
Xiaoming's Journey to Immortality

While climbing Mount Hua, a young boy named Xiaoming stumbles into a world of mystical martial arts training after an accidental fall from a cliff. He emerges unscathed and ready for adventure,in where numerous stunning and amiable girls become his acquaintance...

logyShrimp · Fantaisie
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The Journey to Mount Hua

Xiao Ming was a gifted boy, he always ranked first in every subject in every exam. As a reward for his excellent performance, his parents took him on a trip to Mount Hua for the holidays. They all climbed to the highest peak to watch the sunrise. The view was breathtaking, with the sun slowly emerging from the horizon, painting the sky with shades of orange and red.

However, as they were admiring the sunrise, suddenly dark clouds rolled in, bringing with them strong winds. Xiao Ming, who was caught off guard, lost his footing and tumbled down the mountain. His parents and other travelers on the mountain were shocked and screamed in horror, but it was too late. They all watched in helplessness as Xiao Ming fell off the edge of the mountain.

After what felt like an eternity, he finally came to a stop. Miraculously, he was still alive but covered in bruises and cuts. He slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying in a dense and mysterious forest. He tried to stand up but found it difficult as his body was sore from the fall.

Just as he was getting his bearings, he heard a sound that sent chills down his spine. From the darkness nearby, he could see several pairs of glowing eyes, fixed intently on him. He was filled with fear and didn't know what to do. He was all alone in an unknown world and had no idea what kind of creatures he was dealing with. He was lost, confused and helpless.

As he tried to gather his thoughts and come up with a plan, he noticed that the creatures seemed to be getting closer. He realized he had to act fast and find a way out of this strange place. He summoned all his courage and ran as fast as he could, not looking back until he was sure he was far away from the glowing eyes.

Xiao Ming continued to run, not knowing where he was going, until he finally collapsed from exhaustion. He lay there, panting, trying to catch his breath. He was still scared, but he was also determined to find a way back home.

He eventually got up and started walking again, trying to find any signs of civilization. As he walked, he noticed that the forest was not as dense as he thought it was, and he could see glimpses of the sky above. He continued to walk, determined to find a way out of this strange world.

As he opened his eyes, Little Ming realized that he was lying in the middle of a vast forest. It was a strange and unfamiliar place, and Little Ming felt scared and disoriented. He tried to get up, but his body was so weak and full of injuries that he could barely move. He was still in a state of shock, trying to understand what had just happened to him.

Little Ming remembered the moment when he fell off the mountain. He had been on top of the highest peak of Mount Hua, enjoying the breathtaking view of the sunrise. Suddenly, the weather changed, and the sky was covered by dark clouds. A strong wind started to blow, making it difficult for Little Ming to keep his balance. In a moment of panic, he lost his grip on the railing and fell into the abyss.

As he fell, Little Ming heard his parents' screams and cries of despair. He felt helpless and powerless, knowing that there was nothing he could do to stop his fall. He expected to hit the ground at any moment, but it never came. When he finally opened his eyes, he found himself lying in this strange forest.

Little Ming tried to call out for help, but his voice was barely audible. He was alone, and there was no one around to hear his cries. As he lay there, feeling helpless and scared, he noticed a strange light coming from the darkness in the distance. At first, he thought it was just his imagination, but then he realized that it was getting closer.

As the light approached, Little Ming saw that it was coming from several pairs of glowing eyes. He was frightened, not knowing what kind of creatures these were. He tried to move away, but his injuries made it impossible for him to escape.

In a moment of desperation, Little Ming closed his eyes and prayed for help.