
Xianxia Transmigration

A simple xianxia fanfiction, starting in Douluo World.

Dao_Creator · Livres et littérature
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11 Chs

First Soul Ring

As Qing Xuan started to condense his first spirit ring, due to his knowledge gained as soon as he stepped into this world, it was no mystery.

Concentrating, Qing Xuan began to absorb spiritual energy between heaven and earth, with that a circle appeared around his body, at first it was transparent, as if it was made of wind.

As time passed, the circle became white, deepening its color more and more, and then it became light yellow, as time passed the color deepened even more.

About two hours later, the yellow ring started to turn purple, in another hour it turned completely purple, thus reaching a thousand years, but Qing Xuan still didn't stop, he continued to condense his soul ring for a while longer.

In the end, his ring turned a light purple, his final age was 2053 years old, due to his fusion with the immortal tree, Qing Xuan didn't suffer the pain that every soul master suffers in his first soul ring, there wasn't even the process of washing the tendons and cutting the marrow.

The process can be said to be smooth, but because it was his first time, Qing Xuan couldn't manage to reach his maximum, it's the old saying, experience makes all the difference.

But Qing Xuan was not discouraged, the first ring is 2000 years old after all. Qing Xuan then got up.

"System, open the store." A few moments ago Qing Xuan received a beep from the system, the requirement to activate it was to obtain the first soul ring.

With that all the functions were explained to Qing Xuan right away, in the end he just asked him to open the shop.

The functions are: Exchange, World Travel and Store. To make purchases in the store you need to have points, to have points you need to exchange treasures or items of equal value, such as pills, techniques, formations, spiritual herbs, beast cores, beast bodies, beast blood and etc, everything you have value can be exchanged.

[Ding: Store]



• Pills


• Techniques


"Huh, only four sections, it's like that entity said, the system is basic... But it's enough, I can't complain."

Qing Xuan said after only finding four options in the store, despite being a little disappointed at first, he remembered all the things he got, and then he didn't care anymore.

Qing Xuan then spent his only 1000 points buying a map of the Douluo continent, as he was lost, it was the best acquisition he could opt for right now.

"To think that I would be close to this city, Suotuo City, Ballak Kingdom, Heaven Dou Empire. According to this map, it would take me five days to travel if I went at the speed of an ordinary human to get there."

Only then did Qing Xuan know where he was, and apparently he didn't like being there at all, he wished he were close to Spurit City or at least the imperial capital, but not where he was currently.

"Whatever, let's see how things are going first." Only at this moment did Qing Xuan decide to check his condition.

"Dark Evil God Tiger, possess!" Exclaiming loudly, Qing Xuan manifested his martial soul, a huge tiger roar rang out.

It was then that his form changed, Qing Xuan's golden hair turned black and dark, his purple eyes also turned black, his hands became black claws where the darkness seemed to expel out.

A pair of black wings appeared on his back, his torso, legs and arms seemed to be wrapped in black armor, and finally his height increased by a few centimeters, making his figure a little more robust.

"Wings... I didn't expect that one." seeing his appearance after manifesting his martial soul, Qing Xuan was surprised that he had wings, a flying soul master is very troublesome.

Beneath his feet, a glowing purple ring slowly circled. With this soul ring, Qing Xuan obtained two abilities, namely:

•Devil's Hook. This is a fast attack skill, its speed and lethality is extreme, it consists of creating a hook imbued with darkness and lightning, which can cause numbness and corrosion to the target.

•Devour. This is the Dark Evil God Tiger's best known ability, because of it he is extremely hated and feared by the other soul beasts. This skill can simply devour other beasts and absorb them to increase its own strength.

Thanks to that and other things the Dark Evil God Tiger is so powerful, with a base of only 60,000 years he is more powerful than soul beasts of 100,000 years. It took Er Ming(Titan Great Ape) and Da Ming(Bull Snake) to join forces to just repel the Dark Evil God Tiger.

It is common knowledge that both of these beasts boast over 100,000 years of cultivation, and also possess superior bloodlines, both of them have yet to join forces to just repel the Dark Evil God Tiger.

"What a frightening skill, I'm glad I won't need to use it many times."

Qing Xuan said upon obtaining the information about such an ability, with the information the consequences of using it were also shown.

Over time, the cultivator can be corrupted, thus becoming a beast that only knows how to slaughter and destroy everything. But that's only in the case of a cultivator dependent on such an ability, someone who only uses it a few times doesn't risk that, but Qing Xuan still prefers not to use it.

Qing Xuan then decided to condense his second soul ring, but as soon as he sat down again, he had an idea, so he decided to study the Ten Thousand Formation Scriptures.

A spirit gathering array would undoubtedly be an extremely good thing, Qing Xuan thought about it, in all the stories he had read in his past life, the protagonist almost always created such a formation.

Not only did this increase the density and quality of refined spirit energy, it also greatly increased the benefits the cultivator was able to acquire.

Qing Xuan then took it out of the pearl storage and started to read the contents of the book.