

Hei Chu's irritable and fierce questioning caused Bai Chu's body to tremble uncontrollably, and a tear appeared in the eyes of the white-eyed girl. Obviously, as a very weak and introverted existence in the original book, she has no resistance at all. Hei Ch'i did not resist any of his abilities, even if his scalp was in pain from being pulled by the opponent.

"I see!! You have a good plan! You have been watching my every move secretly! Look at the capital I have earned with this body!! You can wait for a suitable opportunity to make a move. Strike out and take everything that I have worked so hard to do for myself?! Is that right?!"

Bai Chu's non-resistance only made Hei Chu's inner anger even worse. He grabbed the opponent's shoulder fiercely and pressed him to the ground. Hei Chu, who was riding on the opponent's waist, held Bai Chu's face with both hands. , forcing the other party to look at her, and her tone became worse.

"Why don't you talk?! I'm right, right? That's why you sneaked out to meet your sweetheart after I left the first two times! That stupid golden fox! Dare to obstruct me in battle! Where did you get the courage?!"

Speaking of the last sentence, the black chick lowered his head fiercely, the foreheads of the two bodies were almost touching, and the reflections of each other could be clearly seen in the eyes.

"No... I just... want to take another look at Naruto-kun, and... Brother Neji shouldn't die..."

It seemed that she was mentioned to someone she cared about, and Bai Chu's eyes finally showed a trace of courage, but compared to Hei Chu's aura, her appearance was more like a pleading.

"Shut up!! You!!"

Bai Chu's argument caused Hei Chu's anger to explode. The body of the mercury lamp raised his right arm high, and then slammed it down. With a crisp slap on the face, the swollen marks on the five fingers It also suddenly floated up on Bai Chu's left cheek, and the huge force immediately made Bai Chu's cheek tilt to one side, but she did not utter a groan.


The one who groaned was the black chick.

When a palm hit Bai Chu's cheek, Hei Chu also felt a burning pain on her left cheek. This feeling made her stunned for a moment, but then a round of more and more blazing anger followed. meaning! !

That's right, the soul turning technique has another major flaw, that is: if the caster's body is damaged in the casting state, even the soul that has entered other people's bodies will also be damaged.

Even though Bai Chu's body is being used by Bai Chu now, the slap Hei Chu slaps on her face still causes him the same damage.

"...It's like this..."

Turning her head, Hei Chi raised her hand to wipe the blood on the corner of her mouth, but her eyes cooled down, replaced by a calm but cruel sense of persistence.

"Have you seen it? The owner of this body is me. Before such a fact, what else can you say?"

Staring at the silent Bai Chu, Hei Chu sneered and stretched out his hand, then slightly stroked the finger marks on the other's face: "So, do you still think you are 'Hyuga Hinata'?"

Turning around, Bai Chu's eyes looked at Hei Chu in front of him, and the white-eyed girl also spoke softly.

"No...I just thought...you were me..."

This unexpected answer made Hei Hina's anger seem to freeze for a moment, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly fell into silence, as if to leave time for the two souls to think.


After an unknown period of time, Hei Chu's sudden and hysterical laughter broke the silence again. She even bent down while holding her stomach while laughing. Then, her laughter stopped suddenly, and then opened fiercely. Staring at the white chick under him, his tone also became sinister again.

"Yeah~~ There's no point in arguing about this issue anymore. Who would be so stupid and embarrassed? Well, no matter what, we're all 'Hinata Hinata', right?"

Gently stroking the finger marks on Bai Chu's cheeks, a hint of cunning flashed in Hei Chu's eyes: "What's more, you should have seen me killing people, right? Including the private alliance with Danzo and Akatsuki, and You didn't go to Gaomi to outsiders, and I'm very happy about that."

"Well...I just...don't want people who don't deserve to die to die in vain..."

She gritted her teeth and replied softly, but Bai Chu's tone was tight. Obviously, the conversation with Hei Chu put a lot of pressure on her, and even made her body instinctively feel fear.

"That's right~~ The samurai I killed were originally the type who did a lot of evil and did not hesitate to die, and the genin in the chunin exams are also pawns from other countries and need no mercy. But, why?"

Leaning down, Hei Chu stretched out the tip of his pink tongue in an ambiguous and flirtatious manner, and then lightly licked on Bai Chu's neck. This sudden stimulation made Bai Chu's body tense suddenly. A different kind of panic also occupied her heart.

"no, do not want..."

Instinctively trying to get rid of the hold of the black chick, but the white chick is obviously far inferior to the black chick in fighting spirit, and the body of the mercury lamp has an overwhelming advantage in strength. When he found that the white chick wanted to struggle, the black chick just sneered with one hand. He grabbed the opponent's two wrists and clasped them on top of his head.

