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OneFist · Politique et sciences sociales
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Chinese Medicine

The origin of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) was lost in prehistory, before writing was invented. Written language started in China during the Shang Dynasty in 1766 BC. The writings on medicine at that time project back in history over two thousand years.

TCM encompasses several methods designed to help patients achieve and maintain health . This includes; acupuncture, moxibustion, tui na massage, cupping/scraping, chinese herbs, chinese nutrition, etc... (Some methods will be explained in later chapters).

The core principles: our body knows how to heal itself, our bodies respond to the environment around us, every part of your body is connected, yin and yang (the understanding that seemingly opposite or contrary forces have an interconnected, complementary and interdependent relationship), outside factors affect the balance in our bodies.

There is a huge varietie of diagnosis options. So much so, that it even causes different TCM doctors to give different evaluations to the same patient.

There are no fixed recipes. The ratios are dependent on the patients physical condition.

Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the philosophy of balance with nature.

To be a TCM doctor in China, practitioners have to gain lots of knowledge about herbs from the moment they become an apprentice.