
Yggdrasil’s Developer

The story follows a man that was reincarnated into the future, or so he thought. Instead, he was reincarnated into the world of Earth 2138, where he found a job as a developer for a game. "Hmm, I must have seen this game idea somewhere, it seems familiar," "Wait, isn't this Overlord?!?!" Note: Not a plot following fanfic. Rewriting some mistakes made in the early chapters.

Gabriantheus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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E2138-20: Game Director

Game Developer Chat:

Yuki: Hi everyone, I am Yuki and I'm the new game director for Yggdrasil. I will be replacing Honda Atsumichi.

Old Colleague 1: Hi Yuki! Welcome back!

Old Colleague 2: It's good to see you again! How have you been?

New Colleague 1: Hi Yuki, I am new to the team, it's great to meet you!

New Colleague 2: Hello Yuki, I'm looking forward to working with you!

Yuki: It's great to see all of you! I've been good, thank you for asking. Now, I have some important things to discuss with all of you.

Yuki: I've been informed that there have been some bug problems with the magic system in the game. I understand that it's a complex system with 36 million parameters, and that my absence has made it difficult for the team to handle.

Old Colleague 1: Yes, that's right. The system was your creation, and without you here, we've been struggling to address the issues.

Yuki: I understand. I created the magic system back when I was the initial developer of the game, and I'm familiar with its complexities. Let's work together to solve these problems.

New Colleague 2: I have a suggestion, what if we improve the AI game engine mechanics to balance the game and prevent any future issues from arising?

Yuki: That's a great idea! Improving the AI game engine mechanics will help us balance the game and prevent any issues from arising in the future.

Old Colleague 2: I agree, and with Yuki leading the team, I'm sure we'll be able to solve these problems quickly and efficiently.

Yuki: Thank you for your confidence in me. I'm ready to lead the team and address these issues. Let's work together to make Yggdrasil the best game it can be!

His words had an immediate impact on the team's morale, lifting the weight of uncertainty and replacing it with hope. For Yuki was the creator of the intricate magic system that was causing problems throughout the game, except in the realm of Helheim.

It was in Helheim that Yuki had previously served as lead developer, and he was eager to address the issue at hand.

He delved into the code, examining the bugs and offering guidance on how to fix them.

It quickly became apparent that the team's previous decision to manually tune the already automated system had only worsened the problems.

Yuki's expertise and leadership proved invaluable in guiding the team towards a solution.

He proposed enhancing the AI Game Engine Mechanics to balance the game and prevent any future issues from arising.

The developers worked tirelessly under his guidance, applying his vision to the code and bringing Yggdrasil back to its full potential.

As Yuki navigated the virtual VR realm, his mind was focused on a clandestine goal.

Despite his newfound position as the game director, his ultimate objective was to escape the purview of the proctoring AI system and implant his own code into Yggdrasil.

The complex 36 million parameters magic system was not just a product of his ingenuity, but a means to an end.

But this was a secret he intended to take to his grave. No one knew the true purpose behind the intricate system he had created.

When the developers brought up the bug issues that arose from their attempts to manually tune the automated system,

Yuki had a solution ready at hand.

He proposed a new AI server system scaling, a system that would manage server load processing, claiming it would enhance the game's latency and improve the player experience.

Given his newfound authority as the game director, Yuki's proposal was met with immediate acceptance.

Little did the developers know that this was all part of Yuki's master plan.

Yuki was faced with a difficult decision.

He wasn't sure if he would be able to venture into the New World as a developer or if he would have to take on the role of a player.

Regardless of which path he chose, Yuki had a plan in place to enhance his own player abilities and bring them with him to the New World.

This was his original Plan A.

However, Yuki was a careful and strategic thinker, and he had also devised a contingency plan, known as Plan C, in case his original plan failed.

Plan C involved pursuing a secret race that was not available for selection at the start of the game.

The Doppelganger, an NPC Mercenary Summon, was considered superior to all other Heteromorphic Races, Humans, and Demi-Humans. Yuki remained optimistic despite the uncertainty of his journey into the New World and was confident in his ability to navigate the challenges ahead and achieve his goals.

Distinguishing a doppelgänger from a genuine individual was a challenging task due to their shapeshifting abilities. In YGGDRASIL, doppelgängers typically had a humanoid form, with long, slender claw-like hands and a face that appeared as a smooth, egg-like surface with three circular openings serving as the mouth and eyes.

Yuki had made doppelgänger capabilities available to Players, granting them a level of freedom not afforded to NPCs. These shapeshifters were considered masters of disguise, able to transform their bodies and skills to imitate any form they chose. However, when taking on a form other than their original, they were limited to copying abilities up to level 40, but their more potent abilities lay in their ability to use gear that was restricted by karma.

Doppelgängers could even duplicate the clothing and equipment of their targets. However, they could only duplicate the appearance, not the abilities of the equipment. When impersonating someone, those close to the target found it difficult to see through the disguise, as the doppelgänger used telepathy to read their surface thoughts and refine their impersonation.

The reason for all of this was simple.

To give advantage to himself.