

And now, the elder brother has stepped on the blood and corpses of his parents and walked into the darkness that he can't forgive, but the elder sister Quan, who reappeared seven years later, is still exactly the same as in his childhood memory.

"Huh? I really didn't expect that as an experimental subject, do you still have your own feelings?"

Putting away her ice wings, Hei Chi smiled slightly. Obviously, she had already come up with her own answer.

For 'people', the greatest emotion is not the so-called killing intent and hatred, nor ambition and desire, but protection and sacrifice. As a race that inherently rejects death, the spirit of 'sacrifice' has surpassed human behavior. The biggest creature's instinct is to resist death, so this is the reason why 'human' is emotionally different from other creatures.

No matter what the current 'Uchiha Izumi' is, since she already possesses the highest element in the emotion of 'sacrifice', it means that she does have the same emotion as a human being.

"Look here!!"

At this moment, a high-pitched shout of Qingyue also sounded beside Hei Chu, accompanied by a blazing fire, Bai Chu's figure had already cut into her place in a blind corner, and then a big snake slammed towards the back of the mercury lamp. Come! !

"Damn~ Reinforcement?"

Cursing in a pretentious manner, the black chick turned around to avoid it, and easily avoided the white chick's move, Orochimaru, and glanced at Uchiha Izumi, who was lying in a pool of blood, she also sneered slightly: "Forget it. Now! Since the experimental body has been destroyed! Then we will see you later! Little devils!"

Quickly opening the mirror of the magic mirror ice crystal, the black chick has seen several strands of chakra coming here through his white eyes, no doubt it was the disturbed Anbu ninjas, and frivolously made a dress-lifting ceremony, the mercury lamp The figure also quickly disappeared into the mirror behind him, and then disappeared into the air in an instant.

In the messy courtyard, Sasuke, who was in a pool of blood, sat up with difficulty, then picked up Izumi Uchiha who was lying on the side, and looked at the black-haired girl who fell in front of him to protect himself. Sasuke's lips moved slightly, but he couldn't say a word. It was as if he had returned to that night again. The amiable clansmen turned into cold corpses in just one night.

Now, is this clan who suddenly appeared in front of me just to tell me that the nightmare is not over yet?

"Why are you holding her stupidly?? She's not dead! Put her down quickly and let Xiao Ying treat her!"

But at this moment, Hinata's impatient scolding also sounded in Sasuke's ear, which made the latter subconsciously stunned: "Still... alive?"

"It is now! Not sure in a while!"

Raising her hand and rubbing her temples, Hinata felt a little dizzy, and let the mercury lamp rush back to the Hyuga Mansion through the magic mirror ice crystals at high speed, and then unlocked the soul-turning technique to return. a feeling of.

It was clearly worth it, though, because the scene had indeed gotten her all the results she hoped for.

(PS1: Well~ The first update~~ There is one more update at 0:00~)

(PS2: You may not be able to see the purpose of Izumi now, but please look down with a little patience, and you will naturally know~~)


Kakashi was a little uneasy, and after reaching the Uchiha mansion with his maximum speed, even Shirauma Joren, who had seen the world, was subconsciously stunned.

The entire courtyard looks like a needle pad, with sharp ice books everywhere, and the large and frightening bloodstains are even more frightening. The attack is naturally obvious at a glance.

"It's really surprising! When did the defense of my Konoha Village become as fragile as a piece of paper?!"

Hinata's cold and stern voice was clear and harsh. The white-eyed girl was standing in front of the corridor and glared at the Anbu in front of her. These Anbu were standing there with their heads bowed speechlessly. Genuine, naturally, I don't have the right to scold them, but the white-eyed girl in front of me is obviously not an ordinary person, and her family identity is naturally not to be said, and she is now the dual leader of the Konoha Village production team and the publishing house, which can directly affect the village's economic identity. , it is undoubtedly full of weight.

"What's wrong, Hinata? What happened?"

Walking quickly to Hinata's side, Kakashi gestured with his eyes to the Anbu who had been scolded and couldn't raise their heads to step back, and these Anbu bowed their heads gratefully to Kakashi, and then left together in an instant. here.

"Huh... A very strong ice ninja attacked, and both Sasuke and Naruto were seriously injured... Now Sakura and Ino are giving them first aid, and the medical ninjas from Konoha Hospital should be coming soon. already."

Pressing his temple, Hinata waved his hand irritably and motioned for Kakashi to follow him, while Kakashi, who was relieved, hurriedly followed his student into the still intact compartment of the Uchiha mansion. And Naruto lying on the tatami was undoubtedly the most seriously injured. There were a pile of ice books that were pulled from the trays around him. Fortunately, the wounds caused by these ice books were not large, and Naruto was famous for his skin. The rough flesh is thick, so after Sakura on one side gave first aid, the situation has stabilized.

Sasuke's situation is a little different. Because he exhausted his chakra, half of his body was instantly eroded by the curse mark. It has also slowly returned to his neck.

"You two, it doesn't matter, right?"

He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Kakashi still looked at his two disciples with concern. Although as a teacher, he basically did not teach any ninjutsu, but the feeling of getting along together was not fake.

