

Ino, who had been promoted to female official, spoke hard, trying to soothe the frost-faced Hinata, and her voice did make Hinata pause for a moment, and then nodded silently, which made the surrounding crew members one. All of them heaved a sigh of relief as if they were amnesty, and then they left the room where Hinata was in despair, intending to go to breathe.

"Really~ I really scared me to death, what happened to her? Today is the third time to reenact it, right? Fortunately, I don't have a role today."

Inuzuka Tooth wiped the sweat from his forehead in fear. Obviously, this feeling of being repeatedly asked to retake is definitely quite bad.

"Who knows~ All in all, it's more troublesome than before~!"

Shikamaru's words also carried a strong sense of emotion. Obviously, even this time he had a little emotion. After all, the experience of being repeatedly asked to do one thing and constantly giving bad reviews is no longer purely psychological frustration.

"By the way... Since this morning, I felt that Hinata's expression was wrong, although it was not obvious."

Sakura, who was holding her hand, looked back anxiously at the room where Hinata was. As a woman, she obviously had better mental acuity, so she realized that Hinata's emotions were wrong.

"Yeah, although I can't come to a conclusion, one thing is certain. Hinata is in a very bad mood today."

Ino, who was holding his arms, spoke in the same serious tone, and this caused the people around him to look at each other in dismay. Even Asma scratched the back of his head helplessly. As a monster actor, he was too tired today.

"This is unreasonable. Hinata's character has always been calm and rigorous, and it is impossible to deny things for no reason. That is to say, she really thinks that the acting skills of me and Shikamaru are not in line with her psychology. Require."

Shino, who is good at analysis, raised his hand slightly and pushed the sunglasses on his face. Even though he was tossed for a day by Hinata's repeated requests for reshoots, his ninja self-consciousness was obviously better than Shikamaru sometimes.

"Forgive me... Even if you say that, the change in your own emotions will cause a reaction that doesn't look pleasing to the eye, right? It's like my mother's behavior sometimes."

Weakly reached out and rubbed his shoulders, Shikamaru's words made Shino's sunglasses light up slightly: "What do you mean, is it...because of Hinata's body, that her mood is not right?"

"Huh? Isn't it?! Do you two mean Hinata's physiology... Wow!!"

Before his favorite bluffing tooth could finish speaking, Sakura, who was flushed with red face, slammed her Rising Dragon fist into the middle of the chin, and the angry pink-haired girl roared, "Shut up!! What's up with this kind of thing? Can say it in broad daylight!!"

Looking at Tooth turned into a meteor, Naruto said with a confused expression: "Ah? What did Tooth just say? What 'physiology'? What happened to Hinata?"

"Shut up if you don't want to die!!"

Roaring and shaking his fist at Naruto, Ino, who was also flushed red, also had a feeling that he was out of breath: "Really! Sure enough, the boys are all Hakka!"

Looking at the farce in front of him, the coldest Sasuke shook his head slightly, and the black-haired boy spoke in a rare way: "Then, I suggest that we don't have to continue reluctantly. If everyone thinks that the current shooting can be done, It's just a waste of energy and time to reshoot."

Such a proposal will undoubtedly make the people around him look slightly sideways. Obviously, Sasuke's proposal is straightforward: Ignore Hinata's emotional misconduct and pass the filmed episode directly.

"It's not good... After all, she is the director of the crew..."

Dingji, who was chewing potato chips next to him, spoke uneasily. Sasuke's words may sound insignificant, but if you think about it carefully, you can taste the rather rebellious meaning.

"Our organization, after all, doesn't exist because of her alone. When necessary, individuals must make decisions for the group."

Said his thoughts in a flat tone, Sasuke's speech undoubtedly caused the other team members to fall into silence.

Obviously, the organization or the individual, which one is more important, the answer to this question is always difficult to decide.

"Sure enough... The Uchiha clan's sense of **** still exists in Sasuke."

Looking at the face of the black-haired boy in the crystal ball, Sandai, who was sitting behind the desk, shook his head slightly, while Kakashi, who was standing on the side, said softly: "However, Sasuke's words also make sense. Hinata is indeed very smart. Powerful, but just as the crew did not exist for her alone, all the responsibilities and burdens should not be borne by her alone."

"Kakashi, you are their teacher, of course your words are the most suggestive. However, now I can feel that there is not much time left for me, so it is necessary for the next generation of Konoha, In particular, Hinata, who has the ability and potential, has a higher awareness."

His face was rare and serious, and the third generation was obviously not sighing in vain. As a 69-year-old old man, his physical fitness and spirit have begun to decline significantly. In the ninja world, ninjas who can live to this age are even more so. There are very few.

Therefore, as the leader of the village, cultivating potential successors is a strategic reserve that must be done, and it even exceeds the priority of the reserve of funds and combat power.

