

Therefore, after carefully studying this ninja surgery, Hinata expressed with satisfaction that the second generation of the inheritance was a good gift, which just allowed her to realize the connection with her spare body.

"It's really great. In this way, even if the body of the Hyuga clan is inferior in combat power, it doesn't matter. As long as the body of the immortal art of the mercury lamp can be summoned at any time, the problem of self-protection in the early stage is solved."

Satisfied, he walked out of the basement. Hinata happily stretched his waist in front of the light shining in the window, and then put the psychic scroll behind his waist into the drawer at will. Only Hinata and Hinata were on this scroll. The contract of the mercury lamp, so it doesn't matter if someone else gets it, it is nothing more than the destruction of the scroll and the disappearance of the contract between Hinata and the mercury lamp.

Hinata spent about 12 hours to complete the pre-arrangement of affairs in the country of waves, and the development after that only requires her to show up regularly, or it is no problem for Xiaonan to use the transformation technique to fool the craftsmen. . After all, you need to take into account Payne's position. After all, when others make concessions to you, it is not only respect or consideration, but also an obscure mentality measure.

Therefore, the best way is to return the step that the other party has given up at the appropriate time. Only with contacts can the smooth progress of the cooperation be ensured. Otherwise, if only one party keeps making progress and the other party blindly tolerates it, it will become Aggression instead of cooperation.

In particular, when the partner is a nuclear-bomb-level ninja like Payne, who has a disagreement with Shinra, it's best to be more reserved and cautious.

Therefore, after arranging the construction of the factory, Hinata simply returned to Konoha Village and handed over the rest to Xiaonan. After that, she only needed to regularly observe the development of the Land of Waves.

After all, even if the figure factory of the Land of Waves doesn't give her a cent bonus, she has already made a lot of money. At least it can ensure a stable supply of figures for Fox Talk, which is like a pre-built building when playing a management game.

And this time, she did keep an eye on it, that is, she installed a camera in the room where she placed her body, intending to take a closer look at whether this body would act privately after her soul left.

But the pictures captured by the camera made her breathe a sigh of relief. During the 12 hours that her soul left, her body showed no signs of autonomous movement at all, as if she was in a vegetative state who had truly lost consciousness.

It seems that the first few times were just a coincidence?

After thinking for a while, Hinata decided not to think about it. After all, there are enough weird things in this world, so it's better to save your brain.

Anyway, as long as she is still using this body, then ~ Hinata Hinata's existence will continue in her ideal form.

(PS1: Hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o~ Bai Chu is not a fool. He was discovered by Hei Chu last time. This time, if he runs around again, he will definitely be suspected. There is a surprise~)

(PS2: Are you going to hang up? Then... how about a mercury lamp costume that can summon SSSR with you?)

Exam preparation

Damn it, the sandstorm in the land of sand is always endless.

Even as a person born in Sandyin Village, Temari still feels a helpless and tired feeling of this environment where the sky is full of yellow sand all day long. Although he is equally loyal to his village and his father who is Kazekage, this kind of Personal emotions can never be erased.

"Umm~ I'm exhausted, really, why do we have to do this kind of **** mission, obviously we've done something like that before."

Kankuro, who was walking beside Temari, stretched out his hand and tapped his sore shoulders in dissatisfaction. Obviously, this kind of exhausting rushing around guarding work also made him feel tired.

"This is the last task of guarding the published items of "Fox Talk" this month, and there will be no more after that."

The person who led Temari and Kankuro's team was none other than Junin Maki of Sandyin Village. He was also the most respected and trusted Junin of the Fourth Kazekage. Therefore, he was qualified to be the three children of the Fourth Kazekage. 's instructor.

"That's right... After that plan, even Konoha will disappear from now on..."

Subconsciously, she took out a brand-new "Fox Story" from the ninja bag behind her waist, and Temari couldn't help but feel a little reluctant. As a girl in full bloom, of course she is also very interested in these things like love. , otherwise, I would not have a good impression of Sasuke's handsome appearance in the original work.

"...Ah... But, is it really feasible to cooperate with those sound ninjas? After all, it's just a newly established small ninja village, can it really help?"

Kankuro also seemed a little sad, but he quickly regained his senses, and then turned to hope that Maki would give his answer.

"The strength of the sound ninja is still second, because their leader is one of the three ninjas, and he knows the defense and geography of Konoha best. Therefore, our task at that time..."

Speaking of which, Markey's voice also paused, and then landed on a short red-haired figure walking in front. Even as a nominal mentor, he can still hear the strong sense of fear in his words.

"...Just to ensure that Gaara can release his power in Konoha Village."

