
The Queen Bee

After further trudging along with the squad of Beegarde's we reached the northern section of the Moonless shore before they lead me down a side cliff and soon into what looked like an old abandoned mineshaft before we went in even further.

'Haaa…. If only I didn't do what I did last night then I would have been able to fight back.' I think to last night and all the fucking I did with those girls.

Currently I was without any pals in my party, why would I do that? Well the funny thing is that when a pal gets pregnant, until they give birth they can't be used in combat, breeding ranches expedite the process of giving birth for pals making it so it only takes a day or less to give birth.

But without one in operation and the necessary need for making a cake to make a breeding ranch 100% operational my pal girls can't do anything for a few days until they lay one on their own before I can begin incubation.

The only pal I could have had to help me was Mel, but as she wanted to be sent back to the Palbox so I could take care of her when I got home I, as of this moment, have no pals.

Now I could have fought these Beegarde's off no sweat, problem is that when they feel someone is too huge a threat for them or even their queen they can forcibly blow themselves up in a large explosion as they act like suicide bomber when they latch onto their target.

And since I still don't know if I respawn after death and I really don't want to test fate or anything like that so here I was, walking down an abandoned mineshaft that slowly began to look like the inside of a massive hive.

Soon enough we finally reached the bottom where plenty more Beegarde's were flying about, creating honeycombs and making honey.

Though in the center, sitting upon a throne made of beeswax, sat the Elizabee, as she stared at me with scepter in hand, though next to her I noticed another peculiar sight, a huge verdant egg surrounded by several smaller verdant looking eggs.

"Squee!" But as soon as I was brought before her one of the Beegarde's hit the back side of my knees with their spear making me fall into a kneeling position before their queen.

She slowly closed her eyes, "Squee?"

"Squee! Squee! Squee!" (Bg 1)

"Squeesueesqueesuee!" (Bg 2)

"Squee!" (Bg 3)

"Squeesquee!" (Bg 4)

The Beegarde's were saying things but as I had never made one as a mate I couldn't get what they were saying to the queen Elizabee.

She slowly nodded before opening her eyes once more as she looked at me, "Squeee, squee squeee." She said to me as she motioned towards the eggs then back towards me before pointing towards the top of the cave.

"…. You want me to take the eggs?"


"And build a home above your hive?"


"Then did your Beegarde's needed to be so forceful?" I ask as she shakes her head and laughs(?) at what I say.

She then motions at herself and the Beegarde's before sweeping her scepter across all of us before back to her as it went across her neck before putting it back in a regular spot.

"…. I wouldn't be here in the first place if I decided to fight now would I? If I attacked them you and the rest of your hive would view me as your enemy right?" I say which I see her nod slightly meaning my assumption is correct.

"Squeeesqueeesqueeesqueee!!!" Suddenly the Beegarde's cried out before their queen slammed her scepter into the ground to silence them all.

"Squeee! Squee, squee?" She seemed to have shouted out before calming down before looking at me and asking me if I would do this.

'Not like I got much choice if I don't want to experience the feeling of being blown up.' I think to myself as I look towards her and nod.

"I accept, I shall raise your daughter and the others in the base I shall make above your colony." I said which in turn got a nod from her as she motioned for me to rise up which I did before the Beegarde's made way for me to reach the eggs.

'Though I wonder why the Queen wants me to raise her daughter? Is their something wrong with her child and the rest of them that they need to be brought out of the colony and into a new area to call their own?' I think to myself as I touch the eggs one after another before they disappear into my inventory as I turned back towards the queen bee.

Though all she did was motion her scepter as the Beegarde's motioned me to follow them and so I did before reaching the exit and back out onto an open area not to far away from the mineshaft entrance.

"Well the land is flat so this is as good a place as any to set up a base around here, at least it's easier than setting it up in the woods up above." I mutter before I look for the perfect spot for my Palbox before setting it down and calling out my many pals before we began to work on my third official base.

"Squee! Squee!" As I was setting up things several Beegarde's came up to me as I directed my pals as to what to do as they clear the nearby trees for wood before I looked at them as they flew over with small bags in their hands.

"What's this?" I say before I take the bags they hand me before they headed back towards their base, when I open it up to my surprise it was around 25 Ancient parts, enough parts to help build 5 egg incubators, most likely meant to help hatch the eggs they gave me, along with a small batch of honey, another necessary ingredient in making cakes, honey, berry's, milk, eggs and flour is everything needed to make a base meant to produce cakes.

So with that said I began to transfer food from my other bases, such as food for my pals before the farms are made and metal ingots from my mining base which I plan to move in the future for a better location.

"Master! The breeder place is ready!" Kate said all excited like as she was sporting a distended belly, a clear sign of her now advanced pregnancy as it had been about Five days since me and her did it together.

"Good, now we just need the second one built up for you and the others to stay at and a few other things before this base is all ready to go." I say kneeling down before I lift her up and hold her in my arms as we watch the base slowly start to form.



Soon enough everything was made, two breeder farms, two ranches, a logging site, a mining site, a crusher, two berry farms, a wheat field, a mill, a statue of power, five egg incubators, my cabin, all the pal beds, a feed box, several chests for storage, several hot baths and a few cooking pots along with all the necessary workbenches I need for my base.

Luckily my pregnant pals don't count as actual pals for the base as all they do is rest inside until they lay their eggs and stay their until otherwise.

So I left the girls their before I looked southwest once more before looking at the incubators that will take time to hatch those eggs, so in the meantime…

"It's time to hunt for some Mozarina's." I say before actually taking Triss and Lee along so I'm not alone like before as I start my next journey to my next destination.



Also when they hatch and I show the pics you'll understand why the Elizabee wanted him to take her and her Beegarde's eggs.