
Xanlandia: Lord Of Origin

When your own skill might kill you, maybe being transported into a fantasy world isn’t what you’d thought it would be!

7thDimensional · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

The Last Stronghold

Authors note:


1)Marjane forest is to the east of the kingdom of xanlandia and beyond that is the darklands.

2) There are 3 walls within xanlandia. The inner wall holds The royalty and wealthy, the Middle holds the low tier knights and nobles. Finally the last wall holds the peasants.

3) Not all Holy knights are ranked, while being a holy knight is a strong accomplishment in itself only the strongest are ranked. The ranking ends at 100.


(Somewhere in the darklands)

Demon King Xerxes

"Did you send in the Goblin elites," I asked vehemently as I sat atop my throne.

"Indeed we did sir," said Sous.

"They only have 1 holy knight left on the Outer wall, there finished," I said laughing hysterically.

"They can't survive another wave, according to intel, the backup holy knights aren't going to arrive from the inner wall until tomorrow," said sous


(Hallmark Inn)


"Xander," said max looking at me while we were eating, his uncle had just left for the Outer wall.

"Yeah," I replied trying to focus but I was off in my own thoughts.

"My uncle gave that same look that my grandfather gave before he didn't come back, I'm worried," he groaned.

"I'm sure he'll be fine," I remarked as I made a mental note to go check how things were going on in the front line.

"I have to go," I said suddenly as I finished the rest of my meal. When I left he still seemed distressed so I gave him the Average Sword Play scroll to keep him busy.

"Wow, where did you get this. Sword play instruction scrolls are incredibly expensive," exclaimed max.

"I just picked it up on my travels," I said nonchalantly as I passed the double doors into the night. Following closely behind uncle remus who was on his horse. Eventually we reached the double gates that signaled the Outer wall. I took my hiding place behind a bunch of barrels in an alleyway as I had begun to here talk from on top of his horse. They had reached the Outer wall guards.

"Captain we've been keeping them busy but we're on the losing side. The Goblin elites have a Demon Knight Captain now that rumor of a hero has spread," said one of the guards.

"Yes, there checking all the major countries. While we search for and protect the next hero we must be vigilant. We cannot allow one of the last stronghold of the light side fall!," remarked uncle remus.

"We're currently in battle with the Goblin elites, the Demon Knight hasn't showed himself yet but we have word of him," said the other guard as they raised the gate to let him past. Now I had to think of a way to help the Outer wall guard without showing who I was. I put up my hood and just decided to stand guard in the shadows.

"They're scaling the wall!," yelled a Outer wall guardsmen as he took out his sword and started trying to cut a few ropes that had appeared. Eventually the guardsmen began to get overwhelmed and Goblin elites poured down the wall one by one.

"We've breached, hold the line," roared the Goblin elite.

"Where is the Captain," yelled one of the Outer wall guardsmen.

"He's battling the Demon Knight!," said another while he cut another rope off of the wall.

"Silence trash. Ransack the city," said the Goblin elite as he stabbed the soldier in the neck from behind. I couldn't watch anymore and decided to act.

Mission: Save the Outer-wall guardsmen


Reward: 10 Zen points

"Your going nowhere!," I fumed as appeared behind him at full speed.



I went slashing his back and getting his full attention but it was too late. My Blade was already sticking out of a chink in his leather armor.

"You little shit!?!," he shouted as he swung his sword blindly and met air as I stepped back.

"Commander!," said one of the goblin elites as he came down from the stairs and rushed to aide the first Goblin.

"I'm fine," he remarked as he checked the shallow slash, and stab wound.

"Haaa, warriors spirit," called the Goblin using the first skill I had ever seen before. He instantly became more fast and disappeared from view momentarily before my eyes adjusted.


Went our swords as they clashed together in a storm of sparks. He overpowered me and sent me Flying.


Into the barrels I went as he laughed hysterically and waved his sword around.

"Is that all wandering swordsman," he asked innocently.

"Not even close," I said getting up as three more goblins breached the wall.

"This place will fall," said One

"And you will fall with it," boomed another.

"First release," I said in my head as the underlings approached me a faint rainbow outline appeared on my body.




I went taking off the heads of the goblins who lunged at me.

"What!," stammered the Goblin elite commander.






Sparks flew as we clashed and exchanged swordplay strikes. It seemed we were evenly matched for a bit until...

"Second release," I thought kicking the Goblin chief in the gut and sending him into the Outer wall where he left an indent.

"This place will not fall tonight," I said as I stabbed him in the neck.

"Seal," I thought as I sensed no other enemies approaching.

"Here comes Captain Remus!," said one of the surviving Outer wall guardsmen.

"Looks like we made it another night boys," belted uncle remus as I blended in with the shadows and left for the inn.

"You defeated the Demon Knight?," said one of the Outer wall guardsmen.

"I'm no holy knight for nothing boy," remarked uncle remus.