

Our MC was a veteran that died out of old age. He was about to enter paradise when someone stopped him at the gates of heaven and told him that he still had a different destiny to fulfill. Nothing belongs to me except the OCs that appear in the story. Also it will be quite inconsistent updates since I am writing on other projects.

Deathseeker · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Discussion with Tsunade

Tsunade sat down at the counter of the bar followed by Shizune who helped Yone get there when Yone asks, "Was that really necessary?"

"It was for following us in secret," says Tsunade as she was already holding her liquor in hand.

"Still, it hurts like hell when it is you punching me," says Yone as he sits down with Shizune's help when they notice the wolf cub chasing after the piglet thinking it was food before Shizune lifts the piglet from the ground to save it.

The wolf cub placed his front legs against Shizune trying to make itself bigger only to find out that it didn't even reach Shizune's knees.

"So for who did you catch the wolf?" asks Tsunade before taking a sip from her cup.

"It is for an Uchiha boy that loves to play with Naruto's red cat. He is the son of Mikoto if you still remember Kushina's Uchiha friend," says Yone as he lifts a finger and the barkeep places a cold blond before him.

"I might remember her if I see her again. I am more of a face-person than a name-person," says Tsunade refraining from how she remembers people.

"Anyway, why are you here?" asks Tsunade curious about why Yone was in Nochi City.

"I thought it was quite obvious why I came to Nochi City, isn't it?" says Yone trying to tease Tsunade who looked at him confused.

"After all those years you came for me?" asks Tsunade confused while Shizune was quite thrilled about the situation that was unfolding before her.

"I had to raise seven children, twelve if you count Naruto and his friends who were also left with me while they were younger so their parents could go out and enjoy their lives," says Yone complaining about the fact that he was raising his grandson and his friends when they parents are still alive.

"So you become a babysitter after being a teacher?" asks Tsunade confused about how Yone's life unfolded after she left Konoha.

"Still a teacher, I am a babysitter when I am not a teacher or when I am on a dangerous mission," says Yone as he drinks a good chunk of beer before putting the glass down.

"I don't think you came here just to reminisce and talk about your everyday life. So what is the real reason?" asks Tsunade seriously as Yone puts the small black box on the table and slowly shovels it towards Tsunade.

"Look inside and you will know why I came," says Yone seriously while feeling nervous because he didn't know how Tsunade would react to it.

Tsunade took the box and Shizune approaches her since she wanted to see what was inside when Tsunade opens the box and they both see a ring with yellow and brown gems all over the ring.

She closes the box in a panic before looking at Shizune who had an excited smile on her face making now Tsunade a bit nervous since she knew that Shizune knows how she feels even if she hides it well.

"So are you here to get my approval to marry someone?" asks Tsunade seriously while being nervous in her interior.

"You could say so, I can't force the person that will receive this ring to marry me after all. I can only hope that she says 'yes'," says Yone seriously as tension was beginning to build between them.

Tsunade seemed to misunderstand thinking that Yone wanted to marry another woman instead of her, while Yone was avoiding asking her directly as he should have done from the beginning instead of testing the waters he was jumping in.

Shizune sees it all and puts her hand against her face and shakes her head thinking that both are hopeless fools talking across each other.

"So you really came all the way here to ask for my allowance to marry a woman," says Tsunade angry not realizing that said woman was herself.

"Why are you angry?" asks Yone not understanding why Tsunade was angry since the said woman was Tsunade herself.

Shizune could help herself as she interfered by putting herself between both wanting to help them when she asks Yone sounding curious, "Who are you going to ask to marry you?"

"The strongest and most beautiful woman in this world," says Yone as he looked confused at Shizune before he realized what Shizune was doing and his mistake.

"*sighs* I came here not to ask you for your allowance to marry a random woman but to ask for your hand in marriage," says Yone looking seriously at Tsunade who suddenly turned red after hearing Yone.

