

Holding his hands tightly, Hinata stood up: "So, you'd better make the second stage of cultivation to the best level in the past two weeks, lest you find that your exercise is not good at the time. home!"

"Cut! You don't need to say it!"

"That's right~ I will definitely pass the second stage of cultivation!"

Although Hinata did order special ninja gloves that could absorb chakra and show corresponding attributes, she knew very well that the bonuses of ninja tools were at most only support.

Therefore, after the half-month agreement, the three boys and girls returned to their own iron sand training at the same time. This training is undoubtedly painful and boring, but for physique, the most important thing is patience. and persist.

Naturally, the world will not be stagnant because of Hinata and the three of them. While they are immersed in their cultivation, a series of changes are also taking place in the outside world.

"Lord Naruto, this is the work of these children in this issue, please monitor."

Hands over the latest original version of "Fox Story" to the three generations, Kakashi's tone is very serious: "According to my current observation, those children are really just shooting a work, and the content is also very serious. It doesn't involve leaking secrets to Konoha Village or disrespecting the previous Hokage adults. It's normal and worth encouraging teamwork."

"Hmm~ Thank you, Kakashi. This is the new issue that hasn't been released yet, right? Huh?! What is this?! Kiss scene??"

Looking at the episodes in his hand with the same seriousness, Sandai's voice suddenly became stern: "Kakashi! You know what? They are only children, how can they film such a radical plot?"

"Please don't worry about this, because..."

Looking around, Kakashi quietly stepped forward, and then told the truth of the matter in the ears of the three generations: "The child named Shikamaru used a trick to make the two girls in the crew become double doubles for the kiss scene, so..."

"I see..."

The three generations, whose faces were stretched out again, nodded with satisfaction: "As expected of Lu Jiu's son, he really has a gratifying ability to change."

Looking at the satisfied three generations, Kakashi hesitated for a while, and finally came out with the last news: "However, that child Hinata seems to have other things to do, so she decided to suspend the publication for a week."

"What?! Uh~ cough, I mean, do you have any idea what she's going to do?"

Instinctively stood up, Sandai immediately reacted to it, and then quickly coughed as a cover: "You know what? The people who really need protection are Hinata and the other three."

Shikamaru and others belong to a family in Konoha Village, but the family is not a big descendant, so they can neither decide the political situation of Konoha Village nor get any useful spoils.

But this is not the case with Hinata. First of all, after the Uchiha family disappeared, the Hinata family to which Hinata belongs is the most powerful family in Konoha Village. If Hinata is caught, then the Hinata family will be very considerate. Changes may occur.

Next are Sasuke and Naruto. These two people, one has the Uchiha family's Sharinyan blood, and the other has the most powerful tailed beast in the ninja world, nine tails. It is definitely worth taking the risk for them.

"Please rest assured, my shadow avatar has been following those children, and there will be no loss."

Kakashi is naturally quite attentive to his tasks, and this is also his professional ethics as an elite Junin.

"Well, then I will continue to work hard for you, Kakashi. Before they graduate, I need you to look after them."

Raised his head and glanced at the pictures of Hokage from the past on the wall of his office, there was a hint of anticipation on the wrinkled faces of the three generations.

"Anyway, if the three of them can really unite, then maybe it will be the most dazzling spark in the new era."

Akatsuki's favorite novels (1)

Morrowind swept across the silent cliffs. As a land of soup on the sea, the Morrowind here also carries the fresh and salty smell of the sea in the distance. For those who are not used to living in the sea, the hot and humid climate here is also the same. Very torturous and not a good place.

But the young man sitting on the edge of the cliff seemed to have no feeling and sat with his head down and his eyes closed. The cloak with red clouds on a black background made him extraordinarily mysterious. Showing his danger, this symbol is the identity proof of the betrayal.

"Oh~ Brother Itachi, so you are here. For you who are used to living on land, the climate here is indeed a little too uncomfortable."

With the sound of strong footsteps, a tall figure walked up to the young man. Compared with the young man called Itachi, this new figure was hideous. With shark-like face lines, shark-like teeth, and shark-like small round eyes, it doesn't feel like a human at all.

"Ghost shark, this time is really long enough."

Itachi slowly opened his eyes, there was a trace of unhappiness in his dark eyes, and the person known as the ghost shark smiled indifferently: "Ah, brother Itachi, you are sometimes harsh enough, you I don't know if I haven't participated in the war, but these guys are still a little capable this time, so it took a little time."

