
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · Autres
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121 Chs

Chapter 86: Return to the DxD World

(I would like to remind you that the previous chapter was rewritten after consideration of a few comments that I agreed to. I find that most fic don't really stay true with their MC's stated characteristics. So, I can do it too.)

Although the world is deprived of their communication, the broadcast shows the destruction Ray created and the danger he posed to the world. However, without a satellite. Majority of their ballistic weaponry is unusable at the moment unless they were delivered by aircraft. This is exactly what the US currently decided to do and is already scrambling their aircrafts from their country and aircraft carriers nearby Japan.

Other countries like Russia and China also did the same as Ray's existence threatened their position of power in the world.

Meanwhile, the JSDF already arrived at the edge of the wasteland and immediately opened fire at Ray as ordered by their commanding officer.

All soldiers and their war machine are mobilised and open fire from rifles to tank cannon but to the soldier's despair, not only Ray is unaffected due to the barrier that protects him. Ray also summoned all his operators that dressed in full black and the only way to distinguish between them is the difference in light colours of orange, red and blue. Red being the majority of the operators, orange second and blue only less than twenty in total of 130 operators. Each of them also inherited half of Ray's stats that made each operator very formidable and hard to take down due to sheer levels, stats and equipment quality that Ray has.

"DON'T STOP! KEEP FIRING!" The field commander barked orders to the leader of each squad and team.

(Class Skills used are listed in Auxiliary chapter, Character Sheet)

The previous stunned soldiers immediately return to action by reflex of their training. However, even the operators are hard to injure. The Heavy class operators with orange light on their visors and equipment took the frontline and not even machine gun fire could make them falter. Only when fired by tanks were they forced to stop and take defensive positions while using Die Another Day skill to reduce the incoming damage.

Essentially an unbreakable wall that Assault class operators are taking cover while raining down hell on the JSDF troops. Meanwhile the Medic class operators are providing healing to replenish health, providing passive defence & healing buff and using biological bombs that weaponized the zombie virus in non infectious way that only cause all biological matter to become necrosis.

"This… this is absurd! This isn't humanly possible…" The officers said before they collectively remembered the report on Ray from the time when General Hazama made friendly contact with him. Ray proclaimed to be a person from the 4th Millennium.

Who knows what technology the people in the 4th Millennium already created when they were already a spacefaring civilization.

"Sir, we must retreat. A frontal battle is impossible. Perhaps urban warfare is more favourable for us and the civilians have already evacuated the red zone layer from ground zero." A lower rank officer advised the field commander but he can clearly see the commander is hesitating even when their mens are dying left and right.

"...retreat.. to the red zone. We will use the urban environment to our advantage." The commander gave his orders and the other officers quickly relay the order down the command chain.

With the order, the JSDF soldiers deployed a smokescreen to cover their retreat and enter the urban area with plenty of cover while the enemies were on an open wasteland without any cover but the Heavy class operators.

However, the JSDF quickly received a surprise in the form or artillery shells and bombs raining down on the building they are taking cover in. Their advantage immediately turn into their grave as buildings collapsed and buried or trap the soldiers within.

As if the building collapse on top of them isn't enough, Ray is also charging another beam attack similar to the previous attack that decimated Chiyoda city. The commander almost shat his pants and fell to the ground, seeing the blade charging the beam attack.

There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. People watching the broadcast saw the JSDF soldiers about to be annihilated.

"Arondight Overload."

The light beam condensed on the tip of the sword and blast it toward the incapacitated JSDF. However, a black and red figure flashed to the beam trajectory and the beam miraculously deflected towards the sky and vanished into the void of space.

(Laser beam is light and light will travel until it hits something or degrades by cosmic dust until it dies off.)

"Who?" Ray asked in surprise but soon identified the new participant after seeing her iconic Gothic Lolita style religious uniform.

"Ya, Ray. We met again. Though as a foe." Rory Mercury, the Apostle of Emroy. She lowered into battle stance in anticipation, with her great axe ready to attack or deflect income attack.

"Indeed, but can I ask why are you going to stop me?" Ray asked out of curiosity because according to Emroy's belief, a battle of vengence is a justified battle and isn't a meaningless slaughter. Both sides are fighting for a proper reason and the battle isn't without a proper reason.

"I sense your satisfaction but I and Itami Youji are under a contract. He demanded that I stop you. However, I doubt I could, especially when your entire being is saturated with such potent divine power that just its residual aura is enough to give me chills down my spine." Rory gulped after seeing the phantom of a gigantic serpent that had no end and staring down at her with its purple blazing eyes.

"Indeed, not even my patron, Emroy or all gods combined can be measured to the deity that favoured you." Rory expresses her impression.

Ray orders his operators to halt and unsummon them.

"I see. However my goal isn't the soldiers. It's the people responsible for destroying Italica and killing Yao and Myui. The only reason I attacked them is due to retaliation." Ray said before he opened a portal next to him.

"Sorry to disappoint your anticipation but I have to leave now and deal with those in the US." Ray declared openly in the broadcast before he left Japan.

