

I woke up to the sound of running water coming from the bathroom " was xaphan already home"? no I said to myself assuring that he was to come a day after today or maybe I had forgotten to turn off the two when I went him earlier because I was feeling a bit sleepy,I decided to shove the taught and see what's going on, when I opened the door of the bathroom my jaw drop.

I saw a figure standing under the water and oh God he had broad shoulders and lower than his back his ass, oh God his ass!! ,I quickly closed the door and headed out of the room before my face start turning red like an over riped tomato

Xaphan on the other hand was amazed buy her reaction he didn't mean to wake her he just wanted to take a quick shower and leave , he came back when she was already still sleeping peacefully so he decided not to wake her, " I guess the shower gave me out" he said still chuckling at her reaction he had never expected her to just leave the room like a chicken being chased,bout at least he was happy she almost freak out

"How can someone be so muscular and we'll shaped" I said to myself recalling the image of xaphan naked body I had seen earlier , I was still in taught and didn't know xaphan was staring at the entrance of the tree hux "is everything okay" he said as he stared at me and I drifted back to reality " yeah am good " I managed to mumbled , because seeing his face reminded me off what happened earlier

" am sorry for walking on you like that earlier" I said facing my sweaty palm

" would you like to take a stroll with me " he said just ignoring what I just said ,I nooded and we came down from the tree house and headed to the garden, we walked around the garden as xaphan told me about his childhood where his mother would come with him and they would have some tea, this made me miss my mum and klara a lot we kept talking and also walking

" did my father told you about my mum" I asked ," yes he did ,any problem " he said and I nooded to say no

" and one more thing if I may ask you went to the tree hux when you were younger right ? ,I asked " sorry to intrude but there's some stuff am sure kids are not allowed to read" I said

" oh I see you've read that naughty boy's novel, that's my brother book " he said ,I was shocked, " you have a brother" I asked staring at him, and he nooded.