
Y-yeah I Am The Hero

“What if you can fight the world’s evil?” “What if you can wield powerful unstoppable magic?” “What if you can get all the riches in the world?” “What if you are respected, loved, and worshipped by everyone?” The old wizard points his finger at the man in front of him. “You can get all of that!!! “ “Just one condition, be the HERO” The man lifts up his face and looks straight into the old wizard’s wisdom-filled eye. The man’s eyes filled with vigor and life. He raised both his hands and grabbed the wizard's shoulder tightly. The wizard was startled by the man’s action. Without turning his gaze away from the wizard, the man replied confidently “F*ck No”

Sora_Sai · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
14 Chs

Chapter 14: Escape

Akuto cracks his knuckle and smiles devilishly. The old wizard seems flustered by the hero's threat.

"W-wait, t-there seems to be a misunderstanding." (Old Wizard)

Akuto glares at the old wizard and walks toward him slowly.

"What misunderstanding?" (Akuto)

"Y-you're not kidnapped!" (Old Wizard)

Akuto stopped and stare at the old wizards confusingly.

"What do you mean by that? I was grabbed by strings of light and pulled into the white circle. Now I am here in a place I don't know with a stranger I have no recollection of meeting with. And you say that I wasn't kidnapped! " (Akuto)

Akuto was shouting at the old wizard in frustration. The old wizard stands up and dusted his clothes. He looks towards Akuto calmly.

"When you said it like that, it seems to be true. But I assure you, it is not. You're not kidnapped…. You were chosen" (Old Wizard)

"Chosen? " (Akuto)

Akuto starts to get more confused.

(Is he a cult leader or something? Hm… Maybe I should probe a little more) (Akuto)

Akuto glared at the old wizard.

"Chosen by who?" (Akuto)

(*Gulp*… the hero seems to be a hot-tempered one.) (Old Wizard)

"You were chosen by Biru!" (Old Wizard)

The old wizard pointed towards the statue behind Akuto. Akuto turns around and looks at the statue near the altar. Akuto can't seem to understand why, but he seems to have a sense of familiarity when looking at the statue. Akuto unconsciously rubs his cheek.

"….." (Akuto)

Akuto turns back towards the old wizard.

"Who is Biru? What do you mean by chosen?" (Akuto)

The old wizard nodded in understanding.

"I don't know who you worship at your home world, but Biru is the goddess of our world." (Old Wizard)

Akuto looks at the old wizard in surprise.

"Your… world? Are you saying that I am not in my world, right now?" (Akuto)

The old wizard nodded calmly. Akuto was surprised by the revelation.

"For your second question, you're chosen by the powerful goddess Biru, to be her 'Hero' to save our world" (Old Wizard)

"THE F*CK???!!!" (Akuto)

Akuto screamed in surprise. The old wizard seems to be uncomfortable to see the hero chosen by the goddess, cursing. Akuto starts to pace left and right while crossing his arm while thinking seriously.

(NO! NO! NO! That can't be right! Me as a chosen hero! It must be a mistake right?! I am not hero material! If I knew a guy like me is chosen to be a hero, I would kill that guy myself for making fun of being a hero.) (Akuto)

The old wizard saw the hero panicking.

(It seems to be too much for the hero to handle. Let's just wait until the hero calms down first) (Old Wizard) (Old Wizard)

The old wizard looks at the hero calmly.

(Hero! Hero!... !???.... HIRO!!!) (Akuto)

Akuto's eyes start to open wide as his mind starts to piece up the puzzle that was f*cking with his mind.

(It's HIRO that the goddess wanted. The goddess must have seen Hiro's noble sacrifice to save Maria. That is why those white circle started to appear and the white strings were clinging to him. The goddess must have chosen Hiro to be her hero. ) (Akuto)

Akuto's face starts to pale. The old wizard saw this and he starts to worry.

"Hero? Are you alright?" (Old Wizard)

Akuto seems to not notice the old wizard calling out to him.