Rory dropped her great axe and sighed deeply in relief as she wasn't joking when praising Ophis. She would actually flinch if not for her long experience in battle as Apostle of Emroy, the God of Darkness, War, Death, Violence, and Insanity.

"Rory! Are you alright!" Itami dressed in a green camo suit and helmet with his rifle hanging on his side, he ran toward Rory Mercury that relaxed her body after Ray left the area. She is sure because she is no longer able to feel the overwhelming presence of Ophis that triggers her instinct to escape.

"I am fine. Anyway, don't forget your promise. I will be waiting for you tonight. So, don't be late." Rory reminds Itami as she accepts the help to walk. Deflecting the beam isn't an easy feat even for a demigod like Rory.


The US president and the other important figures that board the Doomsday plane now panicking after hearing Ray's declaration.

"Land the plane now! We will be sitting duck on the sky."

"Where is our escorts!"

Inside the plane descent into chaos as everyone didn't want to die. Only one person is observing the broadcast.

When Ray enter the portal, the screen went black until now. The screen still shows nothing until one person noticed something.

"Hey, isn't that thing on the edge of the screen the ISS?" The man point at the small and almost unnoticeable object at the edge of the screen.

"Could it be that th-"


A large pillar of beam engulfed the plane for few seconds before the pillar vanished. Only remnants if small chunk of slag and molten metals.

Meanwhile Ray still in Earth's orbit, admiring his handiwork before he decided to return now that he finished what he wanted to do.


Few days later, Ray already returned to the DxD world. He felt generous after he returned and freed Hardy from the implant under the condition she take proper care of the dark elf Dushi clan that Yao came from. Hardy despite being the most worshipped deity, she 'hardly' care about her believers.

Then after dropping off everyone except Cheshire, Ray immediately went to Azazel to recreate body for Yao and Myui. For this process, it take 3 days total and Ophis generously donated two snakes to enhance the body with Ophis's power. Azazel happily agree since it's free research data for him.

After almost a week, both Yao and Myui finally revived but still in coma state because the soul trying to adapt to their vessel and this process must happen naturally. During that time, his wives regularly come to visit Ray but most of them are busy managing the people they brought back or busy like Ravel and Roseweisse that return to visit their families.

Ray still haven't anounced his return and very few knew about his return. Serafall is the only other person than Azazel that knew about it and the news slowly spread among the close friends and family. Issei caught wind of it and visited Ray at the fifth days along with his parents and wives.

The lucky bastard just got Akeno pregnant. Rias felt jealous that Akeno got pregnant first when they planned to have a child together. Alas, the fertility of devils made it hard to be predicted. Issei's wives and Ray's wives shared story and talks while Issei and Ray being ignored for various reasons. Gorou and Miki busy papering Cheshire and Ophis with large amount of food Miki made for her nieces.

(Ray and Issei get ignored because their wives are jealous that Akeno is pregnant but they didn't.😂)

On the next day, the seventh day, Yao opened her eyes and Myui following moment after. Both finally woken up but in state of confusion until Ray arrived.

Myui excitedly jump from her bed and hug Ray by the neck. Ray also caught her from falling and they hugged for a while. Myui immediately cried in joy that they finally reunited.

Apparently they have none of their memories in afterlife as Myui said her last memory is the head maid sacrificed herself trying to save Myui but it was in vain as both died as they are in middle of the blast radius.

Yao is less exciting but for a different reason. She believes that Ray would save her no matter what and her belief comes to fruition when she is indeed revived by Ray, 'technically'.

"Master, I am overjoyed to return to the land of living. However, this world feels very different… I can no longer hear the guidance of the spirits or the whisper of my ancestors." Yao asked in curiosity as the energy around her felt malevolent to some extent, mixed with the demonic energy of devils.

"Ah, dark elf considered as the spirit of land right?" Ray remembered.

Yao nodded in reply.

"I see... This land is the Underworld of another world. The energy here was previously saturated with demonic energy of devils but it's lesser right now thanks to many races living in Eden like Angels and Youkai that can passively purify the energy." Ray explained.

"Though, is it negatively affecting you?" Ray asked but Yao immediately shake her head. With Ophis' snake enhanced Yao's and Myui's new body, demonic energy and most energy wouldn't affect them at all as they acquired resistance to abnormal effect to some degree.

After confirming Yao is fine, Ray looks to the side to see Myui pouting while looking away with both arms folded on her fla… developing chest.

Both were wearing a plain white robe for decency. Yao have very visible curves on the front and back but Myui's is a smooth and flat surface from top to bottom.

"Myui…" Ray called but didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Hmph!" Myui pouted even harder and Ray could only sigh at the sight.

"Tell me why are you angry. I don't understand if you didn't tell me, Myui." Ray pleaded and when he tried to touch Myui's shoulder, she immediately pushed away his hand and moved away from Ray.

Just moments ago she happily hugged him but now she immediately hates him because she didn't even want to see his face. Ray's only explanation is puberty. Myui, after all, is already in the normal age of puberty for females.

(Remember Myui wanted to be Ray's wife but seeing the ring on a certain finger told her she missed the opportunity. 🤭)

After checking Myui and Yao, Ray went to thank Azazel and others that helped before he brought the two back to his home and met the rest of his family and people.
