
yami no rei

In a world where the boundaries between reality and the mind are fragile, Kaito, a mysterious figure with gray hair and piercing red eyes, navigates the shadows. His past shrouded in mystery, Kaito's unique abilities make him a target for those seeking power. When Lena, a skilled warrior with a troubled past, crosses paths with Kaito, their fates become entwined. As they delve into the mysteries of Kaito's past, they uncover a sinister plot threatening the fragile balance between reality and the mind. With Honda's guidance, they must confront the darkness within themselves and the forces manipulating their world. But as the shadows deepen, Kaito's grip on reality begins to slip, and Lena must decide whether to trust him or risk everything to save herself.

kirishima2 · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 6"A Peaceful Oasis"

Chapter 6"A Peaceful Oasis"

In a remote corner of Japan, far from the turmoil that had engulfed the world, a happy family lived a simple life on their farm. The woman, Rosa, was expecting a child, and her husband, Taro, was overjoyed at the prospect of becoming a father.

Their farm was a peaceful oasis, surrounded by rolling hills and lush green forests. The air was fresh, and the only sounds were the songs of birds and the gentle rustling of leaves.

Rosa, with her swollen belly, would often sit on the porch, watching Taro work in the fields. She would smile, feeling grateful for this life they had built together.

Their daughter, Emiko, would play in the yard, chasing after chickens and laughing with pure joy. The family was content, unaware of the chaos that was unfolding in the world beyond their little farm.

But as the days passed, Rosa began to feel a strange sensation, as if the world was holding its breath. She couldn't explain it, but she felt a growing sense of unease, a feeling that something was watching them from the shadows.

Taro would reassure her, telling her it was just her imagination, but Rosa couldn't shake off the feeling. And then, one night, a dark figure appeared at the edge of their farm, watching them with eyes that glowed like embers.

Rosa's scream of terror pierced the night air as she beheld the dark figure. But as suddenly as it appeared, the figure collapsed onto the ground, unconscious. Taro rushed to Rosa's side, his face etched with concern.

"Rosa, what's wrong?" he asked, holding her close.

But Rosa's eyes were fixed on the figure, her voice trembling. "W-who is that?"

Taro followed her gaze, and his expression changed from concern to confusion. "I don't know," he said, approaching the figure cautiously.

As they drew closer, they saw that it was Kaito, his face pale and gaunt. Taro's eyes widened in surprise, and Rosa's grip on his arm tightened.

"What is he doing here?" Taro wondered aloud.

Rosa's voice was barely above a whisper. "I don't know, but I think he's connected to the strange feeling I've been having."

Taro's expression turned serious. "We need to be careful. We don't know what's going on."

But as they stood there, frozen in uncertainty, Kaito's eyes flickered open. His gaze was unfocused, but as he saw Rosa, a faint smile crossed his lips.

"Rosa..." he whispered, his voice weak.

Rosa's grip on Taro's arm tightened. "What does he want with me?" she asked, fear creeping into her voice.

Kaito's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself on a warm bed, surrounded by unfamiliar surroundings. He tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over him, forcing him to lie back down. As he waited for the dizziness to pass, he noticed that his injury, caused by the radiation of the otherworldly structure, was practically gone. His gray hair had also returned to its original black color.

"Where am I?" Kaito asked, his voice laced with confusion and disorientation.

A gentle voice replied, "You're safe, Kaito. You're with us now."

Kaito's eyes scanned the room, trying to locate the source of the voice. A figure came into view, a woman with a kind face and warm smile.

"Who are you?" Kaito asked, his mind foggy.

"My name is Rosa," the woman replied. "And this is my husband, Taro. We found you unconscious on our farm. You've been with us for a few days now."

Kaito's memories began to return, and he recalled the events leading up to his arrival at the farm. He remembered the God of Balance, the vortex, and his own desperate attempt to escape.

"What about the others?" Kaito asked, his voice filled with concern. "Are they safe?"

Rosa's expression turned somber. "We don't know, Kaito. We've seen no one else. But we'll help you find them, if that's what you want."

Kaito's eyes widened as memories of the others flooded his mind. The betrayal he had suffered at their hands still burned within him. He tried to sit up again, but his body refused to cooperate. Extreme fatigue washed over him, and he collapsed back onto the bed, his vision blurring.

Rosa rushed to his side, concern etched on her face. "Kaito, please, you need to rest. You're not well yet."

Kaito's voice was barely above a whisper. "The others... they betrayed me. I have to find them."

Taro's expression turned stern. "You're not going anywhere in your state. You need to recover first."

Kaito's eyes fluttered closed, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge and justice. He knew he couldn't trust anyone, not even these strangers who had taken him in.

As he drifted off into a fitful sleep, Rosa and Taro exchanged worried glances. They knew that Kaito's past was marked by pain and betrayal, and they wondered what secrets he held within.

In the shadows, a figure watched the scene unfold, their presence hidden from the mortal trio. The figure's eyes gleamed with interest, for they knew that Kaito's awakening would set in motion a chain of events that would change the course of destiny.