(And I am the crazy f*cker who saves him. Dammit, Akuto! You stupid f*ck! This Biru goddess must be mad as fuck when I throw him out of the circle. That b*tch goddess must have brought me here as revenge)

Akuto suddenly felt a throbbing pain in his head. It was like a needle stabbing itself into his brain. Akuto kneeled while grabbing his head in pain. The old wizard was startled and ran toward Akuto to check on his condition.


Akuto grits his teeth and grabs his hair in pain. It was not the pain that Akuto has ever experienced before. The old wizard lay Akuto down gently on his lap.

"What's wrong hero? What happened?" (Old Wizard)

The old wizard was petrified when checking the hero's condition.

"M-my...head" (Akuto)

"Your head?" (Old Wizard)

The old wizard seems to understand Akuto's source of pain and put his right hand on Akuto's forehead.

"Kaji" (Old Wizard)

Suddenly the wizard's hand was blasted away by an invisible force when he wants to execute the spell. The old wizard was stupefied.

"W-what is this?" (Old Wizard)

Akuto turn his head away and saw the goddess statue.

(Is… it…? ) (Akuto)

Akuto's eyes started to glint. Akuto doesn't know why but he thinks that it is the reason for his pain.

(I..I'm sorry…for…being disrespectful…oh beautiful…wise…and merciful…goddess…Biru…) (Akuto)

Just like how the pain comes, it suddenly goes away. Akuto's tensed body starts to relax. He let go of his grip on his hair and lay his head on the old wizard's lap tiringly.

"Hugh!…Hugh!…Hugh!… " (Akuto)

The old wizard saw that Akuto was already free from his pain. Akuto was exhausted.

"It seems that your pain has suddenly gone away. As a precaution, let me check your body first, hero" (Old Wizard)

"Hugh!...Hugh!.." (Akuto)

Akuto was unable to reply due to being dead tired.

"I'll start. Excuse me" (Old Wizard)

The old wizard put his hand on Akuto's forehead.

"Kaji" (Old Wizard)

A white glow start to form on the wizard's hand and traveled into Akuto's brain.

(Hmm…It doesn't seem to be anything wrong. )

The white glow starts to travel around Akuto's head. Akuto can feel the warmth of the glow in his head.

(Dammit! This confirmed that I am really in another world. What is this white light? Is it magic? Can I wield it like this old man)

When Akuto was pondering about magic, the old wizard was able to detect something.

(Hmph?! He's got a 'horn' too? What a pure 'horn' he got. It seems that he has the potential to be a great wizard or even a grand wizard if he put an effort into it)

The old wizard nodded and smiled. Akuto notices that smile.

"W-what's wrong old man? Do you find anything?" (Akuto)

"Hmm? O-owh, sorry. Nothing out of the ordinary. " (Old Wizard)

"….." (Akuto)

(I don't even know what he classifies as ordinary here. If there's nothing wrong, then that truly means that the goddess did that to my head. It seems that Biru really hates my guts. I should be careful of what I am saying, or even think about regarding that goddess) (Akuto)

Akuto raises his body from the old wizard's lap and stands up.

"W-wait, I don't think you should move around right now. You should take a rest a few minutes" (Old Wizard)

"I've already had enough rest, and lying on an old man's lap is not making my rest more comfortable. I'm afraid it will give me nightmares instead." (Akuto)

The old wizard seems hurt by the hero's reply.

"Anyway…thank you for trying to treat me…and sorry for the dropkick mister…?" (Akuto)

Akuto reaches his hand toward the old wizard for a handshake. The old man was surprised by the sudden gratitude and apology from the hero. The old wizard reaches out his hand and shakes Akuto's hand firmly.

"Uoham. it's okay. I understand. If I were in your shoes, I might have done the same too." (Uoham)

"Really?" (Akuto)

The old wizard was startled by the sudden question.

"N-no…" (Uoham)

"Thought so, and my name is Akuto" (Akuto)

"…The hero… Akuto"

Uoham nodded and let go of his hands. Akuto shakes his head.

"You've got it wrong. I am not the he-" (Akuto)


Akuto and Uoham can feel the ground shaking. The both of them look towards each other in shocked.

