
Yandere Sect

As the law of absurdity dictates, people are born different; However, Mo Cho had the worst "luck" of them all; getting his trust broken by his loved ones, he lost the will to live, but his story won't be told if it ended just like that, right? A dangerous secret is stored deeply inside his body; follow his journey, step by step unraveling the extent of his self and soul. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now what to really expect: Best Yandere story you will ever read. Excellent character development, decent world-building, and humble writing. Unique Cultivation setting. (Not at the start of the story) Light smut, aka "fan service," I don't write R-18 novels and I won't be proud of making someone shlong bigger, so a big Hell No! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anyway, enjoy my newest masterpiece of the yandere god creation brought you by the best, most handsome author in the world (facts) cough* cough* Like I usually say, English is my fourth language behind some useless languages; my parents forced me to learn. (Sigh* still the biggest regret of my life) The cover is not mine. I'm not an artist, thanks, chief*

Ru_ri · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
26 Chs

Mo Nan

"What!?" Cho said while wearing a perplexed look on his face.

Mo Nan POV:

I heard him question my request and instantly felt ashamed of my words.

'How could I utter something like that!'

However, it wasn't long till I felt a little hand grabbing my robe; lightly pulling it toward it, I glanced down and saw the articulate boy, wearing a radial smile, looking at me with his watery golden pupils.

As I look closer, noticing the adorable dimples in his rosy cheeks while he cutely shakes my robe.

Instantly made my already thumping heart pump blood with more vigorous.

I heard him talk with an assertive yet delightful tone, "Big sister wants to show me her room, right? I don't see any problem in that, let's go?"

After hearing that, my ears felt like they were melting, 'S-something isn't right with this kid!' I didn't know why I felt this enormous sense of attachment deeply engraved at the core of my soul; nevertheless, I didn't care; the only thought repeatedly resounding in my head right now is to hold this boy tightly, get closer to him, and drag him somewhere else.

"Ok, let's go!" I hastily lifted him, strolling back to my room.

His breath hitched, and his head jerked back in surprise.

"hehe, It's. Okay, Didn't you say we are siblings? It's alright for a big sister to lift her little brother," I warmly smirked, heading toward the entrance.


Yet, a young man that seems to be in his early twenties called for her, "Young lady Nan, wait!" His lavish attire, marked with black and red, demonstrating an elevated air, strongly signaling his position as an inner court disciple.

Nan turned her head, but her unmoving eyes were still fixated at the gate, internally carrying irritated emotions; Regardless of how she felt, her outer appearance was composed, showing a refined expression suitable for a lady of her magnitude.

She gently said, "Yes?"

Nan Naturally knew the lad; after all, he's one of the many foolish admirers she indirectly bewitched with her fairy allure and unmatched status.

In a prideful manner, shaking his gold-embossed cuffs, the white robbed man announced, "I brought you a gift,"

After hearing what the admirer have to say, Nan couldn't contain herself anymore, especially with her being in a hurry, consequently breaking her "perfect lady" persona, as she hatefully said, "Move."

The inner court cultivator heard the malicious voice; he felt the faint killing intent covering it. And subconsciously uttered a "Huh?"

Mo Nan realized that she's entirely out of character and corrected her word, enduring the urge to attack this boy.

Clenching her hand, she muttered. "A-a, I mean, I'm kind of in a hurry right now; I'll make it up for you later,"

"Wa-Wait!?" the disciple said.

She ignored him after that, rapidly exiting the hall, leaving the cultivator feeling bewildered.

Her eager state was so tremendous; she failed to acknowledge two gazes probing her figure; the first one was none other than the little evil regressor, while the other held tomboyish feminism, as it belonged to her other sister "Mo Nung."

They both wielded the same question, 'What's Mo nan up to?'

She walked for a while before finally reaching her room.

Entering, She put me down. On her bed, and silently sat beside me.

We silently sat down for a while, attentively trying my best not to make eye contact with my sister.

Stretching my fingers, I felt awkward about the situation, and in an attempt to break the cold atmosphere, I thought about ideas to communicate with her.

However, a hand slowly reached my cheeks before even beginning to think about something;

I absurdly turned my face and saw Nan flushed red face.

She broke the stillness, shimmering, she said, "W-What do you think about me?"

"You pretend a lot," I frankly responded; as a talented portrait artist, it wasn't hard to study her facial complexion and dictate the hidden persona.

She smirked and clapped her hands, "You see, it's the first time someone founds out about my temperament. Furthermore, the smarty detective is my little brother."

Contrary to the earlier encounter, I felt her current demeanor considerably lagging behind the strict girl act and the dolled-up expressions.

She continued talking while caressing my cheeks," don't you think I'm fake to the bone?"

Her visage gradually turned sore after that sentence; I didn't want to distribute her state with my words, so I just leaned on her body, not asserting anything, 'My deceased mother told me if you didn't know what to say, then shut your mouth tight before you make a fool out of yourself.'

Her surprise came in the form of a loud heartbeat; her body was oddly sweating; accordingly, holding her arms in the air, not knowing what to do.

I proceeded to hug her intentionally to calm her down; after all, I lived with a moody woman; basically, my whole life, and even in her case, my hug seems to always work like a sleeping pill for her. Sometimes, maybe brings some unwanted consequences.

After my hug, her hands finally reached my body, and she also firmly held me; we stayed in that position for a long time, before eventually, tears dripped on my shoulder;

I was speechless by the sudden development, 'Wait, what did I do to make her cry?'

The strange sobbing went on while I was racking my brain, trying to remember where I formerly screw up.

A while passed.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" she said, dejected about something.

I heard her shaky words and nodded my head.

'I have no idea what's happening inside of my sister's skull. Did she recall a bad memory? or maybe she's feeling unwell?'

Her hands wandered my body, and her aura slowly started to change; I felt a light bite in my neck, amplified with a sucking motion.

'Huh!?' I got shocked by her unexpected actions and asked, "S-sister A-are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay," she replied in a hoarse rhythm, breathing heavily like she just finished a marathon, "Let's just stay like this. It's comfortable," her voice sounded weaker and weaker, as she smooched my neck.

Her drunk complexion turned sleepy with time; she leaned on the bed, yanking me with her, resulting in me lying down on her chest, before affectionately tangling her arms through my robe, touching my back.

However, before she can have her peaceful sleep, a horrifically imposing voice sounded beside my ears. The tone was loud and held a fatal hostility that made my back shiver.


(A/N: find out more in the next 2000 years)