

However, Sasuke was still just a child after all. He subconsciously returned to the affairs of the Uchiha clan by Hinata's words. Currently, as an idealistic boy who also hopes to revive the Uchiha clan, he is obviously selfish to himself. Groups have greater expectations.

"So don't worry. Besides, let me tell you something. The annual Chunin exam is about to start. Although I don't know what the format will be this year, I don't think you plan to miss it, right?"

Hinata is of course aware of the chunin exam, because the annual chunin exam is actually a default regular event, but not every time it is held in conjunction with other ninja villages. As the first of the five ninja villages, Konoha Village , the Chunin exams held are naturally recognized as the most valuable.

Therefore, every year, some small ninja villages send Konoha to take the exam, so as to increase their popularity and reputation. After all, if they can get good grades in the largest ninja village, their own ninja village's strength will also be affected. will increase accordingly.

"Chunin... Really?"

Sasuke's black eyes narrowed suddenly, and then the black-haired boy's figure flashed and disappeared from the roof. Obviously, he remembered something.

Now Sasuke is 12 years old, but among the Uchiha clan, there is a genius ninja who has been promoted to Chunin at the age of 10.

The name of that ninja is... Uchiha Itachi.

"Hmph~ What an impatient kid who is easy to manipulate."

It is very clear that Sasuke is running to continue his training, and Hinata is too lazy to bother this extreme guy. After all, this Chunin exam is much more dangerous than the mission of the country of waves, and the strength can be improved by one point. More protection.

So, perhaps, it's better to practice a bit?

Closing her eyes slightly, Hinata felt the flow of the body's chakra. Compared with the mercury lamp of the fairy body, she could feel that the body's chakra running speed and resilience were much weaker, just like walking in water. , the same uncomfortable feeling of being bound by gravity when suddenly returning to land.

Well, indeed, from frugality to luxury is easy, but from luxury to frugality is difficult. Even if you only used the body of the mercury lamp once, do you already feel the backwardness of the body? However, it is precisely because of this that the weaknesses that were previously invisible to the main body are now as clearly visible as a dry riverbed.

Although Hinata does not intend to learn the soft boxing of the Hyuga family, it turns out that there are still many places for this kind of boxing to learn from. For example, the ability to use the acupuncture points of the whole body to release the range of chakra skills, which is the patent of the Hyuga family's blood. , but Hinata has yet to master this ability.

"It seems that I need to do a special training. Anyway, the skills I have learned can be displayed on the body of the mercury lamp in a stronger form."

"Perhaps, this exam, I can give many people more surprises."

collective activity

"The tasks of the seventh, eighth, and tenth classes today are to practice against each other and to assist in the practice. The nine of you were originally in the same class, but now as opponents, you should practice against each other when you were in school."

Asma and Kakashi stood side by side in front of their respective students. Because they were crew members, the general D-level tasks had been crossed out from the task list of classes 7, 8, and 10. Tian Ke was not in the mood to let himself or his employees waste time doing things like picking up garbage, so the three generations of Hokage also agreed to this black box operation with understanding.

Instead, Hinata Group has the authority to assign tasks to its own employees, but they must all be above the C-level tasks, which can be regarded as a small additional income for Konoha's task income in disguise. After all, the rewards of D-level tasks are completely inferior to C-level ones.

"Oh~! It's not filming today~! Very good! Who will be my opponent?!"

Naruto excitedly moved his wrists from side to side. He had been pretending to be a woman for so long, and he felt like he was about to suffer from a problem.

"Hmph~ Although you said that you defeated some kind of Kirikin seven ninja swords, I haven't seen it with my own eyes! Alright! This time I'll be your opponent!"

Inuzuka Ya, who didn't believe in evil, was eager to try it. After all, although Naruto has indeed made a lot of progress, such as transformation and avatar, he has never seen the specific combat power. On the day of Naruto's beast transformation, he hadn't joined the crew yet. Well, so now it's normal not to believe in evil.

"Shut up, today's practice is not a confrontation type. From now on, you all have to listen to me, no opinions are allowed."

Hinata, who was standing in the middle, took a quick step forward, then turned around and said, "You guys, do you understand?"

"Ah~ It's Hinata who's making arrangements again..."

Naruto and Toya, who were still full of energy at first, suddenly stopped their eye contact behavior in frustration. After all, as the leader of the Hinata group, Hinata was indeed qualified to do so. not to mention...

"B-level ninjutsu training mission?? This kid is really big."

Hong, who was sitting under the corridor, raised her hand to help her forehead helplessly. Yes, today's task was also announced by Hinata. As the leader of Hinata's group, she knew very well that she had to show her leadership at all times. The mission that the group has gathered together, aside from the actual things to do, this kind of momentum alone is enough to make the rest of the people understand the existence of this group.

"Well~ even if we are lucky enough to meet such a worry-free disciple."