After all, if there is a lack of money and combat power, it can be made up slowly, but if the leader fails to take over, then he will face absolute annihilation.

"I understand your difficulties, but... I'm just worried, Hinata..."

Bowing his head, Kakashi knew what Sandai meant.

Since it is necessary to tilt the training resources to Hinata, it is natural to cultivate Hinada's authority among the new generation of ninjas. At this time, it is required that there should not be anyone who violates Hinata's orders. For example, Sasuke's proposal just now is something that absolutely needs to be banned.

"An Xin, I have already sent people to find those two unworthy disciples. If they still want to come back to visit my teacher before I die, they should give me this face to some extent. At that time, the new development of Konoha should be Enough to make them understand that the village has moved on."

Taking out the pipe from his mouth, the eyes of the three generations became sympathetic and long again.

"After this year's Chunin exam, I think it's almost time for me to officially step down."

(PS1: Hmm~~ I'm so tired~~~ This is the second update~~)

(PS2: So, don't work because of personal emotions~~(^U^)ノ~)

what is left

The dark red blood in the transparent beaker is extraordinarily crystal clear, like a pure ruby. Although this is what it looked like before it cools down, Hinata also thinks that it is because of the owner of the blood. itself is too pure.

The technique of Guiyaluo, the effect of this forbidden technique is indeed very practical. It can fuse any organism into a hybrid creature with the advantages of both, and it can also allow the caster to absorb and fuse these fusions with the body as the center. Has all the abilities of these fusions.

According to its description, this ninjutsu can even break the natural boundaries of the human body, making the human body enjoy the privilege of rejuvenation and immortality like a monster. But in terms of practicality, it is even higher than the reincarnation of Orochimaru.

However, that doesn't mean it's without risk.

There is a natural repulsion between different bodies. Even if they are forcibly bonded with ninjutsu, they cannot guarantee complete fusion. In normal times, it is fine. If the chakra activity is violent during fierce battles, it is likely to cause a series of The flesh collapses, causing the fusion to die.

As a dark ninja, Danzo did a lot of experiments when he got this forbidden technique, and finally placed it because the success rate of this forbidden technique was too low, so he reminded Hinata not to take his own Physical risk, the risk level of this forbidden technique is not trustworthy.

Hinata is also very clear about this. As a person with knowledge of two worlds, she is very aware of how terrible the damage caused by genetic exclusion in medical cases is, even if there is a 'chakra' in this world. The almighty energy cannot smooth the fusion gap between different bloodlines.

So, before she was sure that she could succeed, she definitely didn't plan to use herself or Shiro's body to experiment.

Cut off a small piece of the left ear of the first generation, and Hinata threw it into a beaker containing white blood. Since it is not directly performed with the body, it is still possible to use the body part.

"Then, let me see what secrets are inside the cells of the first Hokage-sama, known as the strongest ninja."

As if talking to himself, Hinata opened his white eyes, and then closed his hands to quickly form a seal. With the support of the white-eyed girl's Chakra, the technique of Guiya Luo was launched quickly. The blood in the beaker and the first generation of meat seemed to be at the same time. After shaking for a while, it felt as if the two beasts that had been silent were awakened at the same time, and then began to quickly merge.

However, Hinata frowned slightly at the sight in front of her.

If it is to be fused with each other, the first generation of meat should interact with Shiro's blood. However, what Hinata saw was that the first generation of meat was like a sponge that easily absorbed all the blood of Bai, and then began to rapidly expand and grow, sprout like a bean plant sprout many shoots, Even if Hinata stopped in time to continue supplying chakra, the resulting piece of meat still continued to grow rapidly as if it had self-awareness.

"It turns out that it is indeed the first generation of domineering eyes."

After confirming the fact in front of him, Hinata's right hand suddenly burst into flames, and then he unceremoniously reached out and poured the flame into the beaker, and the scorched meat made a terrible squeak like a bug. It didn't stop struggling until a few minutes later, and then turned to ashes.

Although it was just an experiment, it was indeed enough for Hinata to observe many things.

Undoubtedly, the first-generation immortal body is extremely domineering. The result of this is that his cells can easily suppress and devour any other cells. Even white blood can be regarded as a specific body of the Ice Escape Blood Follower limit. But in terms of competitiveness, it is not comparable to the first generation of immortal cells at all, and it cannot be fused with the opponent at all, but simply as if it were swallowed by it.

It did appear in the original book. Danzo was dying because his control of chakra declined, so the first-generation cells on his right arm began to devour his body. phagocytosis and absorption.

In other words, unless other fused cells can compete with the first-generation cells during fusion, it is possible for the fusion to proceed smoothly. Otherwise, it is just adding nutrients to the first-generation cells.

This is like when mixing paints, if you want to mix two different colors into a new color, you must make sure that the ratio of the two is correct, so that one of them is not too strong, resulting in incorrect fusion colors.