
Xianxia: Why am I here?

Waking in a cultivated world, Wang experiences firsthand the feeling of powerlessness and being hunted by low-level martial artists. Ruruo saves him for her selfish reasons, but upon getting to know her, realizes she is not bad. Realizing this world is not a good place, he sets foot on the path of martial arts with her help but soon realizes that he would have to get involved in some conflicts just for resources in the end. At every stage, he seemed to realize that the strong will have to compete with others, for many reasons, including resources, race, and even respect. His ideals from Earth cannot hold in a kill-or-be-killed world, how will he navigate all this in the cultivation world? NB>Some of my chapters may seem to have poor grammar please bear with it. I have put effort into the latest ones they will not disappoint. 'Add to the collection and vote to support the work, if found it interesting"'

Aurora_Ryan · Oriental
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307 Chs

Wang Bo

On a cracked carriage, with broken fancy hanging decorations, moving with difficulty, a young with a dejected face sat. 

On his face, a black bruise could be seen making one of his eyes seem fat.

It was as though he had suffered a slap., but that was just because he happened to have experienced a battle. Even though he was protected, somehow, he suffered some damage and both his lips were also swollen.

It had been less than a week since he crossed over and his shock shifted from the panel, which was supposed to be his system. 

  Name: Wang Bo 


  Lifespan: 19 years 


  Potential value: 2



The messed up face was not something he could care about at all, since about a week after he transmigrated, he had suffered several attacks and from the nine-man guard team protecting him, only four were left. That was not the worst, he even heard they were close to fifty people on the team, but that made him doubtful. 

The group especially seemed to have almost been reduced to nine, by the time the original owner of this body died. It was not as simple as it seemed, it is more like something happened behind the scenes.

He was helpless, as he did not even have any idea why he was being chased, this also took his attention as one would not care about the fact that he knew his life would end in less than a decade, even if lived to the fullest.

He was in danger that could end his life at the moment and thus did not seem to have an interest in worrying about how long he could live before he escaped. 

The system panel has been thrown out of his mind a long time ago. The reason for it being that he saw how the individuals were attacking, his current state was only due to two people sacrificing themselves for him to escape.

He was almost going crazy, and at the same time wondering when someone from four left,  might not take it anymore and attack him. 

"I might have urinated on Bhuda's statue in some other lifetimes or something similar to get myself in such a mess." As he murmured to himself in an absent-minded manner, Wang Bo was already in the worst possible state.

When people cross over, at worst they are alone in a novice village, but the system can help them level up. Well, that is not something he wants either, he is very wary of the system panel, it's not like he can use it anyway. But even if he got that chance I doubt he would hesitate with his less than a decade lifespan. 

  If he could escape this, he would definitely find a way to improve his lifespan, how could he be reconciled to such fate.

Looking out through the window in his ragged clothes and messy hair, from which grass and small dry leaves were hanging.


When he saw the panel in the beginning, he perhaps thought it was like the Goldfinger discussed in novels, but then again, reality slapped him in the face. 

There was just the column for lifespan and Potential value that he did not understand. 

In the end, even tried to pray to all the beings such as Buddha but nothing changed, and in this state, he is one can say, his will is already collapsing.

  When one of the men escorting him, saw his look he sighed and tried to comfort him. 

"Young master! Do not worry, we are halfway to the strongest Ziyu City, and there no one would dare to attack. You can slowly organize yourself before locating someone to exchange that thing for help. In the end, perhaps young miss can have hope of surviving."  Hearing the words of these people, Wang did not have any change in expression at all. 

How could he be foolish, he learned from the man that was speaking, his life and death were in the hands of the people that send him to seek help. In the most direct way, they seem to be his family. 

Wang took advantage of the injuries he suffered to slowly dig for some information and came to some realization, he was not what these people were protecting, but rather some treasure sealed in his body. 

The scariest thing was the soul contract that had been put on him, if he died, these people would have also no reason to continue on their journey since someone had savagely linked their lives to his.

Since these guys were not dead, it only meant one thing, they worked for someone else, rather each of them had different factions they worked for in the family that send him out. 

With his expression, the people on the outside were also relieved since he had understood his role, little did they know that Wang's soul had already crossed over. 

In the list of those that took the initiative to send their lives on the line for him to escape, he was indifferent after learning they were thirty people in the beginning. 

After he crossed over, only nine were left, and since each had someone, they seemed to represent, he cared not. Even in the words of the man, he did not believe but just nodded before letting the tattered curtain drop.

He already was aware that this was a cruel world, from this and did not have any affection for the family, as for these people, he could not escape them. 

But in the end, kept waiting for a chance. Even though he could not escape, he would not give up without trying.

His outward face showed a person hit by despair and no hope of recovery, while slowly waiting and he had to even convince himself this was the reality.

He knew that only by playing his cards right could there be a future version where he escaped, even for just a small period, he would decide how he goes down himself. 

