


For this unexpected phenomenon, Sasuke next to him just made a nasty noise. Obviously, Naruto's move made him feel a very complicated sense of frustration.

On the field, Hinata's brows were slightly wrinkled. Even though she had long known that Naruto was Jiraiya's default disciple, seeing this scene in front of her still made her angry.

At that time, she took the initiative to ask Zilai to teach it, but the lecherous immortal just used a so-called experience scroll to prevaricate her. And Naruto didn't show Jirai's face, but the other party still accepted him as his disciple.

Moreover, now it is actually used as an enemy directly.

"Ahem~ Hey, how's it going? Hinata! I can't be defeated so easily!"

Naruto, who didn't notice Hinata's anger at all, opened his mouth to Hinata happily. In his mind, this was an opportunity to prove his strength to Hinata, and he didn't feel any bragging or pride, but... .

"Ah~ I saw it, it's the psychic technique taught by that Jiraiya-sama. Sure enough, it's quite a powerful ninjutsu."

With her hands in her pockets, Hinata turned around and her tone was extraordinarily cold: "Examiner, I abstain."

These crisp and indifferent words made Genma Shiranui shake his head slightly, but since he had already said it, he would not confirm it again, but raised his right arm and announced, "The winner, Naruto Uzumaki."

At the same time, Naruto's name on the wall also lit up, which meant that the battle was officially decided.

"Huh?? What...Wait!! What is this!! Hinata?!!"

At this time, Naruto, who had only just reacted, jumped off Toad loyalist's head angrily, and then tried to chase the white-eyed girl who had already walked towards the entrance, but because of his excessive consumption, he didn't run a few steps, and stumbled under his feet. fell to the ground. And without looking back at the fallen Golden Retriever, Hinata just walked into the corridor under the audience with an indifferent face.

And in the auditorium, Hua Huo also looked at this unexpected scene with an unbelievable look: "Sister... How can you admit defeat? Father, why is it like this?"

"This is something that can't be helped... After all, that Uzumaki Naruto has probably already acquired one of the three ninjas, the personal transmission of Lord Jiraiya. Besides, he has already learned such ninjutsu..."

Hizu's tone also carried a sigh: "So... conceding defeat to one of the disciples of the Sannin, this can be considered..."

"...the wise thing to do..."

(PS1: (#'')! How dare you take advantage of things other than boxing?! Are you showing off that you have a Sannin teacher? Humph~!)

(PS2: How? Unexpected victory?? There is one more update~~)

Naruto's Courage

No matter how intellectually clear the reason is, as long as a human being is alive, it is impossible to have no emotions. Hinata is in a very bad mood right now.

Although I have long known that Naruto will be favored by Jiraiya, I have long known that Naruto learns the art of psychics as a matter of course, and I have long known that Naruto is definitely not someone who can show off, he just wants to defeat himself He tried his best to release the psychic technique, but Hinata still couldn't suppress the anger and unhappiness deep in his heart.

Her body is already doing her best, sending out the red dragon wave and controlling the red dragon wave has almost exhausted the chakra and energy of the body. In this case, the victory should belong to her.

However, Naruto's unreasonable psychic technique broke everything, and with the assistance of Toad Zhong, who had the strength of the jounin, Hinata, who was already empty of blue bars, could only admit defeat.

Moreover, even if she admits defeat, it will not have any impact on her reputation. The reason is very simple. As long as Konoha has a head and a face, he can basically see who Naruto's psychic masters are. There are three ninjas. One's Jiraiya is also a teacher, if Naruto can't win, it will be strange.

Prestige is a rather paranoid thing that unconditionally forces a lot of things that don't apply in theory into application. If Naruto hadn't used the psychic technique, then his defeat was normal. However, since he had already used the ninjutsu handed down by Immortal Jiraiya himself, defeat immediately became abnormal.

After all, it is still a deformed theory caused by prejudice within human beings, so Hinata simply admits defeat. After all, even if she is the eldest daughter of the Hinata clan, she is completely incomparable in terms of prestige.' Immortal Jiraiya's direct disciple' this title.

"Hmph~ It looks like you're in this exam, and that's the end of it?"

A cold young voice suddenly came from above Hinata. It was Hyuga Neji, who was holding his arms and looking indifferent. Although he was knocked down by Hinata last time, his injuries were not serious, so he had long since been knocked down. Has been rehabilitated. At this moment, the young man of the sect was standing indifferently at the door of the lounge, as if he was making a special trip to wait for Hinata.

