
Ye Huang, Ye Futian's twin brother.

A certain Earthling died and reborn in the world of cultivation. His new identity is Ye Huang, and he is the twin brother of the legendary guy named Ye Futian.

Thundertroy · Fantaisie
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36 Chs

Chapter 31: Arriving in Donghai City.

"Master, I want to go outside. This Donghai City must be a good place." Sokyoku asked for permission to go out. Right now, Ye Huang's Life Spirit is rapidly expending and mimicking the places of Donghai City that Ye Huang saw.

When Sokyoku saw this, he was tempted to go see the outside world.

"You know that you still needed to wait. Wukong haven't arrived yet." Ye Huang reminded Sokyoku.

Before journeying here, Ye Huang sent Wukong to the valley where Emperor Ye Qing statue was. There Wukong met the Snow Ape and asked his guidance to form his Dharma Idol. Ye Huang didn't wait for Wukong to complete his Idol as he wanted to go to Donghai City as soon as possible.

"How long does that ape take to form his Idol anyway? If it's too long, why don't we just ditch him?" Shenron was annoyed. He also wanted to come out.

"He is already done with forming his Dharma Idol. He is now on his way here. Just wait a little bit more." Ye Huang calmed those two down.

At the same time he was talking with his Guardian beasts, he is making his way towards a certain direction.

Ye Huang arrived at Donghai City earlier than Ye Futian's group. This is because he flew directly here, while Ye Futian and his gang used a ship to travel.

Soon, Ye Huang arrived in front of a place that were brimming with life. This place is Guqin Garden. Ye Huang found a guard and walked towards him.

"Hello there big brother. Is this place called Guqin Garden?" Ye Huang asked the guard politely.

"Indeed." The guard looked at Ye Huang, and saw that he was a teenage at the age of 16 to 17 years old. "Little brother, how can I help you?"

"So, I'm at the right place." Ye Huang nodded. He then asked the guard, "Is it possible for me to meet the one called Tang Lan?"

The guard was surprised. He carefully asked, "What is your relationship with the Guqin Garden owner?"

"I am her cousin. Just tell her that her little cousin is here to visit her." Ye Huang told a white lie without blinking an eye.

"Wait here. I will report to the owner." The guard then walked in. Not long later, the guard came out together with Tang Lan.

Tang Lan looked curiously at the boy in front of her. Since when did I have a little cousin? Did my aunty got a son?

"Boy, are you really my cousin?" Tang Lan asked while looking at Ye Huang sharply.

"Sister Tang, he is on his way here." Ye Huang did not talk about himself, but about someone else.

"He? Who are you talking about?" Tang Lan frowned.

"His Guqin Life Spirit was broken."

"What did you say?" Tang Lan was greatly shocked when she heard Ye Huang. Is he talking about him?

"The previous owner."


Tang Lan suddenly smashed the wall at her side. This youth is really talking about him! The guard on the side almost jumped when he saw her suddenly smash the wall. The wall crumbled easily as the smash was imbued with Arcana Plane power.

"Follow me." Tang Lan turned around and walked into the Guqin Garden. Ye Huang followed her.

Inside the place, Tang Lan pointed to a chair and asked Ye Huang to sit down. She on her own took a chair and sat in front of Ye Huang.

"Now, talk." She shortly demanded.

"Let me introduce myself first." Ye Huang smiled at Tang Lan. Taking a small breath, he said, "I'm Ye Huang. I came from Qingzhou City. Hua Fengliu is an acquaintance of mine.

When I travelled to this City from Qingzhou, Hua Fengliu and his disciple are also travelling to here. By the way, his disciple is my brother, Ye Futian."

Tang Lan eyes brightened for a moment but returned back to normal. "When are they going to arrive?"

"If I'm not mistaken, they should be here by this afternoon. Even if they got a little late, the should arrive here at night." Ye Huang contemplated the time, and then answered.

"Can I believe your words?"

"Don't worry. This will tell whether I told the truth or not." A light came out of his forehead and entered between Tang Lan brows.

Tang Lan did not resist the light, and let it enter into her mind. A memory was shown to her. It was a scene from a coast of Qingzhou area. There was a huge ship sailing away from that coast. On the deck of that ship, she saw the familiar face of Hua Fengliu. He was standing calmly, showing that he was in good shape. Beside him was two youth, one of them have a face that shared some resemblance to Ye Huang's look. The memory projection ended there.

Tang Lan looked at Ye Huang with a serious look. "Why do you want to tell me this?"

"My brother and his Master, Hua Fengliu came here without any specific place to stay. I arrived first here. So, I asked some people about Hua Fengliu's past. From those people, I accidentally found out that Sister Tang Lan shared some relationship with him.

With that, I was hoping that Sister Tang could provide them a place to stay." Ye Huang said his reason. He knew that if Hua Fengliu was still crippled, he will have no choice but to come to this garden. Right now however, Hua Fengliu's cultivation have already been restored. It's possible that this Guqin Devil will try to avoid going here, and stay at other place.

"Come with me to the coastal port." Tang Lan walked out of the garden and headed towards the coastal port. After walking for some steps she stopped and looked back. As she turned back, she frowned. "You are not going?"

"He might run away if he saw me together with you." Ye Huang said awkwardly.

Tang Lan was surprised. Thinking back about that man, it's possible that he might try to avoid her if he found out. "Wait here." Tang Lan headed out after saying that.


On the coastal port, Tang Lan waited for Hua Fengliu's group to arrive. After waiting for a couple of hours, she saw a huge ship arrive at the port. This is the ship that she saw in Ye Huang's memory projection.

Many people Walked out of the ship. At this time, Tang Lan saw Hua Fengliu together with some youths got out of the ship. The youth who resembled Ye Huang chatted enthusiastically with two girls who were also coming out of the ship.