Several days passed, and Kaito's strength returned. He found himself growing accustomed to life with Rosa and Taro, despite his initial reservations. One day, Taro mentioned going out for groceries, and Kaito offered to help.

"I'll come with you," Kaito said, his voice a little stronger now.

Taro smiled. "Thanks, Kaito. I could use the extra hands."

Rosa, who was busy in the kitchen, looked up with a hint of concern. "Be careful, okay?"

Kaito nodded, and followed Taro out the door. As they walked to the market, Kaito couldn't help but feel a sense of normalcy he hadn't experienced in a long time. The simple act of grocery shopping seemed surreal, yet comforting.

Meanwhile, Rosa stayed behind, her eyes fixed on the door as she wondered what secrets Kaito still kept hidden. She felt a pang of unease, being alone in the house, but pushed it aside. She had grown to trust Kaito, despite his mysterious past.

As the hours passed, Rosa found herself lost in thought, her mind wandering to the strange occurrences that had brought Kaito into their lives. She began to feel a creeping sense of unease, as if something was watching her from the shadows. Suddenly, the silence was broken by a faint creaking sound...

Rosa's voice trembled slightly as she asked, "Who's there?"

The creaking sound stopped, and an unsettling silence fell over the house. Rosa's heart raced as she slowly approached the entrance, her eyes fixed on the door.

Suddenly, the door slid open by itself, and a figure stood in the doorway. Rosa's eyes widened in shock as she beheld a woman with long, silver hair and piercing green eyes.

"Len...Lena?" Rosa stuttered, her mind struggling to comprehend the sudden appearance of this mysterious woman.

Lena's gaze swept the room, her eyes lingering on the spot where Kaito had been resting. A faint smile played on her lips.

"Where is he?" Lena asked, her voice dripping with an otherworldly intensity.

Rosa's instincts screamed at her to protect Kaito, to keep him hidden from this enigmatic woman. "I...I don't know who you're talking about," Rosa stammered, trying to hide her fear.

Lena's smile grew wider, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Don't play dumb, Rosa. I know Kaito is here. And I will find him."

Rosa's eyes widened in shock as Lena revealed her knowledge of Rosa's name. But that was not the only surprise - Rosa's mind reeled as she connected the dots between Lena's face and the public figure she had seen in the news.

"Lena...Lena Lee?" Rosa stuttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "The CEO of MichTech?"

Lena's smile grew even wider, her eyes gleaming with pride. "The one and only," she confirmed, her voice dripping with confidence. "And I've been searching for Kaito. He possesses something that belongs to me...something that could change the course of human history."

Rosa's fear turned to ice as she realized the true extent of Lena's power and influence. MichTech was a global giant in nanotechnology, and Lena's reach was limitless.

"What do you want from Kaito?" Rosa demanded, trying to hide her tremble.

Lena's gaze turned cold, her eyes flashing with determination. "I want what's mine. And I'll stop at nothing to get it."

As Lena's words hung in the air, Rosa knew she had to act fast. She had to protect Kaito from this ruthless woman, no matter the cost. But how could she stand against the mighty MichTech and its formidable CEO?

Rosa's attempt at deception was swift, but Lena's response was even faster. With a mere glance, Lena's eyes seemed to bore into Rosa's mind, hijacking her brain waves with an uncanny precision.

"Don't bother lying to me, Rosa," Lena said, her voice dripping with amusement. "I can see right through you. You're hiding something...or someone."

Rosa's eyes widened in horror as she realized her mistake. She had underestimated Lena's abilities, thinking her to be just a powerful CEO. But Lena was more than that - she was a Numerical System user, with capabilities that rivaled those of Kaito.

"Lena, please..." Rosa begged, trying to reason with her.

But Lena's gaze only intensified, her eyes flashing with an otherworldly energy. "Tell me, Rosa...where is Kaito?"

Rosa's mind reeled as Lena's mental probe dug deeper, threatening to expose all her secrets. She knew she couldn't resist Lena's powers for much longer...


Rosa's belly began to cramp, a searing pain shooting through her abdomen. She doubled over, gasping for breath. Lena's mental probe had unwittingly affected the womb, threatening the life growing within.

As the pain intensified, Rosa's vision blurred. She felt herself falling, her body weakened by the agony. She tried to call out, but her voice was barely a whisper.

In the distance, Erika's cries echoed through the air. Rosa's heart ached, knowing her daughter was in danger. With a surge of adrenaline, Rosa tried to push through the pain, but it was too much.

She felt herself fainting, her body surrendering to the agony. As she fell, Rosa's mind was filled with visions of her unborn child, threatened by Lena's powers.

"Erika...my baby..." Rosa whispered, her voice fading into darkness.

Lena's eyes widened in shock, realizing too late the unintended consequences of her mind control. She rushed to Rosa's side, but it was too late. Rosa lay motionless, her body wracked with pain.

And in the distance, Erika's cries grew louder, a desperate call for help…