"An Xin~ After all, we are also partners who are so close that we even share our bodies. Although I hate your character to the core, but... your identity, body, and status make me very satisfied. If not As the eldest lady of the Hyuga family, I am afraid it is impossible for me to have the current status so smoothly."

Looking sarcastically at Bai Chu's panicked expression, Hei Chu continued to speak his words unhurriedly: "Forget it~ no matter what you say, since this body is half your size, it is reasonable to rely on this All these things that you earn from your body should be half of yours, that's all~"

With her right hand, she lifted the silk mesh breast protector on Bai Chu's upper body. Hei Chu lowered her head and stared at Bai Chu's half-pale and half-red face due to shyness and panic. Her tone also changed abruptly, becoming full of obscenity. 's breath: "Right~ I forgot to ask, how do you feel~ at the level of me and Shiro and Xianglin?"

"Uh~~ no~~ I don't know~~"

Desperately closing his eyes and turning his face, Bai Chi clearly knew what Hei Chi was asking. He sneered and lowered his head to hold Bai Chu's breast. Hei Chu took a bite out of it maliciously. The white teeth of the mercury lamp seemed to sink into a snowdrift and were immediately submerged by the soft snow-white skin, and the pain and irritation that followed. , it caused Bai Chu's body to **** up subconsciously, and a scream of 'ah' made Hei Chu's breathing suddenly heavier.

"Hehehe~ That's amazing~ It's obviously your reaction, but I can actually feel it."

Spitting out the tender skin of the white chick, the black chick greedily licked the tinge of red at the corner of her mouth. On the snow-colored peaks that rose up, the tooth mark she left was extremely clear, and even a touch of blood oozes out. A bright red, at this moment, combined with the surrounding snow-like complexion, an indescribable ambiguity is vividly promoted.

"Ugh...it's not..."

Bai Chu's tone was already filled with anger that could not be concealed, but the next moment, her cherry lips were greedily blocked by Hei Chu who was pressing on her, and the repressed breathing of the two suddenly changed the atmosphere of the entire basement. became frantic again. Just like what happened here not too long ago.

(PS1: Hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o~~ Very good, you want white and black~~ However, even if it is snapped, it does not mean that the white chick will give in~~)

(PS2: There is one more update~~The old rules will be released regularly at 0:00~~)

black smudge

"elder sister?!"

The mood of Hana is undoubtedly quite happy. As early as when she was in the medicinal bath, she heard that her sister had easily defeated Neji in the Chunin exam. The whole family has proved it.

As a genius of soft boxing, Neji lost to Hinata's Nandou holy fist, which shows that the strength of soft boxing has indeed been compared to that of Hinata's Nandou holy fist. excited.

So, after the medicated bath, the elated Second Miss Hyuga ran all the way to the door of her sister's room, and then rushed in.

However, the scene inside the house surprised the white-eyed loli.

The beautiful and domineering sister was sitting cross-legged behind a table full of food and drinks, while a red-haired stranger in a yukata was snuggling tightly to her right hand, holding a A juice was delivered to my sister's mouth.

"Well? Hua Huo, have you finished the medicinal bath?"

With a trace of laziness on her face, Hinata swallowed the juice that Xianglin brought to her mouth with satisfaction, while the red-faced Xianglin hurriedly got up and bowed to Hana who stared at her fiercely. .

"En~! I've followed the recipe my sister said, and I've been soaking in the medicated bath every morning and every night these days!"

Very hostilely gouging out Xiang phosphorus, Hana excitedly squeezed to Hinata's left hand and hugged his sister's arm: "I really feel that my strength has increased a lot! Whether it is strength or agility, both It's strengthened a lot!"

After the last showdown with Hei Chi, Hana's words really moved Hei Chi, so with the mentality of preparing for the successor in advance, Hinata did give her a list of herbs for the medicated bath, and planned to give this second lady first. To lay the foundation, after all, Hua Huo is still young, and the plasticity of the body can be fully improved by medicated bathing, and Hinata is already a little late at this age.

"Well done, Hana, as expected of my sister."

The lazy Hinata doesn't want to move at all now. The interaction with Bai Chu not long ago really relieved her a lot of pressure, so she should be in an ethereal state of afterglow.

The consciousness of the white chick, who was so embarrassed to be seen, naturally disappeared without a trace, and the black chick had to at least fill his stomach first. This kind of environment was created professionally, so it became what the fireworks looked like.

"Did elder sister really beat cousin Neji? He used to be the best soft boxing genius in the Hyuga clan, but now he really doesn't look as good as elder sister~"

Competingly, he took the juice cup from before and brought it to Hinata's mouth. The act of fireworks only made Hinata smile. This little sister, who hoped to get her attention and encouragement, is now free from the pressure of inheriting from the Hyuga clan. On the contrary, he released all the feelings of sisters that had been suppressed before, and his hostility towards Xianglin was understandable.

"Okay, Xianglin, you should go down and rest first. You don't need to serve me today."