
WW2 Kage (Naruto fanfic)

Hehe... You want to read the synopsis? it is not that easy man... If you are really curious what the heck is this fanfic, you can find the synopsis at the auxiliary page titled "SYNOPSIS" of course as usual... Naruto is not mine any reference from other works is not mine the world and earth is not mine any WW2 character ex: Hitler, Roosevelt, etc is not mine heck! even the protagonist in the ww2 is not mine (based on real person) though the MC before reincarnating and other character in it, is mine Oh! cover is also not mine (I just photoshop it, source: Code Geass btw) furthermore, if there is a song included in the chapter... is also not mine. only this fanfic and story is mine.

Reiyl · Anime et bandes dessinées
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: I have a System?

"Hah… How the heck will I become an emperor?…"

On the edge of a pond, it can be seen there is a figure of Takahito no shinno or prince Mikasa playing with stones. It's been a month since his transmigration as He learns about etiquette and how to rule a country.

"After all, I don't really know whether I can change history and allow Japan to win the world war even if I become the emperor…"

"Especially due to the fact that history has already been changed anyway since I will become the emperor in the future…"

Takahito can only continue to sigh as he laments his situation after transmigration. After all, who will not want to change the world once they get a second chance in life? However, just as he wants to continue thinking of his future being an emperor, a young girl's voice can be heard in his ear.

"Taka-kun, Lunch is already prepared! You need to eat your meal on time to maintain your health, you know!"

This can be said to be another change in his transmigration. She is a young girl of his age who lives at the palace as his personal maid.

What is the change though? It is the fact that her appearance and character resemble another fictional character in his previous life.

Her name was Mikasa Akahito. Already guess?

Yes! She is very similar to Mikasa Ackerman from the "Defense from the Titan" anime (rather than attack, it feels more to defense, if I have to say LOL). Her experience is almost similar to her counterpart in the anime.

{Author Note: When you translate Ackerman to Japanese it becomes Akkaman. Man=hito, so to make it more simple: Akahito or red(aka) person(hito)… Doesn't really match but whatever…}

She lives with her simple family on the outskirts of Mount fuji. However, a group of traffickers came to her place at that time. Then the trafficker kills both her parents while she is then captured and tied inside a sack.

At that time, Takahito (the original) was 4 years old as He went to the bottom of Mount Fuji along with some of his brothers for a vacation. However, He and his group of guards got separated from the other prince which caused them to chance upon a group of traffickers carrying a sack.

Probably from sensing our presence, Mikasa screams for help at that moment causing the group of guards to know the situation. After all, when encountering a group of suspicious people carrying a sack that scream in a girl's voice, there is only a slim chance that a person doesn't know what happened.

Of course, different from Eren Yeager who just rushed to the villain, saved the beauty, get trapped by a villain, and told the beauty to kill one of the villains herself to save himself from being fuck up… Takahito (the original) just orders the guard to subdue the villain.

Not romantic you say, but what can be done… That is not him (current Takahito) and that is the best course of action at that time. This is also the reason that her personality is not as dark as her counterpart in AOT. Though… she is probably not as attached as she is to him than her counterpart to Eren.

Anyway, after being rescued, she became Takahito's personal maid and often reminds him when he forgets to eat just like right now. She is also the only one except for his mother who calls him by that nickname (Taka).

"Hey! Are you listening!"

Her sudden voice pulled him back from his thinking. He could see her face at a very close distance to his face while staring directly into his eyes. He can feel her breath and smell the shampoo from her hair at this distance that can be described as almost touching each other.

Averting his eyes and face, Takahito answers back as he holds his breath to reduce the pace of his heartbeat that increased from a moment ago.

"Yea yea I know!"

"Humph! You always forget about your meal! I will force-feed you if you don't come to the dining table in 5 minutes!"

She said this sentence as she pouted her lips before turning back to where she came from.


He accidentally uttered a sigh as he wondered about something.

'Should I be late to the dining table intentionally? After all, if I am late I can be fed by… Ahem, forget it. I am too embarrassed for that.'

Removing his thoughts about being force-fed by a girl, He starts to walk at the edge of the pond in the direction of the dining table.

"Hey, I wonder why I don't get a golden finger? In many novels, most protagonists always have a cheat or a system tha--!"

|"System" word detected...|

|[Ninja Chakra system] initialize…|

At that moment, Takahito's steps halt as his eyes stare at the holographic digital word that appears right in front of his eyes and the word sounds directly to his brain. The sound seems very similar to Microwave Auditory Effect also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect.

Frey effect consists of human perception of any sound or speech induced by pulsed or modulated radio frequencies. The communications are generated directly inside the human head without the need for any receiving electronic device.

He remembers that the effect was first reported by persons working in the vicinity of radar transponders during World War II. In 1961, the American neuroscientist Allan H. Frey studied this phenomenon and was the first to publish information on the nature of the microwave auditory effect

If there is any other comparison, it would be like a telepathy esper. However, as a firm believer of sciences, Takahito is more likely to believe that this is some kind of microwave signal that is directed to his head either from somewhere or even from outer space or another dimension.

|System successfully installed|

|Congratulations to the Host for gaining [Ninja Chakra System]!|

|To open the menu, use voice activation or thought activation of the word "system"|


Looking at the succession of notifications, Takahito can only be speechless from all the happening just now. After all, unlike many protagonists who either become happy or doubtful from the emergence of the system. He is still trapped between the clash of sciences and magic or possibly mystical events happening around him. But what really makes him speechless is...

"For all this time… I have a system? Why the heck it never appeared whenever I said the word 'system' all this time?"

Right… he just realized that he already said that word since he transmigrated several times. It's been a month since his time in this world and the word 'system' is not really an uncommon word in this technological world or even in this era. Words such as 'solar system', 'engineering system', etc are sometimes said by him and yet the 'system' never appeared.

"Well… forget about it, maybe it is because the difference of intention as the 'system' i said is not the 'system' as in 'Golden finger' or 'cheat'. Anyway, let's just try it first..."

With that, He uses the thought activation to call in his mind to make it come out. As he thought of the word 'System', another holographic screen appeared in his eyes. He also learns that the screen can be closed or adjust its transparency by his own will.

|Ninja Chakra System|