"Ah~ of course no problem, I'm very strong, oh~ it hurts~"

Naruto, who was about to raise his hand and move twice, groaned in pain, apparently pulling on the wound, while Sakura, who was dressing him, bit her lip and complained, "Don't move! You have too many wounds! "

"I...I'm fine...but...Damn!"

He gritted his teeth unwillingly. Sasuke's tone made Kakashi feel at ease for a while. Fortunately, it seemed that everything was fine here, and this feeling of unwillingness to admit defeat meant that he was mentally normal.

"What the **** is going on? Has the village's defense been too negligent recently? I know it's the Chunin exam period, but with all due respect, there is such an incident of coming to assassinate the finalists, which makes me wonder about this issue. The person in charge of the Anbu period is very dissatisfied!"

Slightly clenching his fists, Hinata's undisguised anger words made Kakashi feel ashamed.

There is no doubt that for Hinata's current status and identity, if she wants to impeach the senior Konoha below the elders, she will definitely get the official attention of the village, especially what she said is not wrong, in her own The village was also attacked suddenly on this scale, and she was very confident in this, both public and private.

"Well, don't worry! It's just that those Anbu are incapable! This time, I will protect the place myself, teacher! I will go to Lord Hokage to request a mission to protect my students!"

Reasonably avoiding the words that dissuaded Hinata, Kakashi patted his chest confidently, with a sense of 'all on me' heroic. This is currently the only way he can divert Hinata's anger.

"You?? Well... well, yes, Kakashi-sensei is the elite Jōnin in the village, and he is always better than those Anbu who look down on him."

Kakashi glanced up and down critically, Hinata's gaze made Kakashi weak for a while, but Bai Mao Junin's psychological quality was obviously very good, but he touched his head and said, "Then, I'll go to Hokage. The adults report this matter, the surrounding Anbu is nearby, if you need it, you can call them out."

After that, Kakashi stopped wasting time and left the courtyard of the Uchiha mansion quickly. In his capacity, he originally had a more important position in the Chunin Exam, but now he obviously doesn't care about that anymore. Speaking of the public, the three of Hinata are the candidates who qualified for the Konoha Village. They can almost represent the faces of the candidates of Konoha Village. Now that someone is stabbing, it is natural to focus on protecting this place.

Privately speaking, these three are his disciples, and Kakashi would rather give up some less important tasks and instead protect his students.

Watching Kakashi leave, the people in the room also glanced at each other subtly. Obviously, they have another thing.

"Hey, is it really okay not to tell Kakashi-sensei about that Uchiha-san?"

Looking at Sasuke and Hinata with a frown, Naruto was obviously still a little uneasy about concealing Kakashi. After all, the other party was a teacher, and their friendship made it difficult for him to lie to him.

"It's not to hide, but to observe the aftermath temporarily. Moreover, the origin of this Uchiha Izumi is quite strange. Even if she rescued Sasuke just now, she can't judge her safety by this. After all, tricks like bitter meat are not uncommon. ."

Hinata spoke first coldly, the white-eyed girl opened the sliding door of the wardrobe next to the Japanese room. In the not-so-wide space, Ino was frowning to treat Izumi Uchiha who was lying there, and from the feeling of chakra Look, the other party's injury has also stabilized.

Hearing the meaning of Hinata's words, Sasuke sat up after being silent for a while, and then said lightly: "Don't doubt her anymore, I remember her. When I was a child, she used to be with... that person... Although... I don't know what she's been through all these years, but I can still tell her look and tone."

This rhetoric made everyone else in the room look sideways. Obviously, no matter how serious Sasuke's words sounded, the kind of protectiveness in it was already very clear. Quan's identity explanation has gone beyond his usual attitude.


Sakura, who was sitting next to Naruto, felt sad for a while. If she could, she would have been willing to help Sasuke stop those attacks at the time, but as someone who was protected by Naruto, she was not qualified to speak now.

"This is where it's unreasonable. What kind of situation does she have to encounter to be able to stay the same in these seven years? And her appearance is obviously still in her thirteen or fourteen-year-old appearance, which means that her appearance and memory, I'm afraid it hasn't grown in these years, in other words, she came here in a vague way. I can't trust such an existence. "

Raising her right hand, Hinata slightly clenched her fist: "So, I won't agree to the proposal to let her stay here, Sasuke, if you can still consider our safety, please be more rational."

Hinata's stern but flawless words made Sasuke's teeth clench for a while, and the black-haired boy stood up silently. He knew that Hinata's words were indeed reasonable, but as a person with strong feelings, he also absolutely It is impossible to drive this sister Quan, who had just sacrificed herself to defend herself against the attack, out of the house.

"Enough, I won't ask for anything else. I will move out of here with Sister Izumi. Anyway, this area itself is the territory of the Uchiha clan. If you think the distance is not enough, we will go to a more remote and easily controlled corner. inside."

Sasuke's words made the people around him frown for a while. Such a proposal is obviously impossible to accept, because it will inevitably tear the terrifying rift into the Hinata group who have been extremely united so far, but Sasuke The firm look in his eyes made people know that he did not intend to change his mind.

"Sasuke!! What are you talking about?! How could we, as companions, let you all leave?!"

There is no doubt that such words first angered Naruto, he stood up staggeringly, and the golden-haired boy glared at Sasuke in front of him: "So! I won't let you leave! Hinata!! Sasuke almost died! Isn't this kind of behavior worth your trust?"