
Ye Huang, Ye Futian's twin brother.

A certain Earthling died and reborn in the world of cultivation. His new identity is Ye Huang, and he is the twin brother of the legendary guy named Ye Futian.

Thundertroy · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Chapter 6: Lightning Strike and Breakthrough

In the sky, figures of cultivators appeared one after another. Their bodies were surrounded by dazzling light, and the dharma on their backs was extremely mighty. They stood proudly like peerless cultivators.

In the sky above, a figure descended like lightning. This person was middle-aged and extremely handsome. Seeing him appear, many cultivators bowed slightly. It was obvious that this person was of extremely high status.

"This is not a dragon." The figure put his hands behind his back and looked up into the sky. His first words made everyone's hearts tremble.

"This is the shape of a dragon, the aura of a dragon. It was deliberately released here." The middle-aged man's eyes were extremely sharp. "To have such a dragon shape and aura, it must be from a real dragon. Who exactly has come to Mount Tianyao?"

"No wonder it only revealed its aura and no destructive power. If it was a real dragon, I'm afraid we would have been destroyed a long time ago," someone in the sky said.

At this moment, Ye Huang focused all his attention on the dragon, and tried to replicate it into his Life Spirit. To his delight, his Life Spirit reacted and started replicating the dragon. However, the progress was too slow.

According to his calculation, it will take several days to finish this process.

Ye Huang cannot wait that long. He knew that not long later, the dragon would disappear as it become Ye Futian's second Life Spirit. For some reason, Ye Huang felt the urge to fasten the replicating process.

As if able to understand Ye Huang's thought, his Life Spirit started to first replicate the form of the dragon, without the lighting attribute that empowered the dragon's form. This process took just a little over a breath to be done. Then, his Life Spirit started to replicate the element inside the dragon form.

The Spiritual Qi in the surrounding area got attracted and entered into Ye Huang's body. These Spiritual Qi that entered into his body is a lightning attributed Spiritual Qi. It directly rushed into his Life Palace and integrated into the attributeless dragon form.

Suddenly, the dragon in the sky dived down toward the ground where Ye Futian and Yu Sheng was staying. See this, Ye Huang know that the dragon is going to disappear from the sight of everyone. Fortunately, his Life Spirit already replicated the dragon form. It's only a matter of filling the dragon with a lightning attribute Spiritual Qi to complete the replication.

"What happened?" the strong cultivator in the sky flashed over. Their eyes focused on Ye Futian's fallen body. "What just happened?"

"That unlucky guy seems to have been attacked by that fake dragon." someone said.

"He's too bold. Hurry up and see if he's alright."

"He's fine," the handsome middle-aged man walked over. Yu Sheng, who was beside Ye Futian, looked up at him. The middle-aged man said, "Leave him to me. I'll take him back to have a look."

"Alright." Everyone nodded. Yu Sheng looked at him and asked, "Senior, can I go with you?"

"Don't worry. He'll be fine. I'll be in the academy," the middle-aged man said to Yu Sheng. The middle-aged man said to Yu Sheng. There was a strange magic in his eyes that made people want to believe him. Yu Sheng nodded and said, "Thank you, senior."

After the disappearance of the fake dragon, everyone started to leave that area. Ye Huang on the other hand still meditating and waiting for his mimicking progress to be done. However, it was really a slow process.

Should I get myself electrocuted by a lightning to accelerate the progress?

Ye Huang did not think long,and just decided to find a lightning sources. Whether he absorb slowly or directly got electrocuted by lightning, he decided to think of it later when he saw one such lightning sources.

He then started heading out to find those sources. Nevertheless, he informed Yu Sheng before he started his search. Yu Sheng just nodded, not worrying about his safety. He knows that Ye Huang can take care of himself.


Time flew by, and it was only two more days before the Fall Quarter Examinations. At this time, Ye Huang is still searching for a lightning source to hasten the process in his Life Spirit.

Right now, Ye Huang was standing at the top of a tall tree with a long metal rod on his hand. He could see dark clouds moving slowly high up in the sky. Pointing the rod toward the sky, he maintained that posture and waited for lightning to crash on him.

"Come on. strike me!"

Ye Huang challenged the heaven to rain some lightning on him.

Crack! Boom!

As if to answer his call, a single lightning flash struck directly on his metal rod. Instantly, Ye Huang got electrocuted. Before Ye Huang could register the numbing feeling and the burning pain in his mind, the Life Spirit pulled all those lightning energy, and turned it into lightning Qi that directly integrated into the attributeless dragon.

The lighting strike quickened the progress by over twenty percent. It seems like he needed to be struck for three to four more times to finish the replication.

Struck by lightning three to four times? If it was a normal person, they would be long dead. Even if it was a cultivator, the possibility of dying is just as high.

However, Ye Huang still want to do this. If there is any fast method to help elevate his cultivation level, he will take it. As long as it doesn't kill him, it is worth to be taken.

A second lightning bolt struck him again through the metal rod in his hands. This time, the current was a lot stronger then the first one. It helped him to complete the replication up to seventy percent. However, the pain caused by that one strike was so great that Ye Huang almost lost his consciousness.

The cloud rumbled again and it seems to be generating even more lightning current. See this, the already weak, and black skinned youth who got struck by lightning, felt his heart constricted in fright. Ye Huang has a premonition that the next lightning strike will be even stronger than the previous two. He decided to stop for now.

Crack! Crack! Crack! Boom!

However, the heaven seems to has it's own plan for him. Several lightning bolts rained down simultaneously and struck not just the metal rod, but also directly hit Ye Huang. To make it worse, there came another waves of lightning strikes that even stronger.

These waves of thunder and lightning strikes lasted for more that an hour. After that, it gradually lessened until it was no longer any thunderstruck. The black cloud cleared to show a bright sky.