With his mentality from Earth, he is quick to adapt and from everything he has read, it would be better to be calm and observe rather than act irrationally. 

This is a dangerous world and not even family can be trusted at all, in the end, he pushed that thought out of his body. 

He was not shocked if the enemy that attacked the family he came from, was informed by the clan members themselves. 

His first move in this tough chess game was board was to wait. He had read many novels and just needed one instance that could help him out even though he had little hope of even that happening. 

He also realized that his physique was indeed weak by the standards of this world.

In his original home world, he would be viewed as among the healthy category of people.

It is indeed understandable as martial arts seem to exist in this world, and those that practice them become stronger from generation to generation.

But at the same time, he inferred a lot of things even though he had no memories provided by this body. The biggest gain was the fact that he did not owe the original body any karma. Whoever set up that contract that crushed the soul of this guy was indeed ruthless but benefited him.

But with his current situation, how could he be able to care about the benefits, unless he was not ready to just think about the little time he seems to have? 

Perhaps if he could get out of these people's hands, he would then think about other issues as priorities determine needs.

Without enough information, he already knew he was f#(in trouble).  Perhaps what the other party was telling him was intended to lead him. 

Information is essential for everything, and in his case, he lacked in all aspects and thus he would not speak unless he figured out some basic courtesy in this world. 

He had no plans for that. Escape? Could he even manage to do it, if he wanted? 

Under the watchful eyes of those muscular men that released a ferocious aura! It would be futile.

From what he had seen with his own eyes, this world did not have much respect for human life. Such experiences also allowed him to gauge that law in this world was pretty much useless. 

Leaving or even attempting to do it would not benefit him at all unless he was willing to become another dead soul faster than his lifespan could last. 

His previous life seemed to have ended prematurely. He did not even have a family of his own, leaving no legacy behind. 

Just a common person in the crowd was enough but this place, would not guarantee anyone peace at all. 

But he had read all sorts of books in his mediocre existence to understand that he was better off operating low-key like some nonplayer characters until an opportunity presented itself. 

Seeing the fact that he had a lifespan of about 19 made, and of which more than 12 had already been consumed his situation even more desperate. 

With this little left of him, he was very calm, at worst he could be reborn back on Earth. 

But he knew deep down that might not be the case. 

Since he discovered the panel, he already had tried what everyone else in his shoes would try, seeing if he could add his lifespan but nothing seemed to be working. 

The things in this world had already made him apprehensive, and no hope for a tomorrow made his eyes resemble those of an old man that had already seen through life and death. 

Who can blame our boy, the way things were going for him seemed to be the worst so he did not expect any miracles, and neither did he assume that it could get any worse.

But he was wrong.

Halfway through their journey, their carriage was surrounded. 

At some distance, a woman with her face covered seemed to be conducting some kind of divination even though her face was pale, and she looked in a certain direction seemingly more surprised than happy. 

"My chance is finally here. I will cling to it with all my might. I do not wish the situation in my previous life to repeat itself. As for the Ice Sect founder, you just wait! I this young lady will grind your bones into powder old witch." The woman was muttering to herself with some killing intent coming from her body. 

It was so condensed, it actually did not match her at all, as she looked the same age as Wang if not slightly older. 

This woman was a regressor, her soul had come back from the future. 

But soon when the sound of a horse was heard she covered up her pale beautiful face. 

In less than a minute a group arrived, "Young miss! And we found a carriage and a young man is inside. He looks weak and feeble. The people on the outside, are not injured seriously implying they are probably rivals that kidnapped him. If they were guards they should be able to protect him, but his state his very bad." said the man with some scar on his face and not daring to look at the woman directly. 

But the woman did not care about their words, in the carriage, she was looking at herself through the mirror and straightening her hair. 

" Well, I'm about to finish with this important issue and get done with the Giant Gang. Since I promised their leader, he can leave after my wedding is completed."

The woman had some nervousness on her face when she thought of this. 

Actually, she would not have done any of this, but she once gained some technique at her peak to calculate fate and here's is linked to someone else. 

In fact, it is more favorable for her to capitalize on it before the other party becomes strong or things would develop in the wrong direction. 

She did not want to face the same fate as her future self. 

Steeling her will, she walked out. 


If Wang knew that he was described with two words indicating the same thing and the words were weak and feeble, his indifferent facade of an old man that has seen through life and death would break in an instant. 

Bursting into a rage, he would even complain about how this world was going too far. 

But this did not seem to be possible in this world since even his life was difficult to protect.

It was just a few minutes before they were surrounded and the group seemed like horse bandits yet organized like an army.

"Here comes my chance!" Indeed just as he had thought his chance had arrived, it was not going to go the way he envisioned it.


Take this journey with me!.. And be patient with me as edits are being done on chapters to make them understandable. Written in a rush, trying to make up for it.

Aurora_Ryancreators' thoughts