

Shino also nodded slightly. Obviously, although there were quite a few discrepancies with the original book, Shikamaru's high IQ still easily suppressed Temari and caught it perfectly.

Moreover, this time it is obviously not the same as in the original book, because Temari is now leaning against the wall, in other words, if Shikamaru also lowers his waist, Temari will definitely be the same as the unlucky voice in the third test. Forbearance is the same, and fainted because of the headbutt.

After confirming the situation on the field, Genma Shiranui, who was the judge, also shook his head slightly, and then raised his arm to announce.

"The winner, Nara Shikamaru."

(PS1: o(≥mouth≤)o ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah? It is the most annoying to think about wit or something ~~ I am a capital ninja who uses strength and props to crush the enemy. I wrote the same but different battle process...)

(PS2: Well, there is one more update~~ Let's cultivate immortals with me~!)

break the sand shield

Humph, although resourcefulness can make up for the gap in strength. However, if the strength is enough, resourcefulness can achieve the goal more easily and directly, directly using the shadow binding technique to force Temari into the corner, and then using the ninja tool to assist the binding technique. This approach is undoubtedly much easier than in the original book.

The corner of Hinata's mouth, who was standing at the entrance of the stairs, showed a satisfied arc. No matter what, the current Xiaoqiang of Hinata's group were also strengthened by her. Although Dingji, Ino and others were not lucky enough to make it to the finals, this did not matter. Means they didn't get stronger.

"So... the next thing is the highlight, right? The other Holy Fist successor you selected is also the last of the Uchiha clan."

Neiji, who was standing behind Hinata, also raised his head slightly, and then looked at the stand next to him, and the atmosphere in the venue was obviously warmer, the kind of eyes that were expected by many people, as if they were staring at the position of the stand.

"Then, the third match. Gaara from Sandyin Village vs. Konoha Village..."

Speaking of which, Genma Shiranui also subconsciously paused for a moment before saying the name: "Uchiha! Sasuke!"

The audience cheered almost at the same time. After all, the famous Uchiha clan is well known, and now the battle of the last man, Uchiha Sasuke, naturally attracted a lot of attention.

"Oh! Sasuke!! Come on!!"

Naruto next to Hinata also subconsciously shouted excitedly, and with a slight snort, Sasuke jumped off the stand first. At the same time, Gaara also used quicksand to come to the arena. The atmosphere was almost tense from the start!

At this moment, Temari, who was downcast, also returned to the stand, and after looking at Kankuro, both of them looked back, and then put them on Sasuke on the field.

Although Gaara has always been very strong, the pictures seen so far have made Temari and Kankuro unmistakably shaken, that is, the shake of the perception that "Gaara will definitely win".

"It's not easy to deal with... The Taijutsu ninja in the third test is already quite amazing, but his attacks are pure physical damage anyway, and they don't pose any threat to Gaara at all... And now this..."

Looking at the same style of holy fist gloves on Sasuke's arms, Kankuro couldn't help but frown slightly. He has collected some information these days, part of which is about the seventh class of Konoha Village, that is these three people unique ninjutsu.

"Nandou Holy Fist... how powerful is the power, we have seen it just now..."

Temari was also subconsciously nervous, although the duel between Hinata and Naruto caused two of the seventh squad's participants to be eliminated directly. But the last remaining Uchiha Sasuke is obviously the most stressful. He has been known as a genius ninja since he was a child, and he is also a descendant of the famous Uchiha family of Konoha.

In Temari and Kankuro's guess, Sasuke is the strongest person in the seventh class. Naturally, after Hinata's terrifying Chilong wave was displayed, they consciously guessed Sasuke's strength to Hinata's height. Up, and this level is not inferior even to Gaara.

"Sasuke Uchiha! I'm going to kill you! Use this to prove my existence!"

Gaara lowered his head with a smirk, the corners of Gaara's mouth grinned savagely, revealing the sharp canine teeth in it, and the chakra reaction of the whole person also became chaotic and dangerous, which made Xuanma Shiranui frown slightly, but still did not stop it. , but raised his arms bluntly: "Then! Now, the battle begins!"

"It's useless to talk too much, come on!"

Inhaling slightly, Sasuke raised his arms in a similar manner, and then took off his holy fist gloves, as if to prove to Hinata, the black-haired boy took off his gloves and there was a flash of lightning on his arms. It is also relying on his own body to completely master the ability to transform the nature of chakra!

"Tsk! Sasuke actually...!"

Seeing this scene, Naruto was undoubtedly panicked, even if he did rely on Toad loyal to win Hinata, but this does not mean that he can transform the nature of chakra through the flesh alone, after all, his weakness lies in In terms of Chakra control, Hinata and Sasuke can take off their gloves now, but Naruto still can't.

"That's the truth, otherwise it wouldn't be worthy of being called a genius of the Uchiha family."