There is basically no need to go into details here. These two people are Suzaku and Nandou in the Akatsuki organization. The former betrayed Uchiha Itachi for Konoha, and he is also Sasuke Uchiha's only biological brother. He was killed for slaughtering the whole family. wanted. The latter is the Kirikin Rebellion Ninja Persimmon, originally one of the Kirikin Seven Ninja Swords, and was wanted for his rebellion against Mizukage.

"You're talking too much nonsense... Now that the mission is complete, let's get out of here."

Standing up, Uchiha Itachi pulled his gaze back from the sea in the distance. As a member of Akatsuki's organization, the tasks assigned by the leader of the organization have been temporarily completed, so there is no need to continue to stay in this remote country of soup. Small country at sea.

"Well, don't be so anxious, I found some interesting loot this time."

The ghost shark pinned his favorite sword shark muscle behind his back, and took out a book with blood stains on the cover from the ninja bag behind him, which seemed to be what he found from the unlucky victims just now. .

Although the ghost shark is not a person who likes to read books, he will not refuse to find something to pass the time on a boring journey.

"This is the best-selling book in the Land of Fire at the moment. I saw its billboard in the last town, so you might as well take a look."

He wiped off the blood on the book cover with his hands without hesitation, while the ghost shark followed Itachi's footsteps, he opened the book cover in his hand with great interest: "Well...very fine paper, oh~~ The preface is It's like this: A love that runs through thousands of years of reincarnation. For humans and monsters, it is a story written with the most sincere love... um~ Is it a rare story with a monster as the protagonist? It's interesting. "

"I really don't know, you actually like books like this."

Expressing his opinion on the ghost shark's words indifferently, Itachi didn't intend to care about this book, for him, the burden was enough and heavy.

"Ha~ I still know very well about human affairs. It's nothing more than betrayal and deception. In the end, it's just an illusion. However, I really don't know what the monsters are like. It's always good to know a little more." Get up, are we still human? Maybe we will become monsters in the next life, ahahaha~"

Answering Itachi's words with a smile, the ghost shark looked at it without forgetting to sigh: "Oh~~ a fox demon who has crossed the millennium reincarnation and insisted on looking for his lover a thousand years ago, too, human beings have absolutely no such patience and loyalty. degree, not bad~"

This sentence aroused a little bit of Itachi's interest. Yes, how long can the loyalty and endurance of human beings allow him to support himself? No, it doesn't take a thousand years, it only takes four years... I only need to be able to support it for another four years, and Sasuke should be able to grow up.

It can be seen that the ghost shark has obviously entered the state of reading a book, and the seemingly brutish Kirigakura Ninja flips through the collection of paintings in his hand with relish, while not forgetting to comment on the plot.

At this time, Itachi glanced at the page of the book inadvertently, and suddenly his eyes shrank secretly and quickly, and his footsteps stopped.

"Ghost shark...Give me this book."

Very abruptly, Itachi opened his mouth like this. When he saw the ghost shark on his head, he was stunned for a moment. After blinking his eyes, the tall shark face said incredulously: "Brother Itachi? Do you want to see it too?"

"Stop talking nonsense."

Itachi's eyes shrank slightly, and it has turned into a blood-red three-hooked jade state, and slightly tilted his head, Gui Shao handed over the collection of paintings in his hand rather reluctantly: "Well, don't be angry, this is for you."

After taking the album, Itachi turned to several pages, but the young man was obviously not looking at the characters, but the scenery of the courtyard and the setting of the house.

Even though he had been away for several years, Itachi was still able to quickly identify where the shooting scenes in these pictures were, and it was true that it was his former home. That is, the area of ​​the Uchiha mansion.

In other words, the shooting location of this album was in the Uchiha mansion in Konoha Village.

Knowing this, Itachi turned his eyes around, and then fell on the male protagonist named 'Zorin'. With a guess, he quickly understood from the eyes that were very similar to his own. Who is this actor playing.


After being silent for a few seconds, Itachi snapped the collection of paintings in his hand, and then said simply: "Ghost shark, where can I buy the follow-up parts of these collections?"

"Ah? Oh... It should only be sold in some larger cities. It's marked with a limited edition. Well, the capital of the land of soup is in front, I think there should be."

Ghost Shark tilted his head slightly with interest. As an S-rank betrayal, of course he felt that Itachi's state was not right, but it was obviously unnecessary to say: "Brother Itachi, are you going to buy the follow-up part? Exactly, I am also See the excitement."

"No road race."