

Along with the gloomy applause, the weird female Kusanagi also appeared in the smoke. The opponent's eyes were obviously not in a hurry to end the battle, but planned to play slowly for a while.

"Sasuke-kun! What's wrong?"

At this time, Sakura and Ino who were preparing dinner at the camp also ran over nervously, and Dingji, who was chopping wood, couldn't care less, but hurriedly came to the crowd, ready to do their own defense work.

"This guy is not comparable to the kind of guy who doesn't cut it anymore. I'm afraid, it is a higher level strength!"

Gritting his teeth, Sasuke even felt a tinge of salty blood on his lips. After fighting against a strong enemy like Zaibuzhan, he already had great confidence in his own strength, but now this The sudden emergence of Kusanagi made him feel a very absurd feeling: Is he really making progress?

"Don't be frightened by her! This kind of strength is definitely not something that a genin can have! Who the **** are you? Why did you sneak into the Chunin exam?"

However, Shikamaru shouted loudly, but Sasuke subconsciously came back to his senses: Yes! It would be absurd if a person of this strength was still tolerant! I shouldn't be as vulnerable as I was just now!

"Hehehe~ You are indeed a very good companion, Sasuke-kun, but are you planning to hide behind your companion all the time?? The art of psychic~!"

With a series of mocking laughter, the weird female Kusanagi raised her hand slightly. Following a series of extremely fast knots, the huge psychic smoke exploded again, and an incomparably huge python also appeared in front of everyone!

"Let me see! How much potential do you have!"

"Itachi's younger brother! Sasuke Uchiha!"

(PS1: Hmm~ This is how the mercury lamp is used now. The amount of chakra in the celestial body is too much, and the control power of the celestial body is very strong, so ~ willful ~ and it is the ice escape, why do you need any fixation? The move ~ that is to condense chakra, and then shape the ice to attack the way~~ Sand and Iron Realm, Dance of Early Jue, Sand Shiyu, etc. Basically, the moves with physical form can be replaced by ice escape. ~)

(PS2: Yes, I see in Hokage, there is indeed an introduction to transforming beasts as psychic beasts, so~~ Let's catch some qualified beasts to tune, teach and train them, and make them into puppets specially responsible for fighting~ ~So, which one to choose? Tanuki (transformation), cat (illusion), falcon (flying ability), dog (scent tracking)...)

The Power of Capital (The Fog)

A giant python whose length is conservatively estimated to be more than 20 meters, if it crushes a group of teenagers under the age of 15 with its own weight, then the result is naturally needless to say, so when I see the grass ninja psychic in front of me After the giant snake came out, Shikamaru made a blunt decision: "Flee! We are definitely not the opponents of this kind of thing!"

"But! Itachi! Why do you know that person?!"

However, Sasuke's emotions were undoubtedly attracted by Kusunin's words just now. The hatred that rose from his heart even made him overwhelm the fear in his heart, and then he stood on the head of the giant snake in front of him with incomparable resentment. The grass ninja roared.

"Ah... this is naturally... eh?!"

Before Kusunin's proud words were finished, she subconsciously froze for a moment, because although Sasuke in front of her was indeed looking like he was burning with anger, his footsteps faithfully followed Shikamaru's footsteps. Then he quickly fled towards the other end of the camp.

"Damn~! Let me go! Shikamaru!"

There is obviously a reason for this inconsistent behavior. It is precisely because of Shikamaru's shadow imitation technique that he forced Sasuke to flee with him.

"There's no time for you to ask this guy a question now. Can't you see that we're not her opponents at all? C'mon! It's really troublesome!"

If it was in the original book, Shikamaru would naturally have no interest in interfering with Sasuke's choice too much, but now, he obviously can't watch the other party go to the provocation of Kusunin, who knows he is defeated, the reason is naturally very simple.. .

Although Hinata did not give any orders, Shikamaru, as the accountant and think tank of the crew, naturally understood that it was quite necessary to ensure the safety of the crew and the "male protagonist" of the crew. Otherwise, if they returned to Hinata, they would be caught Question: Why didn't you rescue Sasuke when you were so close at hand? Shikamaru felt that Hinata's little eye would never give up.

"Humph! Want to run away? Interesting, let's see if you can run faster!"

He was forced to interrupt before he finished speaking. Kusanagi's expression was obviously not very good, and the giant snake under his feet seemed to feel a trace of anger in his master's heart, and then slid down from the tree trunk with a roar, the huge body seemed to be The armored vehicle traversed the previous camp likewise, intending to chase after the Xiaoqiangs who had escaped from the edge of the camp.

"Cut! It's a coincidence, I didn't plan to race against that big worm~ Let's start it!"

Pulling up a steel wire beside his feet, Shikamaru clenched his teeth and tore it off fiercely. With the activation of this simple trigger trap, a loud noise suddenly came from below the ground of the entire camp. In an instant, it turned into a slushy mud pit, directly sinking the huge snake into the mud!

"What?! This is... Tu Dun Huangquan Marsh?! But how is it possible for a kid like you!"

The grass ninja standing on the head of the giant snake was taken aback. Judging from the range of this swamp, the diameter even reached the level of nearly 30 meters. If you want to use such a giant swamp, unless you have the chakra volume of the shinobi level, it is feasible. , but Shikamaru is just a shinobi, how could it be possible to use it?

"Of course I can't...but, 10,000 taels can..."

