

"Oh... it's over..."

Looking at the corpse that was still standing without cutting, Naruto's pupils also flashed a little complexity. For him, this was probably the second time he had seen a real corpse, and it was a powerful enemy.

"...You all have a good look. This is a ninja who is trying his best to live, no... the end of a man."

Kakashi is also a little sad. Although Zaibujian is an enemy, it also symbolizes a corner of the ninja world. Even if he kills him with his own hands, Kakashi still has a kind of sadness.

"If there is only brute force and ambition, in the world with an obsession, this is the inevitable end."

Hinata also opened her mouth lightly, while her palm carefully turned her back to the sight of Kakashi and the others, and put a sealed scroll into the ninja bag behind her waist.

This scroll is a very convenient storage scroll, and it only carries a special cauldron. This cauldron is specially used to hold living creatures. It can be regarded as a low-level sealing prop, but it can only be filled with objects of acceptable size. The living creatures placed in it will appear similar to suspended animation until they are placed. until it comes out.

This thing was originally made to deliver live ingredients to the daimyo, and the price is quite expensive, but money is no longer a problem for Hinata now, so she prepared it long before the plot of the Land of Waves. I got one, and the purpose was specifically to show off the white body, and it seems to be quite smooth so far.

Although the sealing scroll cannot directly seal living creatures, the specially-made ninja tools can seal living creatures, and then the ninja tools that seal living creatures can be sealed into the scrolls, so that it is possible to use the scrolls to carry living creatures in disguise.

"Well? What about the enemy?"

Looking left and right, Kakashi asked a little strangely. According to his inference, the ninja named Shiro shouldn't have escaped.

"Fleeing away, I think I shouldn't have time to chase her at this time, don't I?"

Hinata had no pressure on this lie, and Kakashi didn't roll his eyes anyway, so he couldn't see the scroll in her ninja bag.

"Really... Forget it, bury the uncut body nearby. His companions should come back and take him away."

Shaking his head, Kakashi really didn't plan to investigate further, anyway, the group was about to leave the country of waves, and it was meaningless to investigate this.

The next thing is very simple. After Dazner gathered his people, the remaining part of the project was completed in about half a day. And Hinata's group will also be buried near the bridge, and the beheading sword representing the seven people of the ninja sword is also placed in front of the tomb, and then the group embarked on the road back to the village.

Of course, in another area of ​​the Land of Waves, other things happened at the same time.


With a scream, the two warriors who were guarding Kado both fell to the ground. Judging from their deadly expressions, they didn't even understand how they died, and the bright blood quickly flowed from the ground. They spread out from under them, spreading a strong breath of death into the air along with blood.

"Hehehehe~ What's the matter? This is the end? Really, as a toy, it's too fragile, right?"

Standing in the magic circle depicted by the blood, Feiduan licked the corner of his mouth with a dissatisfied look, and his gaze also turned to the shivering warriors around him: "No way~~ This way The Evil God-sama won't be satisfied~ Then, pick a few more offerings."

Undoubtedly, the reason why Cardo and his warriors did not come out to disrupt the situation this time as in the original book is also very simple, they were stopped by more terrifying predators.

"Really, it makes a mess on the ground every time."

The horns holding his arms are no longer surprised by Hidean's behavior. In the past, even if he wanted to kill people, there was no good chance, but this time, the samurai gathered here are obviously targets that can be eliminated, whether it is Both personal feelings and organizational tasks.

"Well~ Mercury Lamp is leaving now. According to her instructions, it's our turn to do it next."

The ghost shark carrying the shark's muscles gave Itachi a meaningful look: "Itachi-san~ They've already gone far. By the way, I thought you would go out and meet your brother anyway."

"You have enough words."

Responding to the ghost shark coldly, Itachi also looked at Cardo: "So, how to deal with it?"

"Heh~ What does this question mean, the useless garbage will naturally be thrown away. His money and goods are kept in the warehouse, we can get it by ourselves later, so~~ Don't bother me to calculate the amount. Well, Next, I have to calculate the cost of building a factory here~"

Holding a notebook and drawing back and forth on it, the corners of the corners did not lift their heads, while the ghost shark shrugged: "Okay, okay~ I'll do it."