"No way, I don't have a way to deal with that kind of psychic beast right now, so it's a matter of course for the disciple of Immortal Jiraiya to win?"

I'm not surprised by the appearance of Neiji. In fact, after Neji was defeated by her, the burden of this genius Hyuga has also been lifted a lot. It is intolerable that the division is stronger than the clan. And since Hinata has already defeated Neji, the latter has been treated with confidence by the clan elders. After all, Hinata and Huahuo have both abandoned soft boxing, so as a traditional kind, soft boxing still needs to be passed on, and Neji, who is extremely talented in this area, is the perfect candidate.

"Stop talking nonsense, why are you here?"

Hinata didn't have much patience for Ningci, but as if he knew this, the white-eyed boy snorted coldly, "Don't be complacent, I'm here to be your **** on the orders of Lord Rizu, do you have any dissatisfaction? "

"Well... to a certain extent, it is indeed a bit unexpected..."

Looking at Neji up and down, Hinata did find something strange. Although Neji's tone and attitude towards her were still thorny, the murderous intent had completely disappeared, plus the address of Sunzu in his tone. , Obviously, he should have been persuaded by Sunzu about his father's sacrifice.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to protect Hinata next.

"Very good, then please keep the door for me. I'll change my clothes and reply to Chakra..."

Straight open the door of the lounge next to Neji, Hinata was indeed a little tired, and Chi Longbo's consumption was still too much, but it was able to show her current strength most directly. As for the performance in the exam, Should be a full score.

"So, what if the blonde idiot chases after him?"

But just as Hinata walked into the door, Neji, who was guarding the door, suddenly asked this sentence, and a faint smile could be heard in it.

"Oh~~ this, then you can reward him with a set of Baguazhang, and let him roll down the stairs as he gets up. Can you do that?"

He also looked back at Neji sarcastically, and Hinata's tone was also rude: "Or, are you also scared by the title of that Sannin disciple?"

"Humph! Then follow the orders of the eldest lady."

Neji, who was choked a bit, snorted coldly and put down his hands, because at this time, he could already hear a clutter of footsteps coming from below.

"Hinata?! Wait for me... I, I have something to say!"

Naruto's breathless voice carried a rare sense of exhaustion and panic. Obviously, when Hinata left without a word, he felt an indescribable sense of unease.

"Let him get away!"

He gave his order in a savage manner. Hinata slammed the door and shook his head slightly. Neji also stood in front of the door, ready to execute the eldest lady's order.

She took off her wet mesh underwear, and Hinata frowned, took out a towel from one side pocket and wiped her body, but at this moment, a very weak voice suddenly sounded in her ear. The edge rang.

'Naruto-kun...not on purpose...'

"Shut up!"

Without even thinking about it, Hinata certainly knew where the voice came from. It was the real 'Miss Hinata' in this body. Even if the two had temporarily reached a coexistence, no matter whether it was the right to speak or not. There is a chance, this too weak white chick doesn't have much time.

At this time, outside the door, the panting Naruto finally climbed the stairs, while Neji, who was blocking the door, said coldly, "Miss is changing, please leave."

"It's you! Damn it! Get out of the way, I still have something to say to Hinata!"

Naruto, who also squandered chakras because of the psychic technique, looked at Neji angrily, but the latter only raised his head slightly arrogantly, and his tone was still clear: "This is Miss Hyuga's private lounge, please Leave."

"Damn it! I told you to get out of the way!"

The angry Naruto couldn't help but have a stunned temper, and then tried to rush directly to the door, but the sharp-eyed Neji shot abruptly, far more than Hinata Masamune's soft fist was instantly displayed and easily slapped away. Naruto's fist, and then slammed a palm on Naruto's lower abdomen, directly hitting the golden-haired boy into the air, and then rolled down the stairs!

"Heh~ our cousin, it seems that he has finally become something that can be used! What do you think? Miss Hinata?"

Listening to the movement outside, Hei Chu unhurriedly took off her hot pants. Her tone also contained a sense of irony, but this only made Bai Chu grit her teeth slightly: 'Ningji' Brother...he will not blindly obey...'

"Really? This is the best way, because to me, only people with a clear purpose are qualified to be tools of use. If they are the kind of idiot who doesn't even know what they want, it's not trustworthy at all. !"