Even if he is lazy like Shikamaru, he gritted his teeth in pain at the moment, and this sentence suddenly made Sakura on the side scream: "What the **** is going on, Shikamaru, don't sell it, in the end, the 10,000 taels of silver are the same as just now. What's up with that ninjutsu?"

"Isn't that exactly what I'm talking about? This is called a 'Ninjutsu Scroll', which refers to a weapon made by some powerful ninjas who sealed their ninjutsu into a special scroll. It can release the previously sealed ninjutsu."

Reaching into the ninja bag behind his waist and fumbling twice, Shikamaru took out the remaining four scrolls in distress: "Ten thousand taels, if you buy four at one time, you will get an extra one.. .I spent 50,000 taels for these five scrolls, which is basically ten times the amount I spent over the years!"

Undoubtedly, this is a ninjutsu scroll that is similar to the detonating talisman. Unlike ordinary scrolls, this kind of scroll itself is equivalent to a small seal type, which saves not other things, but all kinds of ninjutsu sealed by the maker.

The principle of the detonating talisman is basically formed by sealing a small fire attribute explosive ninjutsu inside it. The effect is relatively simple, but the advantage is that it can be produced in batches.

The ninjutsu scroll is much more troublesome, because the attributes of ninjutsu are different, and if you want to seal, you need different seal styles, but the seal itself is an extremely obscure and difficult to learn advanced ninjutsu. There are very few people.

In this case, there are even fewer people who are willing to spend their chakra to make ninjutsu scrolls. And under the rule that what is vaguely expensive, the price of ninjutsu scrolls basically starts to double up from the double of the detonating charm.

For example, in the original book, Shikamaru used scrolls that can summon water currents and shields when he played against Koto and Feidan. These scrolls are genuine ninjutsu scrolls. These scrolls are basically not required to be used, as long as they can be opened. Can successfully release the sealed ninjutsu, the only constraint is the price.

If it was in the original book, Shikamaru would never have had so much money to buy ninjutsu scrolls, but now... Every month's salary is hundreds of thousands, Shikamaru said, this amount of money can still get come out.

Seeing that the giant snake struggling in the quagmire had gradually sunk, Shikamaru and the others who escaped could not help but breathed a sigh of relief, while Shino on the side nodded slightly: "So... There are enough traps. If you can still invade the interior of the camp at this level, it must be a huge and extremely tough enemy. At this time, the earth escape trap ninjutsu scroll placed under the camp will come in handy. right?"

"Ah~ But then again, I really didn't expect to be such an exaggerated big guy."

Wiping the sweat from his head, Shikamaru also let go of Sasuke's shadow manipulation, and Sasuke, who had calmed down, gritted his teeth and looked back, but he still didn't do anything to break away from the group.

"Huh? The one you said is 10,000 taels, buy enough scrolls for four and get one free, isn't that the case?"

At this time, Sakura, who was escaping, also remembered something, and then took out a scroll with a red bottom from the ninja bag behind her waist. You can see that a frog-shaped ink pad is printed on the surface of the scroll. The seal seems to be some kind of special business logo.

"Ah~! That's it! When I was doing a mission outside the village ten days ago, I met a white-haired old man who claimed to be the Toad Immortal. Are you the same?"

Shikamaru, who was startled, quickly compared the scrolls in his hands. It was true. Except for the different background colors of the scrolls, the frog-shaped ink pad stamps were exactly the same.

"You can't go wrong... I met that guy eight days ago when I was doing a mission outside the village... I didn't want to buy it, but the old man said that he hadn't eaten for half a month. It's pitiful, so I bought it for a while. I was worried about whether I was cheated, but now it seems that it really works."

Xiao Sakura also looked at the scroll in her hand in surprise. Originally, she was in the mood to do good deeds, and she did not lack the money, so she bought it. I didn't expect it to be so useful?

"Actually... Ino and I seem to have bought..."

Looking at the scrolls in the hands of Sakura and Shikamaru, Choji, who was next to him, also took out five scrolls from his backpack, while Ino on the side couldn't bear it anymore: "Enough! I ask. You! Is that an old pervert with a fake beard, white hair, and squinting eyes on girls?"

"Huh? You know Ino too? Don't I remember that you didn't act separately from me that day?"

Shikamaru couldn't help but be taken aback. Didn't he and Ino meet the same person? But Ino's description fits perfectly.

"Did he also say that he hasn't eaten for half a month, and if he can't sell the scrolls again, he will starve to death or something?!"

Ino, who was already full of anger, roared and took out five ninjutsu scrolls with the same stamps from the ninja tool bag behind her waist. There is no doubt that she should have spent the money because she was moved by herself. I bought these five scrolls, but now that I think about it, this is just a rhetoric made up by the old liar who calls himself the Toad Immortal!

In other words, the precious and pure girl's heart was once again tainted by the ruthless and dirty reality.

"...Actually...my side, and tooth side..."

Shino also silently put his hand into the ninja bag behind his waist, and then took out five ninjutsu scrolls, plus his words, obviously the other side also couldn't escape this love trap.

"...The guy who calls himself Toad Immortal... It seems that he has been running around in the fire country town near Konoha Village for a while now... That's why he can deceive so many people... ."

Sasuke no longer had the anger and fear he had before. Instead, there was a kind of crying and laughing that didn't know what to say. There is no doubt that this kind of scroll of 10,000 taels could not be bought by other people even if they wanted to. , and only those in the Hinata group who are not short of money and are quite 'deceptive' can be deceived by this trick, but...