

He didn't feel angry or disgusted by Hinata's words. Shiro's voice just had a faint softness, like a snowflake in winter, without any temperature, only an indifferent lightness and quietness.

"Yes, but you're not the only one. After all, this kind of power is a power worth pursuing, after all, isn't it?"

Moving her wrists, Hinata was suddenly a little irritable. She has always been used to others showing fear and panic in front of her. According to her undisguised words before, Bai even laughed or scorned. In her anticipation, it was nothing to pretend to be silent.

However, this strange calmness made Hinata feel unbearable.

"Yeah... You should also be the holder of the Blood Legion Boundary, and it should be the means of bringing you honor and status. But, I..."

Bai's words paused here, as if recalling what she had experienced, but in the end she just shook her head slightly: "If I had a choice, I'd rather not have this power from birth, but... now I don't have it either. A chance to regret, I am a tool to kill the adults, no matter if you want to hurt the adults, or take me away from the adults, you can only pass through my corpse first."

As if it was a declaration of war, Bai's figure jumped back lightly, and the whole person wonderfully integrated into the ice mirror behind her, and at the same time, all the surrounding ice mirrors quickly showed her. The figure, there is no doubt, this is the real spirit ninjutsu that can only be achieved by the real ice escape blood following the limit - the magic mirror ice crystal!

Well, it's a little trickier than I thought.

Biting his lip fiercely, he shook off the inexplicable emotion in his heart, and Hinata's hands slammed into a blazing orange flame. Although he didn't think he would lose to Shiro, the current battle felt as expected. Still not great.

"Take it, I'm going to attack."

Bai in the mirror raised his hand calmly, and the sharp and dangerous Bing Qianben was born out of thin air from her slender, snow-white fingers, as natural as snowflakes falling from the sky: "My attack has no dead ends, you realize it."

The next moment, just like Bai's words, countless ice sheets flew out from the surrounding ice mirror like a shower. This was not an illusion or a clone technique, but all the images in the ice mirror were indeed at that moment almost simultaneously. Attacked!

This overwhelming attack undoubtedly brought enormous pressure. It was precisely because Hinata had white eyes, so she was more sure of one thing. These Bing Qianben indeed attacked from her surroundings, including her back, and they almost didn't. There is a time difference.

Waving her arms, Hinata created a flame-like shield in the air in front of her, and at the same time quickly rushed to the edge of the magic mirror ice crystal barrier. Bing Qianben behind her couldn't catch up with her speed because of the time difference.

But soon she had to stop, because the thousands of books that Bai threw also began to consider her running advance, and even she couldn't completely escape the densely packed Bing Qianben, and from the perspective of Bai's methods, those Bing Qianbens It was also aimed at those acupoints on her body!

After all, Qianben's single-shot lethality is too weak, and only hitting the key points can cause considerable damage. In the original book, Libai was able to use Bing Qianben to accurately hit the fake death acupuncture point on the neck without cutting it, which shows that she must have also learned the knowledge of acupoints. , in order to make their own thousand more lethal!

"Since you hate fighting! Don't you think this behavior is deceiving yourself? Or, as long as I give up resistance, you will at most just throw me here with a thousand copies and beat me to death, and then wait until you don't come over to make up for it? "

After several turns in a row to avoid a round of ice needles, Hinata did feel a little frowning. Yes, Bai is one of the few characters in the original book that needs to be killed in a plot. As the only remaining ice ninja in this world , her ability is indeed quite tricky, especially, the geographical advantage is on her side.

This is a location close to the sea. For water and ice ninjutsu, it is undoubtedly a natural home. It only takes a small amount of chakra to use water and ice. And this is undoubtedly the worst place for the fire attribute Hinata.

"You're right, you can indeed see me as a hypocritical and despicable enemy... So please don't hesitate to give your best."

Bai's voice was still calm and indifferent, as if she had made all the bad preparations. This feeling of resignation made Hinata's brows twitched, and a kind of hostility also seemed to be aroused from between her brows. spread!

"Since you said so, then I'll be a little more merciful and take away your life that has given up! Drink!!"

He stopped suddenly, Hinata exhaled, and his right fist with orange flames slammed into the ground in front of him with a heavy bang. Of course, due to the strong attack and the flames, it was already frozen by the frost. The land exploded like a firework explosion, and the smoke and dust mixed with Mars instantly enveloped the entire magic mirror enchantment! !


Bai in the magic mirror was also slightly surprised. Yes, the principle of her magic mirror ice crystal is actually very simple. It is not to create a phantom, but to achieve incredible ultra-high-speed movement through the refraction of the ice mirror. Ranged attacks are the same.

And this approach undoubtedly requires a very important sensory cooperation, that is - vision!

After all, whether she locks the target or accurately transmits it to other ice mirrors, she needs visual confirmation, especially because the ice mirror adopts the refraction effect, so there are also requirements for the light in the enchantment, and Now Hinata's arrogant attack kicked up the dust in the sky, which directly blocked Shiro's vision!

After all, what Bai possesses is the ability to escape from ice, not the kind of see-through eyes that Hinata can see without obstacles! If it is a normal ninja, of course, you can throw smoke bombs to disturb Shiro's vision, but they do not have the ability to see through themselves, and the smoke bombs will also block their vision, so it is still useless in this narrow area. .

