a place for me? " She asks.

" No one ever goes contrary to me", Austin said.

" I am not going contrary, I want my presence for my work," She said.

" Ms. Anderson everything has been decided, now you need to go and see your workplace, " Austin commanded and she nods.

" Well, I never comprehend how a doctor can write this amazingly," Austin asks.

"And why this question?" Faith said.

"I mean doctors are so logical and you know fact established, but you are distinct, "

" Every person is different from another," Faith said she takes her things and gets to her place.

She sits and takes a view of mesmerizing things, a new laptop luxury slab, a chair, and many others.

Suddenly her expression changed and she sat off.

"But what do I have to do?" She asks.

"Today is your trial, get me something alluring you know romantic and fantastic", Austin gives her a task.

" Don't you see my work before, I mean on that basis you hired me," Faith said.

" Yes I do, but I want to see how quickly you can take decisions, how quickly you can create, and how short you can enthrall me," He said and she nods.

'So this is more like my test?" She asks.

"No, you don't need any test, I just want to see your passion for your profession," Austin said.

She takes her seat again and takes out a page and pen.

" Romance....., you know how it gets started when a handsome man met his gorgeous and sensitive love," She looks up, and suddenly her gaze falls on Austin, he takes off his coat and wearing his dress shirt and grey waistcoat looks running on his personality.

He was tugging his sleeves and the lines were remarkable on his arms.

She can't get off her stare, she scans him from up to the toe, and just remember what he was about to do.

"It can be a great start," she smiles.

"Ms. Anderson what are you smiling at", he asks and turns his gaze on her.

" No.... Nothing, " she replied abruptly.

" You are weird," Austin whispered and Faith started her writing.

And Austin stuck his eyes on her, every time she look up he pretends to show that he is doing his work.

He was sneaking his eyes and but his eyes can't stop looking at her.

" Once upon a time, a story started, from hate and compacting, a strong man met an innocent and naive girl, "

" The story was problematizing," noooooo, she whispered and grab her paper to the garbage.

Austin's eyes fall on her and he walks to her.

" What is wrong?" He asks.

"You, " she whispered.

" Then you should talk to me", He heard and she got stunned.

"No.... No, I didn't say anything," she said hr grab the chair and sits near her.

" Don't sit near me," she said.

"Why?" He asks.

"You make me scared," Faith said.

" I just want to say one thing, that I am sorry, I am really ashamed, and want to apologize, I will never be like this way,"

" But don't know what happened that time," He said and Faith flew into his words and gentleness.

" Are you really like this or just pretending?" She implores

"No, I have the proportion of everything, goodness, badness, cruelty, aggression, kindness, generosity, "

" I have part of every good and bad thing, but that day I don't know what happened to my emotions,"

"And I am so sorry for that really sorry," Faith was staring into his eyes continually.

Faith sees his lips moving so impressively.

" Faith, can I call you this?" He asks and Faith nods.

"We will be like professionals and I promise I will show how clean am I," He said and Faith nods.

"Are you okay," He asks and Faith was staring into his face.

She was trying to trust but then suddenly she saw the view when that monster was just about to make her miserable, and that day when he makes her disgusted by wearing improper, and ridiculous things.

Her eyes went watery and Austin went startled.

" Faith, are you okay," he asks and she moved slightly backward.

"What happened?" He asks, and her cry went higher, she was suppressing her tone but she can't make it.

"Faith look at me, look at me, everything is alright, I said I am sorry,"

"Let me go, let me go," she hides her face into her lap and let out again and again.

She quickly fetches off the chair and tries to run, but about to fall, Austin quickly holds her hand and pulled her to his chest.

Her face was pressed against his chest, but he felt her body trembling, and her tears were messing up his shirt.

She was closing her eyes and trying to forget everything.

" Please don't leave me, please don't leave me, he will be here, " she was mumbling.

"No one is here," Austin said.

" He will hide me somewhere, hide me," Something happened to her she was closing her eyes and left in that horrible scene.

She was going through this in the night and in day time also but not telling anyone, that incident left her anxious, and dreadful.

"Relax, I am here with you", Austin places his hands on her shoulder, and suddenly she loses consciousness.

" Faith..... Faith, " Austin was holding her shoulders and then places his hands on her waist.

He makes her lie on the couch and takes off her shoes.

"Open your eyes, Faith, " he was rubbing her hand, but Faith looks lifeless.

Faith was going through all this long ago, but she was hiding, this from Marry and Mr. Blake.

Suddenly her eyes escaped tears and she open her eyes barely, she saw his face and she flinched.

Just like this, she wakes up on her own.

"What are you doing? " She asks and Austin let go of her hand.

" You.... You just fainted," He said.

" I.... I am sorry, " she said and sat off.

" You don't need to write, I want you to continue your dark story," Austin changed the climate of that intensive situation.

" Which one?" She asks.

" That one named writing the death," He said and she swirls her eyes with a smile.

"What?" He asks.

" I was about to stop writing it," She said.

"Why?" He asks.

" Cause that is getting scary and you know that was making me anxious, " she said.

" But you have to write it," Austin gets again harsh and tough man.

" But if I don't figure it out right?" She asks.

"You have to, that story can walk through blockbuster," He said.

"Really?" She asks.

" Yeah, really, that suspense and slaying scenes are so just mesmerizing," He sees her smiling and a soft smile spread through his lips but then he snatches that smile to show her harshness.

"Go sit and start your work, I really want to know what is going to come next,": he said and she nods.

She sits and sees him coming towards him.

