
Stupid Paths

As everyone was seated around a table in the living room, old man Furinji sat at the head of the table, while Kenichi sat on the side of the six fists of Ragnarok. He did this on purpose for two reasons.

The first is to make the six future masters know he's on their side. The second is to show he didn't appreciate his masters keeping things from him, even if he knew them already.

By the looks on his masters' faces, minus Shigure and Apachi who looked as if they simply didn't get what's going on, his point was understood.

"Ahem, let's begin with introductions, please state your name, style and master" Furinji spoke after a stretch of silence

"Shirahama Kenichi. Currently making my own style which includes Karate, Mui Tai, Jujitsu, Kung Fu and various weapon arts. My CURRENT masters are hiding things from me they know I can handle and are looking very guilty at the moment" Sakaki, Akisame and Kensei started looking around the room as if the ceiling and floor are the most interesting things in the world

Kenichi then continued with a grin "I just might have to cut their supply of exclusive before release Manga" he noticed them stiffen ever so slightly "and here I was planning on taking a few days off to work on a new story I had" then Kenichi noticed something 'looks like Shigure was in on it as well' he noted, judging by her widening eyes

"It just never came up" Sakaki shrugged, playing a carefree 'obvious' act

"We were just waiting for the right time" Kensei added waiving his hand in disregard

"And would you look at that, the opportunity presented itself, as if fate wanted it to be" Akisame concluded with the obvious I'm lying voice, that only Xander with his over 100 points in spirit and mind can identify

Kenichi decided to let it go for now since he already knew about what they will talk about now "Sigh, Fine, let's move on"

Ryuto took this opretunity to introduce himself, his style and master, then Berserker, then Freya and so on till the seventh fist.

Kenichi noticed Kensei flinch at the mention of Sogetsu Ma, the master of the sixth fist, Hermit and Kensei's brother.

After the introductions were concluded, Hayato Furinji began explaining why they were all so serious "in the road to become strong, there are two prominent paths, the Katsujinken or life giving fist and the Satsujinken or the life taking fist.

"As the name suggests, the Katsujinken aims to protect people and save lives, without killing, while the Satsujinken believes in killing all who oppose them, in all aspects" Furinji then paused to ensure everyone is following

He then continued "now you will have to make a choice on which path to follow but be informed, we cannot train you if you choose Satsujinken" he explained

Kenichi raised his arm "Question" receiving a nod he continued "does that mean we can't kill rapists?" receiving a head shake indicating a negative he continued "what about paedophiles" Furinji hesitated for a moment befor shaking his head with a no.

Thinking for a bit Kenichi asked again "what if someone killed someone you love, like Miu?" again Furinji hesitated, but again no "then both paths are equally stupid" Kenichi scoffed then concluded "I'm walking my own path"

The thirteen people in the room had their eyes wide as a saucer. Did he just call the two most traditional, most ancient and most respected paths… stupid?

"HAHAHAHAHA" the bellowing laughter of Hayato, Sakaki and Kensei alongside a chuckle from Akisame filled the room.

It's fitting for the writer of Naruto to follow his 'Ninja Way'.

To walk one's own path, is a man's romance.

And they were going to be part of his path.

Though they emphasised he must not kill, they agreed on severely injuring and intimidating those who deserve it. After all they had to agree when Xander argued "A neutered pedo is the only ignorable pedo"

…There is no good Pedo


With the meeting settled, Paths chosen and promises not to hide important things from Kenichi issued, it was time to register the new students, which Xander decided to take care of.

"You will register without paying anything for the first month, then pay what you believe the dojo deserves for the training you received" he explained to the six new Disciples

"How much do you pay?" Ryuto asked, he was rich so it was no trouble to pay even in millions

"100k yen per month for the martial arts training and another 100k for everything else" he explained

With a panicked look on his face, the seventh fist, Thor AKA Yuma Chiaki spoke "I can't afford that" followed by a nod from Freya, Berserker and Siegfried. Hermit was currently with Kensei talking, but he was well off and can probably pay that much

Before Kenichi can respond, Ryuto did "no worries, I will foot the bill" which prompted a thanks from Freya, an argument from Thor, a shrug from Berserker and a Ballad from Siegfried

Kenichi quickly stopped the ensuing chaos by explaining "you pay what you want and can afford" when he was sure everyone was focused on him he continued "I can afford it, so I pay it but if you want, you can pay 500 yen per month and no one will tell you off. The Masters of Ryozanpaku care more about the Disciples than you think so just be nice to them, and train hard and all will be fine" he concluded not knowing of the eavesdroppers

Even with Grandmaster level senses, they were Grandmasters too… just not at holding back tears of pride and/or joy


The routine quickly returned after a couple of days of adjustment, with Kisara dropping in with a drop kick at Odin for not telling her about joining the enemy.

He dodged. 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

She got even more pissed. (╬▔皿▔)╯

Kenichi got kicked in the head… (>ლ)

"Why me?!" ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

It did zero damage  ̄へ ̄

She got so frustrated she started crying o(TヘTo)

Miu, Shigure and Kaname took her away from Kenichi to comfort her. {{{(>_<)}}}

Everyone looks at Kenichi with judgmental eyes. (¬_¬)

Bad Kenichi (ㆆ_ㆆ)

"Why meeee?" Kenichi runs away crying ~~~\(ToT)/

The boys shares a smirk (¬‿¬)

Life is good (⌐■_■)

A bit of a lighter note to end things

Just Xander acting as a comic relief

Nothing new ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hope you enjoy


Silver_Callcreators' thoughts