Kakashi, who was lying on the side holding a small yellow book, yawned lazily. He was in a good mood. Since Hinata had her own ideas, it would be fine for her to do it. As a teacher, if If you can't give guidance on learning, it's enough to be prepared for the aftermath.

"Well, besides, the Chunin exam is coming soon. I think these children have already heard about it."

Asma is also pleased that Hinata arranges the training tasks. Although he is not as indulgent as Kakashi, he also knows that the growth of the students does not require too much suppression. If there is any doubt, these children will be Just ask.

"Ah, that's it, although, I'm still a little worried about them."

Hong also breathed a sigh of relief. As a woman with a submissive personality, her natural temperament of a good wife and a good mother made her think of her disciples as children more.

Aside from the three Junin who were drinking tea and taking a nap, Hinata frowned and started to announce her training plan.

"Listen, the Chunin exam is coming soon. I think you have all heard about it. Yes, although strictly speaking, the genin who has just graduated is not suitable for this kind of exam, but, because of this, I hope that we All three groups can participate, and there must be at least three of them to qualify this time."

The white-eyed girl talked with one hand stuck to her waist. Her words just made other people **** their ears subconsciously to understand.

"In order to increase influence, it doesn't have to be like this... Although... well, I admit that this is the best way..."

Shikamaru, who wanted to protest a few words, pondered for a while, but in the end he gave up the idea in dejection, because he knew that Hinata was right.

Although the Hinata group is indeed favored by the entire Konoha Village because of its economic development, its members are after all ninjas rather than entertainers, and most of them are heirs of big families. It is impossible to give up their ninja identity. of.

Therefore, this requires them to also improve in strength. And if you can pass the Chunin exam as a newly graduated Genin, the strength of the members of the Hinata group will naturally be recognized by the outside world, and thus receive more attention.

"That's why we have to train together and have consultations? In this way, if we meet in the exam, we can have better countermeasures."

The reasoning Emperor Shino still loyally defended Hinata's decision, and nodded with satisfaction, Hinata also raised her hand simply, and her tone was a little more stern: "So...now I have to let you guys first Look, my strongest trick right now."


In the eyes of everyone, surprised or strange, Hinata inhaled slightly, the bangs on her forehead and the small windbreaker behind her were windless and automatic because of the movement of chakra, and the blazing orange flame was rising with her right hand. A bang came out, and with the sudden wave of the right arm of the white-eyed girl, the scorching fire swayed out of her palm, swallowing the air within a few meters in front of her like a fire snake that appeared out of thin air, even the ground. The green grass turned yellow and withered in an instant because of the high temperature from above.

"Nandou Yan's Profound Truth of Killing Fist - Orochimaru."

Sitting under the corridor, Kakashi has pulled off the forehead guard on his head, and then analyzes Hinata's moves with all his strength. As a copy ninja, Kakashi obviously likes collecting ninjutsu, otherwise he won't get it. this title.

"It's really amazing taijutsu. Although it uses that special ninja glove, its power and flexibility without the need for seals can already be included in the category of A-level ninjutsu."

Asma was also attentively watching the moves Hinata was performing in front of him. In other words, any ninja who could reach the level of Jōnin would pay attention to this kind of ninjutsu that does not require a seal and has great power.

"Indeed, in the process of completing the change in the nature of chakra, in addition to mastering the nature of chakra, the meridians and the body also need to be able to withstand that kind of change. That is to say, these three children have achieved that kind of change. Has it reached the point?"

Hong also narrowed her eyes slightly. As an illusion ninja, she is very aware that female ninjas are inherently weak in strength, so she is more inclined to illusion and ninjutsu, like Tsunade's strength is stronger than male ninja basically at present The whole ninja world is just that. And Hinata's domineering ninja skills undoubtedly made Hong a little heartbroken.

"Hey... it's too exaggerated? This kind of ninjutsu..."

Teeth with rattling teeth reluctantly reached out to wipe the cold sweat on his forehead. According to the information returned by his nose, the big snake Naginata released by Hinata just now was enough to turn him and Akamaru into one breath. The most terrifying thing is that the seal and the front shake are completely invisible. This kind of lethal ninjutsu that is suddenly performed without warning is obviously the most feared.

"It's amazing, the three of you are going too far, aren't you? No, I'm not going to sign up for this Chunin exam."

Compared with Ya, Shikamaru simply expressed his intention to abstain, but Hinata, who put away his posture, just stabbed him coldly and killed him: "I heard that Aunt Nara probably doesn't know who is playing Mrs. Higan. Who is it?"


Shikamaru, who was covered in cold sweat in an instant, was speechless and condensed. That's right, his mother always thought that he was just an accountant in the crew. If he knew that Mrs. Bigan was played by him... I guess he would have to bury him at least up to his neck.

"But... Hinata, even if you say that, I'm afraid we're not even qualified to practice with you... As soon as your ninjutsu comes out, we conservatively estimate that it's all serious injuries, right?"