'He thinks, I am the strongest and most beautiful woman,' thinks Tsunade as she realized that Yone meant her when he said that making her turn only redder before drinking the whole sake in one sip.

Yone looked at Tsunade worried when he says, "You don't have to say yes if you feel that uncomfortable with me that you decide to chunk all the sake down after I asked for your hand."

"I needed that drink to calm down after hearing what you just said," says Tsunade as she calmed down but she was now a bit tipsy because the sake met her empty stomach.

"You know how long I have waited for this?" asks Tsunade a bit pissed at Yone who could hear it out of her voice as she points at the box.

"It has been eight years I think since I waited for you to get me and take me back to Konoha," says Tsunade now complaining that Yone took this long to come and get her.

"I won't marry you," says Tsunade seriously as something inside Yone seemed to shatter because of what Tsunade said when he hears, "At least not immediately."

Hope returned to Yone as Tsunade looked at Yone and she says, "We will start with being in a trial relationship before I decide if we get married or not."

"I have nothing to say in it?" asks Yone curious as Tsunade opened the box and puts the ring on.

"You made me wait far too long. If I let you decide when we get married you won't marry me until one of us two is under the ground," says Tsunade angry since she waited for a long time that Yone would appear and would take her back home.

"Still what about Shizune?" asks Tsunade worried that Shizune would be left out when Yone smiles at her.

"She is your daughter if I am correct that will make her my daughter as well once we get married. She is welcome to stay even if I have to kick some of my older children out," says Yone since he already built two houses on his land for Yahiko and the other for Konan and Nagato.

"Or you give your room to Shizune and we both get ourselves a new house. I wouldn't want your children or Shizune to suffer through a baby once we have one," says Tsunade as the alcohol was now speaking for her, and Shizune sighs before helping Tsunade walk.

"That's what you get if you don't eat before drinking," says Shizune when Yone grabs Tsunade and carries her himself.

"Guide me, Shizune," says Yone as Shizune smiles at him before they leave the bar and they entered the inn beside the bar.

The receptionist looked at Yone confused until Yone placed money on the counter while saying, "Give me a room for one."

"Sure," says the receptionist thinking that Yone was batshit crazy for trying to seduce Tsunade.

He hands over the key to his room and Yone walks the stairs up with Shizune before they arrive at Tsunade's and Shizune's room.

He gets inside and Shizune puts the bed on the ground before Yone placed Tsunade on it. Shizune then lays her bed beside Tsunade before she turns to Yone looking happy that Yone came for them.

"She was waiting a long time for you to finally come and get her," says Shizune as she then looks at Tsunade who was sleeping happily not twitching around as usual because of her nightmares.

"I might look like I am brave but in reality, I am a scaredy cat when it comes to love as you might have noticed. Many people I confine in pushed me to finally get her before it is too late," says Yone as he scratched his head feeling powerless when it came to this topic.

"So how are the others doing?" asks Shizune trying to change the mood as she was curious about how they fared.

"They are quite chaotic if I had to compare them to you, Shizune. It hasn't been easy looking after Tsunade on your own," says Yone knowing it fully well since Tsunade was already a handful of trouble while she was young and it hasn't changed as an adult looking at how she was gambling some moments ago.

"I saw it as a mission as well as taking care of my mother even if she isn't my mother she is the closest to it so it wasn't that difficult," says Shizune when they hear something scratch against the door and Yone remembers that he wasn't alone.

"We should continue this conversation once we are in Konoha. I will catch you both later to get some breakfast," says Yone as he walks to the door and opens it finding the wolf cub rolling into the room.

Yone and Shizune begin to laugh when they see the cub rolling before Yone picked it up and leaves the room wishing Shizune a good night.

He goes down the hall and opens the door to his room and he opens the window before sitting down while looking at the sky and thinking about what Tsunade mentioned at the bar.

"I could imaging having another child or two with her since we are still young," says Yone to himself as he was petting the wolf cub as he would always do to make it fall asleep before he rested as well.

Hope you like it.

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