


I walk into the mansion and there's a woman sitting at a throne. Red hair, red eyes, dressed in all white. Looks familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

The woman gets straight to the point, "Kim, I have a job for you. It's not to kill someone just poison them, but you will get your full price." She holds up a small vial of green liquid, "Find Rei Arashi and poison her with this. I'll take care of the rest."

I nod, sounds like a simple job.


I get in my car and drive home, that was not what I expected. Two of the most powerful men in the world in the same room as her.

I will get caught and taken to prison, there's no way I can get away with this. I've heard of people who crossed the Hiryu's, they're all dead. Same fate for those who ever got on Kai Riden's bad side.

These men alone are scary, to be on both their shit lists is my worst nightmare. Job sounded easy, I didn't have to kill anyone. Too bad I'm the dead one.



Shit shit shit shit shit !!!!!!!!

"Dammit!" That old hag is coming with me to the grave. This is all her fault.



I sit in my office taking a deep breath. I just disbanded the Hanafuda, I will be using them to work on a new project I was delaying due to lack of labour force. This feels so wrong, but we'll be hunting down the hunters from the perfect position.

I also have more free time on my hands, so my daughter definitely will be happy with this change. It's only temporary, once we take the Ryoshi out, she's going to boarding school. I haven't found the safest one yet. I'll have to do my research on the best schools.

I fall asleep in my office accidentally.

I wake up and Rei sent me a text to not bother with getting Kaiya. She's sleeping over. I sleep on my bed feeling more tired than ever, I wake up feeling so much better.

I check on Kaiya and she's painting with Toya while the triplets are crawling around the room. Rei is doing squats at the corner far from every body else.

What chaos.

There are toys everywhere.

I make my way to the fridge and get some juice. There's nothing but milk and baby food in here. Honestly the smell of breast milk is starting to make me nauseous.

"Don't you think it's time to take them off the breast milk now?" I ask no one in particular and Toya gives Rei a look like they already talked about it.

"What? Not you too. No" She complains before ignoring us.

"Rei doesn't want to stop because she's afraid of the pain." Toya replies looking my way while judging Rei glaring back at him.

"I'm gradually getting them off of it, but that won't be easy, I do need to make milk for three kids at once, it'll take time but I'll start now, how's that?"

"Great, I don't care how healthy it is, the smell is starting to bug me." Toya says and Rei throws a stuffed animal at the back of his head. He glares at her and she runs away.

He grabs his paint brush and runs after her both of them disappearing. I sit beside Kaiya, she is now painting what she drew but her paint keeps running down.

I teach her how to paint and she smiles when it stops running, but now she's confused by the colours.

I teach her about colours and what mixing colours looks like, and what it does. We mix different colours together.

Toya comes back and looks at the colours we made, "Wow, this is really good." He compliments her art.

I want him dead. 48 hours that's all he gets. Nothing more nothing less, before I leave I'll shake his hand, that's how I'll get rid of him real quick.


I get a call from Rei crying her eyes out. It's 2AM, I can't leave Kaiya behind but I want to be there.

"What happened?" I ask slowly getting up to check on my daughter.

"It's Toya." She breaks down and I check my watch. 48 hours isn't up yet, what happened.

I take Kaiya with me. We arrive at the hospital and Toya's brother just came out of the room with a smile on his face.

Shit, no way. I either kill him now or all hell is breaking loose. I just need to touch him, and he'll be dead. I can't let Rei come to his rescue again.

I walk into the room and it's not Toya in the room. Where the hell is he?

"Rei, where's Toya?" I ask and she's sitting in her chair with her hands covering her ears. I squat down in front of her and she looks me in the eyes.

The tears fall out of her eyes, "His father just called, he'll be okay, but he was poisoned. He won't be coming home for a while. He mentioned moving away from this place, and I don't want to leave Kaiya but this place is not safe, I can't keep doing this."

I hug her while she cries in my arms. Bastard will figure out that it was me if I don't do something fast, I have to take him out now.

Then Rei and I will move together.

Her phone rings and she holds on to me tighter, I could not over hear what the conversation was about, but it has her spooked, she's shaking.

She stands up slowly and I follow behind her as she makes her way to the car, she needs to calm down, she is no position to drive.

"Rei! Stop, now!"

She turns around and looks me in the eyes. This is bad, if Toya is okay, what was the call about?

"My mom, she's dead. That pink poison girl went after her, she must be the one that poisoned Toya."

I hold her in my arms and kiss her forehead, "I'll find her, please, don't leave Kaiya here. She'd be devastated if you left her just like her mother."

She looks at me and shakes her head, "Kai if you stay here, you're endangering your daughter, dammit you're endangering my daughter. I care about her more than anything, if you don't leave this place, she's coming with me."

"Really?" Kaiya says standing beside us holding her Mrs Knuckles. I honestly hate that ugly bear, but this is still good.

"Hey, I'll leave within the week, if you allow me to make some calls. You still need to be there for your mother's funeral. After the funeral we'll leave."

Toya will be dead by then too. I like those odds.