
Yeongyeol' And The After Life

this is a magical fantasy that is about bringing 2 worlds together. but you can just read the prologue. Now I have school so I have to work around a tight schedule so I will try to release content as soon as I can. If you stick with me you'll really love what I'm aiming for so stay tuned folks, for the adventures of yeongyeol. But he dies and js reincarnated as a turtle and becomes a badass to survive the new world he lives in

Jinx_ · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 1 The Journey Starts

My name is yeongyeol means connect because I will bring the lands together.

When I was just a baby I was left on the top of a mountain the great divide it is called because it is the border of 2 worlds the land of the ever advancing mankind, and the land of the magically enhanced myths. On the mountain live a lonely giant who oversees the world keeping balance. He is the guardian, he is the one who raised me. he found me when I was abandoned as a sacrifice because the humans couldn't sacrifice themselves, they sacrificed a helpless baby after slaughtering his parents in their sleep burning them to death. My parents, my family they were betrayed by their own village and race they are savages. The mythical people seperated their lands and allow people to visit their country's split into 5 elves, goblin, giant, troll, and the despised half-breeds. The giant, my father has just died. My heart is full of sorrow but I have to do what he said, If he were ever to die I must unite the lands and bring peace. Now I'm off to the king of humans the most deceptive, conniving, tyrannical bastard, Liyrian.

Damn I know it's the tallest mountain in the world but literally like 7 feet of snow Its not that the cold bothers me -189c° like pshhh that's nothing. Because of the spell I learned Gods divine weathering heat or cold doesn't bother me, I can control my body heat so I'm never cold or hot unless I want to be. Hell ya I'll reach half way down in no time my training plus magic powers let's me run at 89 mph on straights and a whopping 146 on this slope. Wait did I say Miles per hour oops I meant per second hahaha.

P.S. this was short but the chapters will get longer guys this is the begging so.