
Martial skills

C13 Martial Skill

The two youths started to exchange blows with each other. Sounds of sparks could be heard. Chi stabbed his sword in a swiftly way, but Shu parried it in a magnificent way. The battle continued until Chi started to attack faster. Shu was on the defensive most of the time.

He was trying so hard to parry chi's swords, but due to Chi's strange movements, he can't take the offensive. Shu never imagined... This backwater village could have someone this strong. He thought his opponent only got his cultivation due to monopolizing the resources of the village on his own. Since he was from one of the sacred families in the beast plains, so he naturally underestimated those who they called 'geniuses' from small villages.

Shu was starting to lose the battle, he got cuts on his body. Feeling the pain in his body made him pissed, so he went all out. He clenched his right arm, then a green flowing aura coated his arm with a small bump in his hands. "Dragon's descent" Shu muttered and punch his arm directly to chi's head.

Seeing Shu's arm... Chi felt danger and stopped his attacks. when the punch neared him, he felt his life was on the line. When the audience saw this... They all gulped, the head and everyone couldn't do anything to save Chi since they were very far from the stage so they could only hope for Chi to dodge the attack.

Seeing the green aura coating in Shu's arm... Kyle thought ' so this is a martial skill huh, it kinda looks like my Gura Gura coating' Kyle was glad, now he could have a perfect excuse for his power in the future.

When the fist of Shu became closer and closer, Chi felt a familiar sensation. He saw the upcoming fist becoming slower and slower. He felt his body lighten and he dodged the upcoming fist graciously while aiming his sword to Shu's throat. Then he said, " surrender!"

When the senior saw this, his eye went wide and said "one with the sword... This brat, he already stepped in the path on becoming a true sword cultivator and become one with the sword?" Hearing this made everyone grasped, even the youth who looked bored become interested when he heard it.

Seeing this event made Shu very angry, but he can't do anything because the sword was still on his throat. One of the youths who came with him then said "Enough!... Let me battle next." Hearing this made everyone from the village grew wide-eyed.

What do you want to do? Fight our genius 1by1 until he became tired and lose?

The people from the Ximen Family was really arrogant and oppressive and this made everyone angry... They are getting bullied inside their village but they can't do anything since the enemy had a Xiantian cultivator backing them.

The newcomer stepped inside the ring and Shu retreated, but before they could start a new battle... The bored looking youth appeared inside the village in a blurred manner and said " Let me try "

Seeing this... the newcomer and Shu could only nod and return to their sides. They were grinning very wide, they knew how strong their senior brother was, so they couldn't wait to see the beaten face of the genius from Tang village.

Chi and the others could only accept since they can't do anything to their guests.

"I am called Ximen Tiaolong... Since I am in the 9th stage, ill only use my 8th stage Qi to battle you, so you won't say I am bullying you."

"Tang Chi," Chi said while nodding slightly.

The two then started to battle... Chi felt a dangerous sensation while fighting Ximen Tiaolong so he didn't underestimate him and gave his all. Due to having felt the sensation of 'one with the sword twice, he learned how to activate it, so he directly used it from the start.

With 'one with the sword' state activated, Chi charged towards Tiaolong and attack in a very swift way. A blur of swords heading to Tialong could be seen due to the swiftness of the sword, but Tiaolong didn't even bother to parry his swords and dodged it all in a very easy manner. The scene of Tialong being at the disadvantage did not appear, and this made the head and everyone gasped.

Seeing this scene made kyle thought 'is that kenbunshoku? No, it is different... But quite similar.' Everyone from the village started to get worried about Chi. Chi was giving his all, but Tiaolong looks very ease and didn't even sweat since the battle started.

"I didn't expect someone who has stepped into 'one with the sword' to be this weak, you're such a disappointment... Lets end this " Ximen Tiaolong said in a disappointed manner.

He then clenched his fist just like the one Ximen Shu did, but what appeared wasn't just a green coating and a small bump like Shu. Tialong's arms became coated with green energy that looks like the body of a dragon (eastern style) and on its hands was the dragons head. The energy felt so strong and very dangerous "DRAGON'S DESCENT!!" Tiaolong shouted and punched the upcoming sword heading to him. When the sword and dragon met, the sword didn't last for a second and shattered.