At the place where the thunderstruck happened, the trees were no longer standing as it already turned into dust. Ye Huang body also got struck and disintegrated to dust. However, his life Palace still remained, hovering in that place.

Inside the Life Palace, his Life Spirit already completed the replication. A majestic blue dragon was soaring above the island-like Life Spirit.

The Avatar in the Life Palace slowly opened his eyes. As if feeling the demise of it's real persona, it stood up and floated above the Life Spirit. It then sit in a meditative posture and clapped both of it's hands. A light glow spread from it's clapped hands, and enveloped the Avatar. The light spread out until it covered all the space inside the Life Palace.

In the outside world, the Life Palace that was hovering at the thunderstriken place glowed. Not long later, Ye Huang's body started to restore from the scattered dust. Half an hour later, a newly restored Ye Huang is standing dazedly on the ground.

"I thought I was struck dead in that lightning storm." Touching his face, and all of his body, Ye Huang breathed a sigh of relief. However he was confused. He knew that he got disintegrated by those deadly lightning strikes. However, he is still breathing, alive and kicking.

Next time, I will avoid myself from challenging the heaven, Ye Huang thought. That was really a close call. Suddenly, he heard a commotion.

"Here, it should be around this area."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. That lightning storm should have landed around this part. I don't know if it just a coincidence. But there must be something that attracted that kind of lightning."

"It might be the birth of some kind of thunder beast, or magical items."

"Who knows. Let just check it out. There might be some kind of opportunities over there."

There were a group of people who are heading towards the lightning accident. As Ye Huang listened to their conversation, he knew that those guys got it all wrong. However, he would not try to clear their misunderstanding. He did no longer linger around there, and left soon.

After leaving that area, Ye Huang did not go back to Qingzhou Academy. He instead found a small cave to stay and rested in it. Now that he was here, he curiously checked his Life Spirit.

Inside his Life Palace, he saw the dragon soaring above the island-like Life Spirit.

"Azure Dragon! Mythical Guardian of the East!"

This name suddenly come out in his mind. The dragon was hovering and guarding one part of his island-like Life Spirit. So, is it related to those four guardian beast in Chinese mythology?

He can also see his Avatar floating above his Life Spirit, and cultivating quietly...huh the Avatar is cultivating again? Didn't it stopped when he reached his bottleneck? Looking closely, Ye Huang saw that his Avatar's cultivation are at Four Star Glory Plane!

Ye Huang was stunned when he saw this. How did that happen? That progress is too drastic. Wait...if that guy is at that plane, then he too should be... With his heart beating fast in expectation, he hurriedly checked his own cultivation level. Then he found out.

He is a Four Star Glory Plane cultivator!

"Hahahaha! I did it! I brokethrough the bottleneck!"

For some times, his laughter reverberated in that courtyard. Good thing that no one nearby who listened. Otherwise, he will become an interesting gossip material, especially for those 'caring' disciples.

Ye Huang calmed down after throwing out his delightful feeling. He thought back of the cause of his leveling up to rise like a shooting star.

It might be because he replicated that dragon which allowed him to broke through to the Glory Plane. Adding up to his past year accumulation in cultivation, and the overload Spiritual Qi from those lightning storm, it just seems right for him to level up fast.

Although Ye Huang was still confused with the name Azure Dragon that comes to his mind, it is a good thing to gain some improvement in cultivation. Right now, like his Avatar, he could make a cultivation progress again.

Having experienced such rapid advancement in cultivation, he want to experience some more. Therefore, it's time for more vigorous cultivation!


Two days later, the time for the Fall Quarter Examinations finally arrived. Today, Qingzhou Academy was busier than usual. People were gathering outside the academy gate.

Every year, the Fall Quarter Examinations of Qingzhou Academy would be attended by many important people in the City of Qingzhou, as well as the elders of the students' families. They were all qualified to attend the examinations.

Those who couldn't enter the Fall Quarter Examinations waited at the outer gate. They wanted to know who would appear in the Fall Quarter Examinations.

Even though the Fall Quarter Examinations were only attended by a group of teenagers, the oldest of whom was only 18 years old, many of these teenagers who performed well in the examinations would become important people in the City of Qingzhou in the future. This was without a doubt. Many of the famous people in the City of Qingzhou had also attended the Fall Quarter Examinations of Qingzhou Academy, just like many other students.

Therefore, it was not an exaggeration to say that the whole city had their eyes on them.

"The legendary girl of Qingzhou Academy, Hua Jieyu, ranked first in the written exam for three years. She is extremely talented in cultivation. I wonder what kind of amazing performance she will have this time."

"Yang Xiu ranked second in the written exam for three years. I wonder if he can shake Hua Jieyu's position this time."

"Murong Qiu, the son of the Murong Merchant Guild, has already awakened to the ninth plane of Awakening, the Unmaker Plane. He could have become an official disciple a long time ago. Rumor has it that he hasn't become an official disciple because he wants to take first place in the Fall Quarter Examinations. This will probably be his last attempt."

"Don't forget about Yu Sheng, the son of the butler of the Ye family. You can't underestimate him. If it weren't for that spoiled brat from the Ye family, he would have become an official disciple by this year's Spring Quarter Examinations. He's only 15 years old."

"Speaking of that spoiled brat, his twin brother, Ye Huang is not to be underestimated. Unlike his brother, he has shown a consistent talent. In the last time examination, he showed his cultivation to be at the Eight plane of Awakening, the Metamorph Plane. He is also only 15 this year. It is possible that he already reached the Unmaker Plane as we speak."

The people outside were all talking about it. They were very familiar with the outer sect disciples of Qingzhou Academy. It was obvious how influential Qingzhou Academy was in the City of Qingzhou.