
chapter 5

I took her a minute to take in what's happening as the man slowly walk towards her. "Where am I and who are you?" she said as she locked eyes with him. "Oh my, what a demanding tone, you are in the Black Kinght pack and I'am the alph's brother Victor Knight," he said in a teasing tone. "And who might you be, darling?"

Adeline hesitated to state her true identity or not but why would she lie to someone that helped her? "My name is Adeline Irvine and I was the alpha of the Blue Moon pack," she said. "Was the alpha...meaning," he asked out of curiosity. "Yes, it's no more," she said not going into any more details. "Well than, thank you for helping me out Victor I will be taking my leave," Adeline said as she dangled her legs off the bed, but before she could get up Vicotor stood in front of her. He grabbed her arms and pinned them above her head. "Dear, your not going any where...for now on you are my personal whore," he said gazing down at the body below him. He slowly took one of his hands and gently grazed her stomach.

'Oh how I would like to take her innocence and leave her broken...' thought Vicotor

Adeline froze as she felt the hand move up her stomach. 'This sick bastard' she though in disgust.

Her face turned black as she stared at the man on top of her. She instantly drove her elbows in to his head, making him stumble back hold his head. "YOU BIT-," she quickly kicked him in his area and ran towards the door. She left the room in a flash without noticing the man stand by the door. Adeline felt an instant agonizing pain as the man aggressively grabbed a lock of her hair and pulled her back. She tried to pry off the hands but it was of no avail.

"Lock her in her room!" Vicotor yelled caning closer to the struggling Adeling. He lifted his hand and harshly slapped her across the face. Due to the impact of the slap her lip split and a burning sensation was left on her cheek. Next thing she knew was that she was being dragged back into the room. The man threw her in the room and loudly shut the door locking so there was no escape.

Adeline got up and punched the door out of frustration leaving a huge indent behind. She could do anything but safe her strength.

I might end up changing the point of view to first person so you could have an inside to what Adeline is thinking.

sleepy07creators' thoughts