Feeling his sword shattering... Chi tried to dodge the upcoming dragon heading to him, but he was too late to react and the fist hit his shoulder. He got blown away from the impact directly outside of the ring. Chi felt some of his bones dislocated, but thankfully the fist only hit his shoulder and didn't leave any serious damage.

Seeing that he was outside of the ring... Ximen Tiaolong didn't bother talking and went back to their corner. The crowd was speechless due to seeing the dragon in Tialong's arms. Seeing the events happening made the surprised.

When Kyle saw this... He thought 'wow! So that's a real martial skill... Damn it even looks cooler than my coating' the otaku side of Kyle was activating and he started dreaming of using those skills.

Truthfully Kyle like those flashy martial skills, but if he could pick between them and Gura gura... He would definitely pick his power without a doubt. But since he could try to use both, why not have both right? Unfortunately, the Tang village was so small, they don't even have one martial skill, so he could only wait until he finds some.

"Nephew... So you already perfected our family's best martial skill, you really are a genius. some of our experts in the family cant even perfect our low, Earth grade martial skills. But you already perfected a middle, Earth grade martial skill... The ancestor would be very glad when he heard this" the senior praised Tiaolong.

Truthfully... Only the 3 youths were his disciple, but when they were about to leave, Tialong came and ask to tag along. He wanted to test his skills on a monster beast so he came to fight them, but since there was already no beasts left... he felt disappointed and wasted his time.

"Hahahahah did you see that? You call yourself a genius, but you can't even take a single punch against my senior brother?" Ximen Shu boasted while forgetting he has beaten just a while ago.

Hearing this... Kyle could only laugh in his mind, arrogant young masters are really plenty in a Xianxia World. Even if you beat one, tens, or hundreds, the world won't run out of them.

The crowd from the village could only grit their teeth. They wanted to retort... But stopped themselves to avoid any unnecessary troubles. The head and elders went to Chi to check on him. Seeing that Chi was fine, they smiled and they looked up to Kyle, wanting to avenge their village.

Seeing this... Kyle thought 'why are you looking at me, you want me to fight and beat that Young master? And for what? There aren't any merit on winning this battle... At most, we could only win some face for the village. But is it worthy to offend a sacred family just for a small face? Heck! Our village is only a small village... What can we even do with that face?' So he only shook his head sideways and disapproved of their intentions.

When the elders saw this... Some of them thought 'what a coward!' But they couldn't do anything since Kyle just ignored them. One of the elders who had a crooked nose wanted to boast about Kyle to include him in the enemies radar. But before he could talk, the head gripped his shoulder... Trying to warn him not to cause any trouble. Seeing this... The elder backed away and shut his mouth.

Ximen Shu continued to boast about his village, about how inferior they are to them. He didn't care about their feelings and tried to provoke them. This continued for a long time.

Sooner later the senior got tired and the Ximen Family left the area with their flying sword. Everyone from the village looks sad. Their happy occasion got ruined and went to a stop. The Ximen family showed them how weak they are. They could only look at the ground and bow their head in shame.

Feeling the bad vibes in the air... Kyle could only go back to his house and started cultivating. He knew he could beat Ximen Tiaolong and win some face for their village and make them happy. But he also knew that this loss could also help the youths in the village to strive harder and train harder. The shame they received today could be used to motivate them to become stronger. Kyle knew... He could have their payback in two years during the Ximen Family's competition.

Kyle has already lived in this village for a couple of years, so Tang village already became his home in his heart. The shame the villagers felt when they were mocked and insulted... He also felt them, but he decided to steel himself and hold back for their future. What the village need is a backer since they don't even have a single Xiantian cultivator. So Kyle cultivated and made his goal to break through into Xiantian in these two years.

"XIMEN FAMILY! Two years... In two years, ill pay back the insults you have given to our village... Just wait."

Ok guys, since majority of you doesnt like seeing chi, I tried to minimize the battles. Our mc was only a spectator this time, so dont hate me so much.

And thanks for the critiques, im just trying to write in different angles and see your reactions.p to learn from them, So thanks

Primo28creators' thoughts