
Yhwach In The Multiverse

Guy dies, gets the abilities of the Almighty Yhwach and travels various fictional worlds looking to have fun. WORLDS - Naruto

NOTAKING · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs


On an ordinary day, a carefree young man could be seen walking on the sidewalk. He was carefree, without any worries in the world. He stopped at a traffic light and waited for the light to turn green so he could pass.

"Man, I can't believe I'm writing math today. Damn, I hate school so much!" he thought.

This young man is Travis, a 16-year-old about to take his final year exam. He was very tense since he's never been good at math, though he wasn't necessarily dumb; he just didn't know how to cope well with new material, especially when it came to math.

He felt his stomach growl, more evidence of how tense he was. When the light turned green, he walked onto the crosswalk. While doing this, he didn't know that a huge semi-truck was heading towards him.

He was so drowned in his consciousness that he wasn't even focusing on what was happening around him. Many people shouted at him, telling him to look out, yet he heard none of them until he heard the loud sound of the truck as it was about to hit him. Travis didn't even have any time to think before the truck simply smashed him into oblivion.

He is now dead.

[GOD Realm] Travis opened his eyes and found himself standing in front of a throne with an old man wearing white robes looking really righteous.

"Hello there, young one. It seems your time has ended. Do not fret because I will grant you wishes for I have nothing else to do," he said in a deep voice.

Travis had watched many anime and read a lot of novels, so he knew what was going on.

"Okay, how many wishes can I have?" He asked. The old man raised four fingers up and said, "I will grant you four wishes. Do not worry, though. They do not have any limits."

"Hmm, I've always wondered what I'd wish for if I ever came into such a situation. It's always been the same wishes, but since I intend to have fun, why don't I wish for something else?" he thought.

"Okay, I wish for all of Yhwach's abilities, including the ones he gained after absorbing the Soul King. That is my first wish."

"Okay, what is your second wish?" he asked.

"I wish for infinite potential," Travis said. He understood that there were worlds that could easily swallow him, such as Dragon Ball, so him getting even stronger than the original Yhwach would help a lot.

"That is a good wish. It's as if you planned for this. You now have two wishes left," he said.

"Okay, those worked successfully. What else do I want? I guess a world-traveling ability. That would be sick."

"Um, I wish for the ability to travel worlds. To specify, I mean fictional worlds, such as Manga, Anime, Comics, and Manhwa. Also, Manhua, even though I might not visit those worlds since the main characters there are weird."

"You now have one wish left. Use it well, since I do not make favors."

"My last wish. Damn, normally I'd wish for another ability right now, since why not. But sadly that's not possible. Then again, I could wish for that. Yeah, that's a good idea," he thought.

"I would like you to create a new plane in which I can travel. This place can grant me any wish I want with no limits as well." Travis smiled as he said this. He was really happy with his wishes, especially since now he can get even more wishes. Though he might not need any of them now, he would later.

"Hmmm, I'll allow that last wish since why not. So what do you wish to do? You could either stay and perfect your power or leave and simply wreak havoc without even knowing. It's your choice," the old man said.

"Personally, I'd like to learn more about this guy's abilities. So I'll stay for a while. Luckily he is already immortal, so I won't die from old age," Travis said.

"True, but you also can't die here. It's a place where the dead come, well not all people but some. So take your time."

Travis nodded in acknowledgment before decisively turning on his heel, gracefully exiting the castle's confines. As he stepped beyond its threshold, an overwhelming wave of energy surrounded him, creating an almost ethereal ambiance. It was as though he had stepped into a modern-day Garden of Eden, where beauty intertwined seamlessly with a divine presence, casting an enchanting spell upon his senses.

"He lives in a pretty cool place. Okay, time to begin my training. For now, let's deal with my abilities since I think they'll be the hardest to control and to understand."

For a significant span of years, Travis immersed himself within the enchanting confines of the beautiful forest, dedicating himself to rigorous training. He relentlessly unleashed a barrage of deadly attacks upon the landscape, each capable of permanently scarring the surroundings. However, to his amazement, the forest magically restored itself to its pristine state after every destructive onslaught, creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

Unbeknownst to Travis, these relentless endeavors resulted in an unparalleled growth of strength. He transcended the limits imposed by his character, evolving into a force more potent than he could have ever imagined.

After countless years of solitary dedication, Travis emerged from the forest, appearing visibly transformed. His unkempt hair and beard bore witness to the passage of time, while the wilderness seemed to have extended its influence to his attire. He seemed almost disoriented, like someone who had lost his way. However, as he re-entered the throne room, a profound change occurred. Travis, though restored to his former self, bore subtle alterations, reflective of the profound journey within the forest.

Travis, now noticeably taller, bore an aura of transformation. His once-black hair seemed to have absorbed the essence of a void, becoming even darker. The intensity of his red eyes hinted at a depth of experiences and mysteries concealed within. Over the years, an intriguing evolution occurred as he gradually integrated aspects of Yhwach's personality, not fully embracing it but allowing it to influence his character. This integration led him to navigate through a myriad of experiences, including those drawn from recent manga adventures.

'Hmm, I guess spending so much time in that forest turned me into a new person. Though I'm still the same as before, I just have new views on many things,' he thought.

"Travis, you've returned, and your strength is impressive, I must say. The divinity resonates within you, much like it does within me. It appears your body couldn't withstand the overwhelming energy, leading it to absorb and integrate with it. What a remarkable power you've chosen. Now that you are intertwined with this realm, why not consider becoming my successor?" He asked.

"It would be an honor. But for now, I wish to have a little bit of fun. Yet when I am done, I shall return and take your throne."

'His character really has taken a drastic change. Yet he still has his goofy nature,' he thought.

"Goodbye, let us meet again, Travis."

Travis raised his hand and walked away; then suddenly, he vanished like he was never there. Immediately after he left, the man on the throne smiled.

"Amongst all those to whom I granted wishes, he stands alone in taking the time to truly comprehend the abilities bestowed upon him. Most others ventured into their desired worlds only to meet demise, their powers proving too weak or unstable. The irony lies in the fact that despite offering them equal wishes, none provided a thoughtful response. Yet, I refrain from drawing comparisons with him, for he has surpassed the realm of mere mortals, evolving into something far greater," he mused.