Raising his head slightly, Hinata spoke directly to Ningci on the side: "Cousin, take a good look at his chakra operation method. You must know that the inheritor of the Seven Sacred Fist of the Nandou, up to now, has The right person for attributes and water attributes has not yet been found."

This reminder made Neji also frown subconsciously. There is no doubt that Hinata's meaning is quite clear, and it just so happens that Neji's chakra attributes are the three types of earth, water, and fire!

And the title of 'cousin' was obviously a vague reminder, which made Neji take a deep breath and then nodded: "I see, Hinata...sir, I will try my best. "

The two equally smart descendants of Hinata were all clicked, and only Naruto glanced at the two of them inexplicably, but had no idea what the two of them were fighting.

And on the field, the battle finally begins!

"Accept the call!"

Moving his hands together, Sasuke threw out several shuriken in one breath. The shuriken with electric sparks is obviously blessed with thunder attribute chakra. As long as it is wiped, it will definitely be paralyzed, and the consequences of body paralysis Needless to say, no cut is a perfect example.

However, Gaara, who was standing in the same place, just held his arms and laughed silently, and the gourd plug behind him had already been pulled out, and a cloud of turbid yellow sand spurted out from it as if he had self-consciousness, and then turned into a sand wall to block it easily. In front of Gaara, he perfectly blocked those shuriken!

However, Sasuke, who saw this scene, only sneered slightly. Although this seemingly invincible sand shield is indeed very useful, it also has a fatal weakness: it also blocks Gaara's own line of sight when defending. ! Moreover, it is definitely not fast enough to block any attack!

The lightning flashed, and Sasuke's figure appeared on Gaara's side like an afterimage. When Gaara, who had a grin on his face, instinctively noticed, a sharp and thundering kunai suddenly brushed past him. His cheek was then nailed to his left shoulder! !


A shrill scream suddenly broke the atmosphere above the entire venue, and while covering his shoulders, Gaara's eyes trembled violently, and the kunai on his shoulders had undoubtedly broken his last. A barrier sand armor penetrated deeply into his skin and flesh, and was releasing bright blood from the wound!

At this moment, the sand shield surrounding Gaara's body blocked Sasuke's path of throwing Kunai belatedly, but it was completely useless.

"How can this be?!"

Temari in the stands cried out in surprise. Although she thought that Gaara might be in a hard fight, she never thought that the always strong Gaara would be injured by the opponent's blow at the very beginning!

"Hmph, your yellow sand defense simply reminds us of the introductory practice we practiced in Nandou Shengquan."

Seeing Gaara covering the wound with an unbelievable look, Sasuke also sneered at himself, and suddenly clenched his fingers, Sasuke's voice suddenly became cold: "It's just! What we hit when we practiced, It's real iron sand! Your sand is not worth mentioning in terms of hardness!"

As if to confirm his words, Sasuke, who snorted lowly, bent down and buried his head, but was advocating directly from the front, and the yellow sand in front of Gaara also tried his best to gather, trying to resist the next attack.

However, with a sound like a building crumbling, Sasuke's fist directly pierced the thick sand wall in front of Gaara, and the punch that penetrated even hit Gaara's nose with unrelenting power, smashing it directly. Knock!

"how come...!"

Kankuro, who was holding the railing, was also shocked to the point of almost slipping his words: "...Not only did it exceed the speed of the sand shield... it broke the protection of the sand armor... and even directly shattered my love. All of Luo's defenses... how could it be like this..."

On the final stage, Gaara, who was knocked into the air, was half-kneeling on the ground in pain, putting aside the kunai that was still stuck in his left shoulder, the soreness of his broken nose, which also caused tears and nosebleeds to mix from his face. It continued to flow down, conveying the pain of the body to the Shura who had never been hurt in the most direct way.

"You're more than that, right? In order to deal with you, I took great pains to learn the physical skills of the Konoha ninja whose hands and feet were crushed by you. The purpose is to let you know the consequences of being blind and arrogant!"

Blazing lightning flashed from his hands again. Sasuke obviously didn't intend to keep his hands, and to deal with Gaara's murderous opponent, his plan was to completely defeat him!


Grabbing the Kunai on his left shoulder, Gaara gritted his teeth and pulled it out, and the pain caused the red-haired Shura's eyes to tremble: "It hurts...really It hurts... Mom... what the **** is going on..."

These strange words made Sasuke frown slightly, and the chakra around Gaara's body suddenly became chaotic and high, without any weakness that should be shown by injury, but like a beast after being provoked The same furious emotions are generated!

At this moment, in the auditorium, countless pieces of pure white illusory feathers suddenly appeared out of thin air, and the audience who saw these feathers suddenly felt sleepy and quickly attacked. After a while, all the auditoriums were empty. Awake alone!

Konoha collapse plan! Officially started!