
Chapter 17

Chapter 17: In which she makes a drunken confession.

"Okay...so, you and your 'boss'/boyfriend had a moment, where you basically tongue fucked each other, but then he stopped 'cause he wanted to punish you for teasing his former best friend in front of him....and you consider that a good thing? Then why are we in a bar, drowning in your sorrow?"

"Because I did something really, really horrible!" I whined, vodka in hand and head lying on the table at an awkward angle. Was that why my neck was hurting?

"And what might that be?" Nikki said, flipping her gorgeous apple red hair over her shoulder and bringing her Bloody Mary to her plush red lips and taking a sip.

I think a guy in the back just fell off his stool trying to have a glimpse of the beautiful redhead sitting next to me.