
Wrong preys

I killed my mother and I don't mean it was a mistake. She deserved it, I thought until I .... a serial killer falls in love with a cop. _________ Andria smith's dream of an easy and free life was shattered the very moment her dad stepped out the door never to return. Blessed with a careless or rather irresponsible mother, Andria knew better than to care for herself alone - with quest for revenge buried deep inside her soul. Then she falls for a cop ( one destined to haunt her). What? Love? ...... definitely not what she planned.Would she be able to handle the disaster that Followed? Andria is thrilled as she discovers the reason behind her mother's cruel nature. what happens next? Let's explore the complicated world of an innocent sweet loving child who turns out a serial killer....

Philia_Hilz · Urbain
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21 Chs

Introduction 2 ( Betrayed again? )

Andria stood in front of the huge door, hands folded below her tiny breast. Staring at the door bell, she felt guilty. "Would Claire Still accept me if she discovers I almost killed someone?"

Pressing the door after seconds of contemplating, she stood with an upright face waiting for the door to be opened. No one came and the door never opened.

Then she saw the note attached to the door handle. It was meant for her, she could tell since her name was in it.

' sorry Andy. I waited for days but I didn't see a glimpse of you. Dad had a sudden transfer to Australia. I'm really sorry but we had to leave. Don't know when I would be back but I'll miss you, very much. You would still remain my best best best friend Andy. Please try getting along with your mom. ❤️'

Andria squeezed the paper in anger. " She promised not to leave. She... said she wouldn't.... let go!" She broke down in tears, sitting in front of the door. She pressed the bell severally to check if it was a prank but Claire was gone. For real.

" Claire betrayed me. Am I destined to be left alone? Dad is gone and now Claire too was gone? ...she broke her promise. I was such a fool to believe her." She cried running home. Hoping not to meet that crazy lady at home.

It was really painful for her. Just a day and her dad left and now a week, Claire too disappeared. What on earth was going on?


6 months later...

Andria was traumatized by Claire's sudden disappearance. For months she had to live with the painful fact that Claire left her. It was difficult to make friends and the one she considered family left. Now she hated Claire.

Then Nathan came. He appeared as if manna fell from heaven into Andria's life. She objected at first and tried avoiding him. Didn't want another heart break...You wouldn't blame her.

He saved her from committing suicide. Her life was useless and Meg made her feel worthless.

" Hey what do you think you're doing?" He asked rushing over as she wanted to stab herself with her nail cutter. He snatched the tool from her.

" Just mind your business. Give it back!" She shouted and forcefully collected it.

Nathan held her " do you think hurting yourself would solve your issues? You are just going to die a useless bitch." He shouted.

Then she cried, " they just keep leaving. What am I living for? .. mother hates me. I have no friends. Dad is gone too. I have nobody" she sobbed, her knees shaking. She almost stumbled.

Nathan caught her. Giving her a tight hug. Just what she needed. " Don't worry, I'm your friend. I would never leave." He comforted her, patting her head slowly.

Andria looked up. That was the exact same thing Claire said but she left. She moved away a little, Staring at his eyes. They were promising and for some reason she felt drawn to him. She felt she could trust him. It felt like she was meant to find him.

But she still wanted him to cross his heart just to be sure. "He saved my life. I'm sure he can keep to his promise too".

Their friendship expanded. He did give her everything. Even though he was 3 years older, they understood each other. He helped her with a lot of things since his father was super rich.

He also met Meg but she didn't care to know him. Andria got annoyed. Her mother was behaving strange lately. She sometimes showed concern and then in a minute she becomes wild again.

There was a time when she actually addressed Andria as her daughter only to ask who she was after some hours. Andria felt like God had answered her prayers only to end up disappointed.

Knowing Nath was the best thing that happened to her. She was slowly getting to like him. He mattered more than anything to her apart from her dad. She was still going to have her revenge.

He taught her a lot and she was also able to meet his mom. She was lovely and treated her nicely. Andria felt at home with them. His mother normally braided her hair and she loved seeing them together. She thought Andria was adorable and treated her like the daughter she didn't have.

With Nathan, she felt happy. It's been 4 months already but it felt like she knew him for long. There was this connection between them and their bond grew tighter everyday. She had just met someone like he dad - loving.


Andria did feel like the luckiest girl but only for a while because Nathan left too.

He left without even saying goodbye. She felt betrayed again and lost the heart to trust again. She became her old self. She was so frustrated. " Why do people hate me?.. have I done anything wrong..who the heck brought me to this cruel world?"

Nathan's disappearance hurt her the most as she stared angrily at the gigantic iron gate, Wishing she could break it down. The place was empty. She waited for a whole day yet no sign. It was really getting dark.

Then a passer by confirmed her fear. "They just left this morning. She said it was urgent. I don't think the would ever come back."

Andria felt like fainting. She gathered the only strength she had to carry herself home and almost got hit by a car. She didn't know what to do anymore.

Opening her room, she saw mother. Sitting in front of her mirror.

" What was she doing there? Feeling like a queen? How dare she? " Andria thought as she realized her mother was the cause of everything. If only she hadn't divorced daddy, I wouldn't be in these mess. She dares to paint her face after destroying my life?

Meg turned around. Her face covered in tears.

Andria didn't care. Did she get dump? Serves her right.

" Andria dear come closer. I have something to say" she spoke softly.

Andria wasn't buying it. She was at it again, acting all good as though she knew nothing. Andria had made up her mind. She was going to pay. That was certain.

" You are full deceit. Cut the pretence! You hate me. I hate you too" Andria shouted back in anger. She was slowly loosing her patience. She hadn't even recovered from the trauma of Nathan breaking his promise.

" Watch it! I'm still your mother, so they say... " Meg warned her expression changed.

She felt a pain in her head and shook her head slightly " I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Please can we...."

" I don't care what you mean. You don't need me anyways. I hate you for separating me and dad. You and your evil friends, I hate you all. You've made me terrible just like you are.'

" My dear please let's talk things out. I don't understand what you're saying" Meg pleaded walking up to her in tears.

" Don't you get it? I don't care what you have to say. Probably one of your silly games. Leave me alone" Andria screamed pushing her down.

" What on earth has come over you?" Meg tried getting up.

" You are a terrible woman. Don't you come close to me. I would rather die than have a mother like you!" Andria screamed into her ears.

" What on earth are you accusing me of?" Meg was clueless. What's my daughter saying? Did I do something terrible?

Andria ignored her.

" Your friend Nathan was....." Meg tried getting her attention.

" Don't you dare take his name" Andria warned fury in her eyes.

" Nathan said he....."

" Don't you dare take his name!!!" Andria screamed slicing her throat with her nail cutter. Wiping the blood off her face, she whispered "I alone have the right to hate him".

Meg lifeless body laid on the ground gasping for breath. She watched her mother die slowly. No atom of remorse.

"I'm just as terrible as you are" she said cutting off Meg's ring finger. " You don't deserve this too".

"Rot in hell!!!" Andria shouted at her dead body kicking it furiously.

Her number one enemy had been eliminated and now for the rest of them - Talon bay, Marie cutty, Liza sisa and joy curie, here she comes - they have to take responsibility.

They will have to pay for ruining her life by badly influencing her mom. They made her forget she had a daughter and separated my dad from me.

Ten years old Andria left the room but not before causing an explosion.


Hi guys

Finally the intro is over. Gosh I'm really scared. Do you think Meg deserved what she got? Andria had really shown the monster in her. Let's find out how she punishes her preys.

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Here is a tip for you - never stop learning because life never stops teaching.

I love you all. Remember it's philiahilz.