
Mysterious Man is Her Twin Brother

JACOB was left alone when Michelle left. He slowly paced in his wardroom in deep thoughts about his wife.

He sat down again and picked up his cellphone under his pillow.

Shock registered on Jacob's face when he saw the search history from his cellphone. He looked at the image for a long time at the taken photo thru his cellphone and the result of Angeline's google results.

She can't be. I've known her since she was young, Jacob reasoned. If she was curious and just googled it, it means it wasn't there before. And he also remembered when he inspected her after witnessing that powerful strength when she pushed him, and they almost fell into the water. That shocked him, and he even dug a bit about it online. It all connected him to the vampire strength.

Her granny, Madam Lucia, did not say anything except ask him about his findings. Angeline was alone in secret and struggling. He sympathizes with her, realizing that.