
Vanished Complexity

A world without differences, seems doomed. And it is.

"Hey, are you going to choose a ice cream flavor now or not?" asks the icecream seller.

"Uhm, yeah. I'll pick bubblegum." replies Demo.

"Here you go." the icecream seller grabs his spoon and digs a medium sized scoop of icecream.

After handing out 5 coins to the seller, Demo heads away to the next bench.

"Simple things are so boring and this world is not only fucked up, it's literally as simple as possible." Demo thinks.

Demo was a loner since highschool, that was the same time the new dictator Jonah Snyder took over the government, Snyder was a promised to make the whole world rich, he wanted to make everyone equal in wealth, skill and any other property. Since Demo's parents were young the world was already getting more simple and simple, but with Snyder it was as simple as it could get, everyone wasn't just forced to learn the exact same things at school but they were forced to know the same things by implanting a chip into their brain. The chip releases all thoughts of the people to him, Snyder was mostly able to determinate their thoughts but sometimes it didn't work well but he had a solution for that kind of problem, for example if someone was thinking about killing someone else, Snyder knew that immediately and executed him by streaming electricity into his heart. It would have been obvious to everyone if they would've been able to conclude it within their thoughts that there were uncountable solutions to the problem, Snyder killed those people because he liked it, but they weren't able to conclude that and the people who were, were a problem that got executed, if anyone even realised that Snyder executed someone the same thing happened to him, Snyder was able to delete thoughts and add new ones, he just liked to have some puppets he could play with and sometimes even kill.

"I know what Snyder has done to us. Snyder made the world so simple that the most common name for boys is X and the most common name for girls is Y. I also know about the implantate thing, mine needs to be defect or something because i am still alive. Snyder thinks he is a god and he even claims to be, there are so called wealthhouses where the humans pray to Snyder. I never went to one of those because i believe in a real god, one who isn't like that dork who acts allmighty, one who truly is. While i was in highschool i had many friends, but they became something like robots, they are not real for me anymore. I am not an anarchist but anarchism would be way better than this doomed place. Fuck Snyder and fuck this world, i need to go beyond all this, but yet i don't know how." thinks Demo