
Yearning About the Moon

This novel is about the story of Liz who falls hopelessly in love with her study mate, Tara while trying to maintain her composure around her. Read as she goes through this wonderful journey of self love through a friendship which grows into something more.

Aria_Celestia · LGBT+
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1 Chs

New Moon

The wind was blowing ever so subtly which made her earrings tinkle gently. She looked quite older, maybe she's a graduate? Anyway she seems busy in her own company, huh, probably an introvert.

The bells rang and it was lunchtime. I looked at my tiffin box tucked away deep in my bag. Looked pretty sad to be honest. Took it out and placed it on the table. Stared at it for about 5 minutes, then i heard something shrug past me.

"Oops sorry, that's my bad!", said a girl with long braids. She had dropped her juice on the floor beside my chair. I judged her quickly and thought she was a meanie. Another voice in my brain told me, " if she turns out to be a sweet person, I'll fucking kill you, so stop it, not everyone's bad."

But you know what? Everyone isn't bad. I KNOW THAT. But I generally have zero social cues so I can't tell who is bad. So it's better to judge everyone until they do something good and redeem themselves in my books, right? Right?

I was waiting for a call from my boyfriend, it felt like forever when he didn't. I asked him to coordinate our timings because he works part time at a grocery store, and i go to college on the east side of the city. I have to meet him regularly, or else i start having mixed feelings. Like an alarm is going off, and you're paralysed and not able to move even an inch. He loves me a lot, and i love him too, because that's what partners do right? But sometimes we get into fights. Pretty ugly ones. But I'm sure that I can change him. I couldn't change a lot of things, but a guy ain't one of them. And you know what? When i say all these things, you'll think he and I have a bad relationship, but don't judge so quickly. Only I get to do that.

"Pip Pip!! Hurry up! You don't have enough time to stare at the wall now", said Sam. Sam sat beside me. Sam is great. Actually you know what? I have no idea. Most of the people i meet here, I have zero clues about them, their life, their ambitions, basically, ALL of the conversations which are super uplifting for my soul.

"what are you still staring at? we need to get studying, so eat!". And eat i did, two spoons.

I looked back, towards the door. there she was, the silent girl, all by herself, sketching. WAIT WHAT? SKETCHING?!


It contains mentions of eating disorders and psychological problems. Please read accordingly?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Lots of love

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