

"Yarrk: The Vampire Saga" is a captivating and dark story of a lone vampire named Yarrk. He is an immortal being, trapped in an existence marked by darkness and emptiness. Since ancient times, Yarrk has found himself trapped in his insatiable thirst for human blood. While he nursed his thirst, he was also haunted by constant loneliness, unable to truly connect with any human being. However, everything changes when Yarrk comes across a young woman named Elena. Her presence awakens a spark of humanity in him, a desire to experience life and happiness in ways he never imagined possible. Yarrk sees in her hope of finding redemption for his past sins and a chance to escape this eternal cycle of darkness. However, difficulties arise when Yarrk realizes that his dark world is not ready to make room for a light like Elena. He is pursued by other vampires and hunters of supernatural creatures, who see Yarrk as a threat to balance and the established order. Between epic battles, betrayals and unexpected discoveries, Yarrk must face his own inner demons and fight for the possibility of true love. He will have to decide whether eternal life is a blessing or a curse, and whether he should continue to delve into the shadows or seek redemption. "Yarrk: The Vampire Saga" is a gripping, twisting narrative that explores the limits of immortality and the search for love and meaning in a world plunged in darkness. Prepare to embark on this dark and captivating journey through the mind of a vampire in search of his lost humanity.

Emerald_Net · Horreur
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100 Chs


"Hello, Cvjo," a cool and professional voice says. Dr. Caul sounds like she's the voice of a computer assistant. She's dressed for the celebration, in a long red-and-black dress. It takes your eyes a moment to resolve the serpents and wolves that form the design. She holds out her black-gloved hand for you to shake. Or kiss. You decide to shake.

"I have heard so much about you," she says.

Her face is dark, her hair jet-black and worn in a flapper bob, and she has thick, expressive eyebrows that bounce around whenever she talks. Her features are animated and friendly, in contrast to her flat and chillingly hypnotic voice.

You smell fresh blood. Not on her lips—on her fingers, under the gloves.

Dr. Caul glances around at the party and tells them, "I just have a little more work to do, and then I'll be out to socialize." Under her breath, she says, "Cvjo, follow. Now."

You follow the smell of blood. Dr. Caul takes you through a smoky glass door with a light that turns from red to green at her approach. You follow her down a corridor to a storage room. The door slides open to reveal a man with his guts hanging out and another man in a lab coat trying to hold him down.