But Hinata has a white eye with full perspective, so this kind of visual obstruction has no effect on her at all, so she can easily use this blinding method unilaterally.

At the moment when Shiro stopped attacking due to the frustration of his vision, Hinata's body quickly sprinted towards the edge of the ice mirror barrier. Baiyan has a full range of vision, so it does not play a role in preventing it at all. After reaching the edge of the barrier, Hinata who was standing in the same place shouted loudly, and his right hand was also raised high, and the blazing flame was like a The torch is generally lit in her palm! It is the profound meaning of Nandou Yan's Killing Fist - Orochimaru! !

"Is it there?!"

And as the fire of Orochimaru lit up, Shiro finally determined Hinata's position in the smoke that began to dissipate, and then rushed towards Hinata as well: "You never want to leave!!"


However, Hinata, who was standing in front of an ice mirror, just laughed slyly, and the Orochimaru, which was already full in his hand, did not bombard the mirror at all, but waved his hand in the direction behind him, and the orange flame was like a poisonous snake spitting The letter rolled out like a bang! !

She didn't expect Hinata's attack to turn, and Shiro's figure was swallowed up by the orange flame of Orochimaru in surprise. The blazing flame not only caused her temperature burns, but also because of the chakra that contained Hinata. And it has physical damage like a pressure cannon! !

Shiro, who was hit by Orochimaru head on, slammed into the ice mirror behind her like a kite with a broken string. As her chakra lost control, this was surrounded by the ice mirror. The enchantment that got up was also shattered and turned into ice chips all over the sky.

This is probably a double-sided suppression of information and blood.

Putting away her posture, Hinata looked at Shiro who was several meters away in front of her. The reason why she can win is also very simple: the knowledge of the original book, let her know that Bai's magic mirror barrier is actually a method of refraction, allowing Bai's body to shuttle and assassinate in various mirrors at super high speed, which is equivalent to Said that she still needs to attack on the body.

And since Hinata was about to release Orochimaru against an ice mirror just now, of course, Bai would not choose to emerge from the front ice mirror, which would be tantamount to being sent to the door to be beaten. Therefore, she chose to rush over from the blind spot behind Hinata. However, Hinata's eyes have a full range of visual ability, even if it is not enough to see all the movements of Bai, but at least it can capture her investigation. Carat's trajectory, so as to launch an accurate strike on the trajectory she flew over.

Of course, this is also because Shiro didn't know that Hinata knew all about her attack methods, so he was the one who conceded defeat so quickly in this battle.

"The outcome is decided, do you have anything else to say?"

Looking at Shiro who was struggling to get up from the ground, Hinata could indeed feel a sense of expectation. This is the time for him to reap the fruits of victory, isn't it?

"Looks... it's true... I lost..."

Bai tried a few times but couldn't stand up. In the end, he could only sit on the ground and speak softly. When he walked in front of her, Hinata unceremoniously reached out and took off the mask on her face, and put the beautiful mask on her face. His face was exposed to those unbridled white eyes.

"Then, you are mine."

Without giving Bai a chance to continue speaking, Hinata abruptly slashed Shiro's neck with a palm, while Shiro, who had no resistance at all, simply closed his eyes, and then fainted on the ground.

(PS1: Hmm~o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o~ Bai got it~ However, this is probably the beginning of the black chick's shake~ Why are there people who are willing to sacrifice themselves for others?)

(PS2: Well, a few days ago, I saw someone wanted a picture of Mrs. Bigan? Then post another one, um~)


The Land of Waves Terminal


Zaibuzhan's eyes are slightly enlarged because of disbelief. Although they can't see the actual picture, the ninjas have the ability to sense the situation through Chakra, especially in order to accurately assassinate the enemy in the fog. The chakra aspect is even more excellent, and the result of the feedback to him is that the white chakra has been weak to the point of incomprehensible, but the chakra of Hinata is still strong.

"I said earlier that my disciple is not someone you can look down on!"

He also sensed Shiro's defeat, and Kakashi, who faced off against Zaibuzhan, keenly grasped the flaw, and then suddenly shook the psychic scroll he carried with him, and quickly displayed himself with the blood that had been scratched by Zaibuzhan before. The unique ninjutsu: "Accept the trick!! The art of chasing teeth!"

As the eight ninja dogs followed the **** smell on the big sword, Kakashi spun quickly: "Don't cut! You are too dangerous! So, here, I want to Terminate you!!"

"Cut! It's actually here..."

Seeing Rachel's light pierce the fog, and finally sank into his chest with blood splashes, he didn't scream from the beginning to the end, and he didn't beg for mercy or unwilling, just accepted his failure calmly. and death.

With Zaibuzhan's death, the water that entangled Sasuke and Naruto with the mist also disappeared, and the original dense fog on the entire bridge quickly dissipated, allowing the sun from the sky to shine on the bridge again.

"It's over..."

Looking at the dead body in the distance, Sasuke also let out a sigh of relief. So far, Zabuza is undoubtedly the strongest enemy he has encountered, but with the cooperation of his own team, he can defeat this enemy at the Jinnin level. But it didn't take much effort.