" You need to tell me before you write it,' He demands.

" But I didn't yet start, " Faith said.

" So start it now", Austin never kept up in his this office, he has many offices, cause he is the world's biggest businessman, and he sees many fortes in a day, every week for two days he visited his office.

Faith ignorance broke his endurance and the first time Austin run behind a human.

He only runs back on money success, and achievement, but Faith looks like his greatest achievement.

And he doesn't know how to handle things here, John looks after everything in this sector of Austin's enterprise and today he was here for Faith.

And thereafter he is going to stay in this office cause his heart was pumping here.

" Tell me? Get it started," Austin sits in front of her, and Faith went all confused.

" Where did it get to end? " She tries to remind and Austin let out.

" That was the dating scene, where Bryon and Aria go on date, and Faith slept in her bed, after placing red roses in her vase and let out those blue tulips that Kevin hand her", Austin remembers all story and Faith was shocked to hear that.

"You remember everything," Faith said.

" Yes, I do, I go through it every day, and seriously I am waiting for it," He said.

" Thank you, nice to hear this," She said.

Tell me the next, Austin sits in front of her curiously.

" In the next scene, Aria is going to wake up in the morning, because the doorbell ranged, "

" She looked out her window and see a beautiful little girl standing at her door, she frowned and open the door," Faith takes a deep breath.

" And then.....?" Austin asks.

"And then saw that girl was holding a box that was packed as a gift."

"She offers that box to her and wants Aria to open it, and at the moment she opens the door, her body went into trauma, she saw the head of a woman, and when her eyes go on that girl, she got burst,.....," Her words make Austin stunned.

"She got covered in blood, and everything around her gets the same, she start screaming, and the neighbors went out,"

"Someone call the police, and...," she stopped.

"What is going to be next, tell me more," Austin insists.

" There is a lot to rectify, I don't think this scene is appropriate," Faith said.

" No, this is good, you need to write it, write it down, and go for it," Austin was excited, he wanted to be tough but her beautiful face was not letting him.

" I will," Faith said and Austin nods.

"I think you should go and have some rest, " Austin said.

"No, it's fine, I can write it, " She spoke up.

" I said you need to rest, so you need to do this," Faith nods and that was fetching the end of the evening and everything started to get dull.

Faith came in a cab, and now she was looking for one but doesn't find it.

She was checking her phone, suddenly she remember something.

"Brandon, he must be calling," She gasped, and look here in there for help.

" So you are the new editor, and head writer," a voice comes from her back.

She turns and notices a handsome and tall man.

He has green cat eyes, as well as an oval-shaped face, small lips, a clean sharp jawline, and cheekbones, and having short slightly brown hair.

She becomes speechless and looks away.

" So you are the rude fellow, " he let out.

" No.....," she said.

"So talk to me, " He mandates.

" Why I don't know you, " Faith said.

" So we can get to know each other," he said.

"No, I am okay, " she said.

She tries to walk away but he clutched her hand.

She turns and tries to take her hand back.

" Let me go," she said.

" If I don't?" He asks and she looks up into his eyes, those were the most mischievous ones.

" What is going on?" Austin's voice comes and he let go of her hand right a way.

" Daniel, what are you doing?" Faith turned and saw him in his big car.

" Nothing, I was asking that I can give her a lift, she was standing here in this dark, so I thought," Austin cuts him off.

" Go she does not need your thoughts," Austin said and Daniel walk away.

"Thank you," she let out.

"Come inside," he said, and her eyes went wide.

" What, come inside, so simple words," He said and Faith look around her.

" It is fine, I can go....., " She let out and he swirls his eyes.

" Aren't you getting my word?" He glared.

Faith left no choice, she gets in and he commenced to drive.

"What was he saying?" He asks.

" Who?" She asks.

"Daniel", He responded.

" Oh, that guy over there, " she asks and he nods.

"I don't remember," She smiled.

"You remember, " He said.

" No, I don't know, I really just forgot," She smiled, but he was not getting enough.

" Faith I would ask for last time," He asks.

" He... He was saying that he wants to know me as well I have to, and don't know he was saying I am the new editor and head writer, " Faith tells him all.

"You had just come and people started to jealous, " Austin said.

" Like they are on right, why you are doing this, you know some people deserve more than me, then why me?" She asks.

" Cause I need someone like you, you can hold this so righteously."

" No, I can't you are taking me wrong, I am an amateur," she said.

"No, I am taking you just right, and stop thinking about that rubbish, "

"Belief in yourself," He said and she nods.

" That's the most difficult thing to do all the time," she said.

" So do you live alone? " He asks.

" No, I told you about Marry," she makes him remember.

" Oh, my bad I forgot," He apologize.

" John said you let out that sorry word first time in your life, " She asks.

"Why John is getting so pathetic? " He went irritated.

" No, no he did not say this in the bad sense, he was just convincing me," she said.

" Yeah, right, " He makes her known.

" And that was my first and last time, " he warn her.

He stops the car in front of her house, and Faith saw Marry standing out waiting for her.

" Marry, " She runs out and Marry cuddles her.

"Faith where were you, did you see the time?" She asks.

"Marry, I was out of the cab, and also the signals, My phone was not working," She said Austin come out and heard her every word.

"Hello, Marry nice to meet you," he greets her.

He takes his hand forward and Marry places her in his.

"And your praise? " Marry asks.

"He..... He is my boss*, Faith said.

" It is nice to meet you," She said.

"I am so sorry, this went too late, I will try to let her go before it gets dark," Austin assured her.

"Really? Thank you," he nods.