This sentence made Temari and Kankuro both shudder. There is no doubt that they all know what the figure walking at the front of the team means. It is the legendary ruler of the sandstorm, an evil with unimaginable power. exist.

It is said that there are more than one monsters like this in this world, but one thing in common is that they are all incarnations of evil and despair, and the people possessed by them are definitely the same bloodthirsty evil demons!


"In the depths of the remote forest, there must be that forgotten heart hidden up to now...Ahhh~!"

Naruto, who was wearing a blood-red twelfth single, sneezed at an inopportune time, interrupting the originally perfect tune, and rubbing the string of snot that came out of his nose, Naruto said aggrievedly: "Really... who is talking bad about me behind my back..."

"Phew... Can the reason for your mistake be any lower?"

Shikamaru, who was sitting behind the camera, yawned with dissatisfaction on his face. As a Shimonin, the tasks of the seventh and tenth classes today are as follows: to assist the "Fox Story" crew to shoot the new special-shot BGM "Deep い" Mori", if it goes well, this song will become the ending song of "Fox Talk".

The mission time limit is 10 hours, the location is the Uchiha mansion in Konoha Village, and the mission level is C level.

After all, there is a song like "Blue Bird" as the opening song, and the ending song naturally needs a similar long-lasting temperament. And considering that the two-dimensional culture of the Naruto world is still pursuing serious and serious bridges, it is definitely not suitable for songs with soft and cute.

"I'm not lying! And...every time I wear women's clothes and sing with a female voice~! As the most hard-working old man, can't there be some complaints? Hmph o( ̄ヘ ̄o#) !"

Naruto, who was holding his arms, tilted his head in a swollen manner, posing as if the labor and management were tired, and the labor and management wanted a break, while Shikamaru, the photographer, pressed his head feebly: " It's okay... Anyway, there's still more time today... It's enough to get it done before the sun goes down, so let's take a little rest now."

"Huh... Is this really the life of a ninja?"

Holding a tea tray full of tea cups with a sigh, Ino walked out of the tea room on the side, because she was completely inferior to Naruto and Shikamaru in terms of female power, and as a result, she has no task of shooting now, so she naturally has to do things. It becomes a logistics supply. The blond girl said angrily: "Okay, the tea is ready, everyone, let's take a rest."

"Hey~~Thank you, Ino~~"

In front of a chessboard in the corridor, Kakashi and Asma, who were sitting opposite each other, raised their hands with a smile: "Two drinks here too~ We're a little tired too~~"

"Are you tired of playing?! Is there a teacher like you?"

Ino, who had several blue veins on his head, resisted and didn't throw the teacup over, and Dingji, who was sitting on the stump and eating a large bag, also raised his hand with a smile: "Hey~ here, Ino, I'm just in time. I'm a little thirsty~"

"You fat pig better die of thirst!"

"I'm not a fat pig, I'm just plump!"

"Well~ Stop arguing~~ You are all very cute students~"

"Haha~ It's a very convenient student, right?"

The 'sweet' quarrel in the courtyard could not be covered, but Hinata, who was lying on the roof, moved his ears comfortably, and the white-eyed girl raised her hand lazily and yawned: "Wuhu~~ It's so noisy, What are they doing?"

"It's just a bunch of idiots going crazy together."

Sitting five meters away from the roof, Sasuke described the dispute below with a very vicious tongue. The black-haired boy frowned slightly, and his eyes subconsciously looked at the white-eyed girl lying there, a sense of doubt and entanglement was obvious.

"Heh~ What's wrong? Does such a stable life make you feel uneasy? Sasuke."

It was obvious that Hinata was in a pretty good mood recently. After obtaining a body as powerful as a celestial body like a mercury lamp, she finally felt that her previously tense nerves had relaxed, so that she could take a nap for a while now. After all, humans need to adjust themselves, and things that are stretched all the time will not last too long.

"You are, have you been a little slack recently?"

Looking at Hinata sideways, Sasuke really doesn't like Hinata's attitude now, but it's not because of the so-called 'slack' he said, but another feeling, like: the other party is already confident in He mastered enough power to ensure that he and Naruto could not catch up, so he lay down and rested leisurely.

"Many things can't be done in a hurry. What's more, we have just become Genin, and we can successfully pass the A-level mission and kill the legendary Genin of the elite Shangnin. Such achievements are not enough to show. Show the honor of the Uchiha clan?"

Hinata can naturally sense Sasuke's emotions, but of course she won't be stupid enough to tell the truth to the other party. Anyway, the other party is a professional accountant in the later period, so there is no harm in making this guy a little more stressed now.

"Hmph~ This is of course, and even among the former Uchiha clan, there are only a handful of people who can complete A-level tasks when they are under the ninja."