

Hinata's white pupils shrank slightly, and then he suddenly opened his own white eyes, as if an invisible shock wave swept through the entire classroom, many of the Genin subconsciously felt shocked, as if they were directly seen through and felt very uncomfortable. feel.

In the field of vision of his white eyes, Hinata did see a distinctive chakra. Among the many chakras of the same color, this one showed a very special pale gold, and he was shrinking in the classroom at the moment. In the corner, compared to everyone else's chakra, it was as striking as a smear of gold mud in a heap of poor blue paint.


Cancelling her own eyes, Hinata didn't care about the hostile eyes around her, but looked straight into the corner of that Chakra, and after passing through several figures, the first thing she saw was a head of pure red long hair , and further down is a spectacled girl holding her arms and shrinking in the corner as if in fear. She didn't know if she noticed Hinata's aggressive gaze, but the trembling feeling in her body could not be concealed at all.

Sure enough... I did find something good.

Seeing the red hair, some details that had been forgotten in Hinata's mind also became active, reminding her of who the red-haired girl with arms folded in the corner of the classroom was.

Although similar to Gaara's red hair, this girl's red hair represents a more special meaning. Moreover, even in the original work, there are almost only single digits of people with this red-haired bloodline. I didn't expect that I would encounter almost the last one here.

Swirl...Fragrant Phosphorus! !

Unlike Naruto, this half-hearted girl, this girl is the real Uzumaki clan, and she is basically the last pure-blooded Uzumaki clan woman in the original book.

After confirming the name in her heart, Hinata's eyes flashed with strong desire and ambition. There was no doubt that she knew what she was going to do.

"Hehehe~~ It was a really enjoyable party. It looks like I can have more fun."

He closed his eyes and smiled slightly, but Hinata went straight to a desk in front of him. Because of the large number of participants, there were obviously not enough seats in the classroom, and the one sitting on that desk was a tall person. Ma Da's Genin should be one of Taki's forehead protection.

Having already noticed that Hinata was walking towards him, the tall Taki Shinobi subconsciously became alert: "What do you want? Little girl?!"

The answer to him was a heavy punch that hit the lower abdomen. Although the white-eyed girl did not use the flame fist, the punching power she had acquired through the Nandou holy fist had undoubtedly reached a terrifying level. Without even responding, he rolled his eyes and fell off the desk.

"Okay, it's better to sit down and listen to the information carefully."

He didn't care about the frightened and angry gazes of the other two Taki Shinobi around him, Hinata's tone was also full of the last grace before the beasts prey on them.

"I've decided to take this exam seriously~"

"Hopefully, it won't make me feel bored."

(PS1: Hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o~ I found a treasure~~ A superb RB.Q that can restore the master's stamina and energy indefinitely...Huh? What did I say...(°ー°〃))

(PS2: I can't sleep in the middle of the night when I was abused by the dog, so it's okay if you abuse it, but you can abuse it in other ways~ From young couples to middle-aged couples to old couples one by one~~ I'm really getting old! This one More New Year's Eve, please ask for a wave of condolence tickets for single dogs~~W( ̄_ ̄)W)

Chunin Exam (4)

There are a total of 153 Genin, this is the first round of ninjutsu to participate in the Chunin exam, which means that the number of candidates currently in this classroom, among them, the number of Genin from Konoha Village is the largest, followed by Sandyin, and then the rest. Little Ninja Village. As for the Yin Nin Village established by Orochimaru, only three people participated, that is, the three dragon sets in the original book.

"That's it, the Chunin Exam is not just a general exam, it's also a good opportunity to check the strength of each Ninja village. Which Ninja village wins more people, and the daimyo and the outside world will naturally know which Ninja village is stronger. Having said that ..."

Kau, who was half-squatting on the ground, looked sideways slightly, and his tone also contained a sense of helplessness: "This year's Taki Ninja Village may have to lose a group of candidates now..."

"Ha~! I've already given them a chance. I can't see the difference in strength between myself and the enemy. This is one of the points that they failed in this exam."

Hinata, who was sitting at the desk, smirked slightly, and except for Taki Shinobi, who was knocked down at the beginning, the other two Taki Shinobi have also collapsed on the aisles on both sides. There is no doubt that, After seeing their comrades being attacked, the remaining two Taki Shinobi didn't realize the difference between the enemy and the enemy, but rushed up in anger, and the result is naturally unnecessary.

"Well... it's not wrong to say that..."

Tou subconsciously reached out and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, but then he was slightly startled, such a statement is obviously not suitable for his current status as a kind-hearted senior, but the answer just now is undoubtedly the most in line with his current state of mind It feels like... when facing the grown-up, he would respond instinctively...

"Tsk~~ How arrogant...Are they really the nine newcomers this year?"

Among the many ninjas, the third class is undoubtedly among them, and looking at the white-eyed girl sitting at the desk who didn't care about the hostility around her, Tian Tian couldn't help but feel a little envious: "But... it's really refreshing, then Such a handsome approach~"

"Indeed, she has a very strong force and aura. Besides, from the punch just now, her strength is quite impressive."