"Tch! These master and disciple are birds of the same feather." Tang Lan got irritated when she saw the young man's behavior. No wonder Hua Fengliu took him as a disciple. They behaved very similarly.

She stood up and approached them.

At the same time, the two girls bid farewell to Ye Futian. Ye Futian looked up and said to Hua Fengliu, "Master, I really was just chatting. Yu Sheng can be my witness."

"I'm used to it," Hua Fengliu said calmly. Yu Sheng looked at Ye Futian sympathetically. A Black Wind Eagle flew down, and landed in front of the three of them. They then climbed up on the back of the bird.

"Hua Fengliu!"

Right at this time the three of them heard a voice from the distance. Hua Fengliu froze when he heard the voice. On the distance, a woman was walking towards their direction. She was looking at Hua Fengliu with a penetrating gaze.

"Er...Master, your acquaintance?" Ye Futian glanced between the lady and his Master.

"Tang Lan..." Hua Fengliu didn't expect her to see him coming to Donghai City.

"You have been gone for a very long time. Now you are brave enough to show yourself here at Donghai City?" Tang Lan spoke coldly. "When your cultivation got destroyed years ago, why did you not go to my place?"

"I didn't want to become a burden to you." Hua Fengliu sighed. It was not actually about being a burden to her. He was only trying to avoid her.

"Do you mean you didn't come because you don't like me?" Tang Lan looked coldly at Hua Fengliu.

"Let's not talk about it. How have you been these years?" Hua Fengliu tried to change the topic and asked.

"What do you think?" the girl asked back. Ye Futian was confused when he heard the two talking. Could it be Masteress? But didn't Masteress live in the Nandou Marquis Palace?

"I know that you came here today without any planned place to stay. Come with me to Guqin Garden." Tang Lan turned around while motioned for them to follow her.

"Guqin Garden? You stay there? Also, how did you know that we are coming here today?" Hua Fengliu was bewildered. Guqin Garden is where he used to live. Did this girl took it as her home? Also, no one knew that they were heading to Donghai City. How did their arrival be known to her?

"You abandoned me, and left the Guqin Garden. So, I took it as my own. Maybe, just maybe one day you will come and live there." Some sadness flashed by in Tang Lan's eyes.

"You're not married yet?" Hua Fengliu's tone softened.

"Do you want me to marry that much?" Tang Lan expression changed from showing melancholy, into one of anger. Hua Fengliu was lost for words to reply.

"Just follow me to Guqin Garden. Ye Huang is waiting for you guys." This time, she just walked away as if not caring was they follow her or not.

"So, it was Ye Huang who told her." Hua Fengliu and the the other two didn't expect Ye Huang to come to Donghai City.They also were curious to how did he know that they will come here? That guy sure is mysterious.

"Master, I think she just flipped at your words." Ye Futian who still thinking of Hua Fengliu's and Tang Lan's conversation cannot help but comments on it. Just as he said that, he was smacked at the back of his head. It caused him to bite his own tongue.

"Kid shouldn't meddle in elder's business." Hua Fengliu then walked out, following Tang Lan.

"Gah! I just said the truth." Ye Futian yelled in dissatisfaction. He then looked at Yu Sheng at the side who looked at him with contempt. "What is that look mean?"

Without replying, Yu Sheng also walked away, following Hua Fengliu.


In the Guqin Garden, Ye Huang was cultivating while waiting. It's been some time after he entered into the Dharma Plane. However, he haven't formed his Dharma Idol yet.

He was still considering the type of Dharma Idol that he wanted to form. His Life Spirit has the ability to replicate and restore something. Therefore, he was planning on forming an Idol that symbolizes those abilities.

He already thought of some option for an ideal Dharma Idol. He listed out the following option:

Sharingan Eye - The eye of a ninja in certain comic, that has the ability to copy the technique of other people. It also have the ability to create illusion.

Slime - A creature that can transform into any form. It also have the ability to absorb others whether it was a power, or physical form. It then can use said power or physical form.

Terminatrix - Also called T-X. Terminator that has the ability to turn into any form and identity.

These three are among the best idea that Ye Huang thought for a Dharma Idol. Out of the three, the Sharingan is a bit limited as it only focused on copying techniques. Although there could be the option of it having it's own ability, this is only the innate ability of those ninjas.

Slime and Terminatrix can be said to be the same. However, slime's absorption ability won the comparison between the two. Thinking like this, Ye Huang made his choice.

While he was making his consideration on the type of Dharma Idol, he suddenly felt the change in his cultivation. Some kind of restriction was broken, and he felt a rise in his power.

"Stage Three of Dharma Plane!"

Without knowing, he brokethrough a small realm in the Dharma Plane. He smiled at this. Although it was just an advancement by a small realm, it still can be a cause for a celebration.

He continued cultivating while trying his best to form a Slime Dharma Idol. He was trying to make the details of the Idol as close as it could to the one that he have seen in anime and comic books.

Some time later, his cultivation was disturbed by the sounds of steps heading towards the Guqin Garden. Opening his eyes, Ye Huang then looked outside just to see Tang Lan followed by Hua Fengliu and the others.

He stood up and walked out to greet them. As he was making his way out, he suddenly heard Wukong's voice. It seems he is also almost reaching the Donghai City.

Once Wukong is nearby, the gate to the Life Palace will automatically appeared as his time outside has long passed the twenty minutes time limit. If the gate appeared here, the people in this place will know Ye Huang's ability. This is not what he wanted.

Ye Huang then hurriedly headed out. "Guys, I have some business outside. So, I will be going out now. See you guys later." Saying so, he quickly disappeared into the distance.

Tang Lan and the others were speechless. Why would he run away as soon as they come?