Watching the tall shark-faced Rebellion walk in front of him, Cardo, who had been frightened, finally recovered, and then screamed hoarsely: "Don't kill me! You are Rebellion, right? I can hire You! You can mention the price whatever you want!"

"Ha~~ Thank you very much for your attention, but... how do you say it?"

Grabbing Cardo's collar with one hand, he lifted his entire body from the ground, and the ghost shark's eyes also showed a subtle sense of pity: "Unfortunately, compared with you, we already have one and another. Lovely and much smarter to hire people, so~ Farewell, you should have been enlightened about what you did."

With the easy wave of the ghost shark's arm, Cardo's short and fat body was like a rotten apple thrown into the air, showing a desperate parabola and falling into the sea water under the bridge, while several gray-white The shark's dorsal fins converged fiercely immediately, and the blue sea was quickly covered with blood and minced meat.

"Haha, it's ironic, even the flesh and blood of wicked people can create such a bright picture."

Shaking his head slightly, the ghost shark also turned around and walked to his companions.

"Looks like it's finally over..."

With a rustling sound, Jue's Nepenthes head also emerged from the ground on one side, and Bai Jue said with a slightly hippie smile: "Very good~~ All the elements for building a factory are available. ~"

"Then, don't delay. That old man named Dazna is the leader of these people at present. Go to him and tell him~ Either work for the factory organized by Xiao, or be like fish food like these garbage."

Hei Jueyin's voice also carried an undisguised cruelty: "The leader said that Deidara and Scorpion are also on their way, and when they arrive, they will recruit workers from the locals to participate in the assembly line work. , the manual factory needs to start official production within a month."

"Is it really okay to be rude like this?"

Unexpectedly, Jiaodu, who was sitting there, said without raising his head: "If we do the same as the garbage just now, I think even us, there will be no guarantee that someone will make trouble in the future, right?"

"Yeah~ That's right, so I think I'd better wait for the mercury lamp and see what she has to say."

Feiduan, who was lying on the array, also touched his chin and said, "How do you say it? We are laymen in this area after all, right?"

"Ah? But what about the leader's order?"

Bai Jue tilted his head very subtly. He could hear the feeling in the words of Jiaodu and the others. Although he was not rejecting Payne's order, there was no doubt that they wanted a more careful and better one. command.

"Well... well, we will report the leader truthfully. As long as we don't delay the business, we will do what you want."

Hei Jue's voice couldn't tell the emotion, but it could be seen from his words that he didn't intend to protect Jiao Du and others for their disobedience to this order.

And after watching Jue disappear under the ground again, the ghost shark standing beside him shrugged slightly.


"What do you think, if the mercury lamp joins us?"


"To welcome Hinata and others back from their mission, cheers~~!"

In the Uchiha mansion, next to the dazzling long dining table, Ino, the banquet supervisor, took the lead in holding a juice cup to congratulate him happily, and the others sitting at the dining table also raised their glasses with great interest: "Cheers! Live the first month of your ninja life, cheers!"

There is no doubt that this is a feast for the wind. Unlike the seventh class where Hinata and the others are located, the tasks of the other classes this month can be described as quite leisurely, basically picking up garbage, taking children and even handing out flyers. These choppy D-level tasks, if not for the presence of Naruto and Hinata in the seventh class who were unwilling to do D-level tasks, the tasks of the Land of Waves probably wouldn't fall on them.

"Really~ It's really dangerous this time~ That guy called Momochi Zabuzawa is one of the Kirigakushi Seven Ninja Swords, and he's a real Joinin~"

Naruto, who was clearly on top because he ate two bonbons, danced about his mission to the Land of Waves, and the other crew members were also listening to these things nervously or curiously.

"That's really good~ You guys went out to the village anyway. Our tasks this month are all D-level chores. We originally thought we would encounter some amazing tasks, but who knows... sigh..."

With Akamaru's teeth on his head, he looks unbearable. It can be seen that he, like Naruto, has been ruthlessly mocked from D-level tasks, such as those jobs such as raising children. You don't have to think about it. What a pain in the ass.

"D-level tasks are not only for us to accumulate experience, but also for us to adapt to the life of this kind of task. Although... I must admit that I would like to get some tasks with a slightly higher value and difficulty coefficient."