"What is that?" (Akuto)

"it's-" (Uoham)


A huge roar can be heard from outside the church. Akuto stares at Uoham worried expression.

"*gulp*…Please tell me that is just a lion or an elephant?" (Akuto)

"I don't know how dangerous a lion or an elephant in your world is, but I guarantee you…This is much worse" (Uoham)

Uoham looks at Akuto nervously. Uoham grabs Akuto's shoulder tightly.

"They're coming for you." (Uoham)

"W-what? Who's they? Why they are coming for me? What's going on?" (Akuto)

Akuto starts to panic.

"I'll explain to you later when we're safe. We don't have much time. Stay close to me. I'm going to protect you and take you out of here." (Uoham)

Uoham starts to walk to the door of the church while dragging Akuto.

"W-wait!" (Akuto)

"We don't have much time hero. We have to hurry!" (Uoham)

Akuto starts to glare at Uoham and twists Uoham's hands that were grabbing his shoulder. Akuto twists Uoham's wrist and throws Uoham over his shoulder, toward the ground.


Uoham's back hit the ground and air was knocked out from his body due to the fall.

"*cough*…*cough*… w-why ?" (Uoham)

"I said… wait." (Akuto)

Akuto's anger can be heard from the tone of his voice. Akuto looks straight into Uoham's eyes. Uoham sees Akuto's eyes clearly which are blue on the right, and red on the left. The color of the eyes is not what stunned Uoham, it is the look that came from the eyes.

There's a theory that the eyes reflect the personality of the holder. An experiment was conducted where a professor interview a serial killer to prove this theory. After the interview, the professor stated in his paper that during the interview, the killer is not looking at the interviewer like a normal person would when interacting with other people. The killer was looking through the professor the entire conversation and his eyes seemed to be hollow or empty.

And here, Uoham saw Akuto's eyes and it is not the eyes of the innocent. No, it was the eyes of a killer. Uoham suddenly felt fear. Only a few people in his entire life were able to make him scared, and it seems that Akuto is one of them. Akuto's eyes suddenly went back to normal and he smiles at Uoham.

"Sorry about this, I've just had to look for something. Okay." (Akuto)

Akuto looks at Uoham apologetically.

"I-I understand. Sorry for not listening." (Uoham)

"I'll be right back in a jiffy." (Akuto)

Akuto gave the old man a wink and pat Uoham's cheek softly. Akuto turns around and walks toward the white circle. Uoham stands up and stares at Akuto's back nervously. He got the feeling that Akuto is not what she looks like.

(I need to be careful not to get on her bad side for now. Not until I refilled my kuasa back.) (Uoham)




More shaking and screaming can be heard from outside the church. Uoham looks towards the door of the church and clenches his fist tightly.

(Please hold on for a few moments, everyone) (Uoham)

*tap* tap*tap*

Uoham heard some footsteps behind him. Uoham looks back and Akuto with a black contraption strapped to his shoulder.

"What is that?" (Uoham)

"What? This thing? "

Akuto pointed to the black contraption.

(It seems the people here never saw or ever made something like this. Good~) (Akuto)

"It's a secret~"

Akuto smiles at Uoham mischievously. Uoham just tilts his head in confusion.

"Okay… Anything else, before you throw me towards the floor again?" (Uoham)

"Nothing~" (Akuto)

Uoham nodded his head and move towards the door, while Akuto follows beside him.


The roar can be heard clearly behind the other side of the door. Uoham and Akuto start to exchange glances.

"Whatever happens, stay close to me. I'll protect you, alright?" (Uoham)

"Okay" (Akuto)

Akuto nodded toward Uoham.

"Good!" (Uoham)

Uoham and Akuto reach their hands toward the door when suddenly-


The church's door was broken to smithereens. A person can be seen flying from the door, passing between Uoham and Akuto, and hitting the altar in front of the statue. Both of them were frozen in shock while their hands were still in midair, trying to push open a door that was there a few seconds ago.

(WHAT THE F*CK??!!) (Uoham/Akuto)

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Thank you for reading guyss. The next chapter will be a fighting one, let's goooo. (^-^)

Sora_Saicreators' thoughts