Sitting next to Tian Tian is a boy like... a watermelon. Although this description is not appropriate, it is true. He is wearing a green tights, his hairstyle is a round and shiny Kappa head, and even his pupils are round marble eyes. The keywords are 'green', ' Round and round, so put together... the sense of substitution of watermelon is undoubtedly the most appropriate. There is no doubt that he is Kai's direct disciple, Locke Lee.


Neji just snorted coldly in response to Tian Tian and Xiao Li's comments, but it was not difficult to see from the frown on his brows that he also felt a sense of pressure that couldn't be ignored for Hinata's actions.

The world of ninjas is indeed about forbearance and disguise, but the people or things that can attract people are never those who stick to the stereotypes, but are always unique and never conform to the crowd.

Moreover, there must be demons when they use abnormality. The arrogant people are not necessarily just showing their appearance, and it is more likely that they do have the strength to be arrogant.

The three Taki Shinobi who fell beside Hinata have proved this powerfully, so even though Hinata's actions have aroused the hostility of the entire classroom, no one is willing to run out at this time and continue to experience her fists. .

"What are you doing?! You bastard!!"

At this moment, with a gloomy low voice, a large cloud of smoke exploded on the podium, and dozens of Konoha ninjas wearing chunin vests appeared, and the one in the front was a black windbreaker. , a man of prey with several scars on his face.

Undoubtedly, it was the examiner of this exam and the person who also served as the head of Konoha Anbu's torture—Ihiki Morino.

"what happened?!"

Glancing at the three Taki Shinobi who were already unconscious next to Hinata, Ibizi raised his eyebrows slightly, although he knew that this exam would not be so peaceful, but to scrap a team so silently, let him leave. He was slightly surprised.

"It's nothing, these three suddenly fainted, so I was just about to ask someone to carry them out for rescue. Since the teacher is here, please."

Hinata, who was smiling slightly, didn't intend to hide his tone at all, and this made Ibizi's mouth slightly rise, and the shady Anbu torture minister also showed a rather terrifying smile.

"As a guy who has just become a Genin, you are really arrogant and cute. I hope your arrogance can continue forever. Since the strength of these three guys will faint in such a place, it is estimated that they will die directly later. Take them out. The rest! Sit me down! The first exam starts now!"

As a ninja of Konoha, Iki Mori obviously doesn't intend to spend more effort on those three Taki Shinobi. After all, what he said is right. Since he was easily overthrown by Hinata here, even if these guys can hold on to it. It is estimated that they will also be sent to teams in the later stage, and they can be carried out now to avoid the danger of exams.

After seeing the thick stacks of exam papers in the hands of the examiners, the expressions of the candidates undoubtedly became quite exciting. Although the oddness and sternness of the Chunin exam had been heard before, the first exam was actually a written exam. Still a little surprising.

"Now let's talk about the rules: answer the questions within the specified time, and each person will get a full score of 10. Those who use clumsy cheating methods will be deducted 2 points each time they are found, and they will be disqualified directly with the other two people in the same team! Start now! "

Sure enough, that important point is the 'bad cheating method'.

Hinata just sneered slightly at this, the plot of the Chunin exam happened very early, as long as you have watched Naruto, you will basically never forget it, and...

"Ah...why is the written test...(;?0?7?2?8?2?0Д?2?8?2?0`)..."

Naruto, who was lying face down on the desk, looked like he was unlovable. As a crane tail who passed the exam only by relying on the technique of shadow avatar, he obviously couldn't be proficient in theoretical knowledge. To say it is more ignorant about it.

Well... a subtle sense of understanding, as if I saw the final math exam papers of junior high school students...

Although she knew the plot, Hinata didn't plan to give a blank paper like Naruto. After all, she wouldn't rely on other people's successful models. Maybe there will be some changes when she gets here, so she still cheats directly with white eyes. good.

With such thoughts in mind, Hinata glanced around the classroom with his white eyes, and soon found those inner responders who were placed among the candidates to provide exam answers. After seeing the other person's body through perspective, she directly filled the answer sheet like a copy.

And after dealing with the test paper, Hinata did hesitate for a while. It stands to reason that even if Naruto is ignored here, he can pass this level by mistake with his own mouth and spirit of death, but ...

Naruto's current appearance is undoubtedly quite pitiful. Golden Retriever is lying on the desk with his head in a tearful posture. From that unlovable posture, it is not difficult to imagine the pressure he bears. After all, he doesn't know a single question, which means he must give a blank, but if he scores zero points, the other two teammates will be disqualified, which is equivalent to being held back by him, and Hinata and Sasuke will suffer. Feel.

Forget it... Let's help this idiot... Anyway, it doesn't affect the plot...

Shaking his head, Hinata carefully took out a spare piece of paper from the ninja bag, then wrote down the answer to the question, twisted it into a ball, and threw it to Naruto. Although it is true that this test rejects inferior cheating methods, there is obviously a hidden rule: that is, mutual assistance between teammates is allowed. After all, even if it is a test of detection ability, not all ninjas are good at it. As long as one of the teammates' cheating method is qualified, the teammate aided by it is not considered a violation.

Therefore, the test papers of Ryoji and Shikamaru in the original book were completed with the help of Ino, and Temari was assisted by a note from Kankuro.