
Yeongyeol' And The After Life

this is a magical fantasy that is about bringing 2 worlds together. but you can just read the prologue. Now I have school so I have to work around a tight schedule so I will try to release content as soon as I can. If you stick with me you'll really love what I'm aiming for so stay tuned folks, for the adventures of yeongyeol. But he dies and js reincarnated as a turtle and becomes a badass to survive the new world he lives in

Jinx_ · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

chapter 0 prologue

geodaehan Uiji means Giants will. 2 lands divided one of the humans and the land of the mythology, fantasy beings. one boy is sacrificed to keep peace and the kind giant who finds him just wont let him die. The giant raises him as his own and teaches him the history of both man and myth for this giant is the overseer of the world. He is an unbiased kind being who keeps peace, he sits on a mountain, no name, not given praise, all alone. Until the one who will change the fate of worlds arrives, yeongyeol our mc who will bring the world together.