
The Debit Celebrity

Another typical day, me working at Wendy's. The worst job you can have, that's my opinion. I am a janitor and all I do is clean after people. Why can't people clean up after themselves, but I can't say that because I'm a hypocrite. I hate cleaning up after people and people cleaning up after me. I hate cleaning but I don't need pests and peasants in my house. Well anyways, working as a janitor sucks especially when you've been working that job for three years just to pay for rent. The salary here disgusts me; you only get paid the minimum wage: ten dollars an hour. Think about it. Working Monday through Thursday for only four to six hours, depending on what your boss thinks about you. Well, guess what? My boss doesn't like me so I only get to work four hours a day. That's only one hundred sixty dollars a week and if my boss sees me not doing something right he would deduct my payment by five dollars. With this little bit of money, I can only provide for food and clothes and I can barely pay my rent on time because of this low payment. It's a shame I don't really need to carry a debit card around if there is nothing on it. I always have my debit card in my back pocket because too many people are getting their purses robbed or snatched from them. So I keep it personally on me at all times. I glanced at my boss and he was talking to Samantha my friend from high school, and now my co-worker at my job. I envy her because she is on the boss's good side and he pays her extra just to show up on time, unlike me, I am here extra early and he doesn't give me a bonus. I backed up into the corner so I won't be noticeable in the middle of the room, where I was supposed to be sweeping, so I can look at my debit card. As I isolated myself from the eyes of the people I read the back of my card

If problems please contact…

"What are you doing?! Get back to work! I don't pay you to hide around from your task!" His yelling distracted me from my train of thought. I was going to tell him he barely pays me at all but I need this job and I need to pay off my rent from last month. I rolled my eyes at him and looked at my debit card. I wish I have double the amount on this card. It would really help me out to pay off the bills that I missed. I didn't realize I was mumbling under my breath until he had yelled at me.

"Get back to work! And stop mumbling under your breath" Jimmy scowled at me and went back to his office. Samantha looked at me and gave me a soft smile while she went back to the cash registers and took the next person's order.

A few minutes later the alarm on my phone went off letting me know my shift was over and I can go home and get ready to hang out with my friends. I place the broom and the dustpan back into the janitor's closet as I hung my blue apron back on the rack. I grabbed my purse from my locker and clocked out. If my boss sees me here he gets so frustrated for no reason even after when I recently just clocked out. I quickly walk out the back door so Jimmy doesn't see me leaving as I walk to a corner store and go straight to the ATM in the back of the store. I put in my card and my pin, I withdraw about ninety-five dollars. After the fee, I was left only a dollar left into my account. What is the point of having a debit card? I got my metro card and swiped in as I got on the train and rode it home.

As I approached my front door the wind picked up speed and blew my dark brown hair everywhere on my face which prevented me from seeing what I was doing. When I finally opened my front door I tossed my keys on the counter, my purse on the couch, grabbed my phone, and took my debit card out of my back pocket. This blue and black debit card with fancy designs; which are my ultimate favorite. I walked into my room and my walls were black with blue design with inspirational decals

Don't let others take advantage, take the advantage that others have

The brain might be small but your dreams are big

Faith is destiny, hope is your future, but you are forever.

I smiled slightly as I lay on the bed and looked at the number on the back of my debit card. I was hoping I'd have at least a little money left in my savings. I need to think about my rent because this small casual place of mine doesn't do much for me anymore. I need to expand, look around, and see the town. In addition, I need to pay my phone bill off first before I forget and they cancel my line. I called Customer Service.

"Hello, Thanks for calling T-Mobile-" I am so tired of them saying the same thing.

"Representative," I said

"Please say that again."

"Representative!" I rolled my eyes because the operator is so annoying and aggravating.

"Please-" I cut them off again and took a deep breath and said it again


"Give us a moment to send you to a worker who can help you with all your problems." I muted my phone and placed it on speaker as I grabbed a brush and started brushing my dark brown straight hair. I admired what I was wearing; black jeans, a blue shirt, and a black zipped hoodie. I look like I wanted to be a criminal who forgot how to dress in the right clothing. I chuckled as I heard the music from my phone die down.

"Hello?" A man on the other end of the phone said.

I un-muted my phone "Hi"

"Hello! My name is Ethan, how may I help you today?" He said with such a happy attitude, which I know he was actually smiling at the other end of the phone.

"I am Sarah and I just want to know how high is my phone bill at the current moment and when is my bill due date."

"Okay ma'am, give me a second… Currently, you have 150 dollars, ma'am. You have unlimited and you didn't pay the bill of last month."

"Okay thank you. Enjoy your day." I hanged up before he said anything back to me.

I looked at my mail and ripped open my bill that is for my rent, it was one hundred and ninety dollars including; my TV bill it was three hundred and seventy dollars. I'm barely able to pay for this. I called the card company immediately so I can see if I can pay for the rent.

"Hello-" The person on the line said but I was in a hurry because my friends will be here in an hour and I have to clean up.

"How much is on my card? I am Sarah Blackstone"

"Ms. Blackstone. Okay. Currently, you have 1-"

"Oh my gosh, 1 dollar?!" I squealed over the phone interrupting him again.

"Ma'am please let me finish. You have 1 million dollars, no pardon that is incorrect. You have two, three, four, five, and six sorry give me a second to re-analyze it." Muting the call, I screamed with joy. All that money!? It can't be mine. How can this happen? Where is this money source coming from? He is probably joking and making fun of me for having a low amount of money.

"Ms. Blackstone? Are you there?"

"Yes, I am here. How much do I have?"

"You have ninety-two million dollars and it is slowly going up still." Oh my gosh! I'm a millionaire

"May I ask if you can find where the money is coming from?" I rolled all over my bed with joy.

"Sorry ma'am, that is unknown to us."

I started to think if this is legal. I would be scared if I go to jail for having this much money. I asked "It is common this problem of additional money? And is it legal?" I started to bite my invisible nails.

"Ma'am it is common but usually we can track the source. And yes it is legal." I heard him chuckle over the phone. "Do you have any more questions?"

"No, no thank you. And thank you for everything."

"You too. Bye"

I hanged up the phone and smiled at my debit card. All that money is for me and I can finally pay off my loans, bills, dues, and rent. Those multiple goals in one shot. I flopped back on the bed and admire my debit card.

"I don't know where you came from but you made me suffer long enough waiting for this day to come," I said to my debit card as I put it in my back pocket. This debit card probably a spell or curse on it that makes it seems I have all the money I wanted. In the middle of me processing my thoughts my doorbell rings. I glanced at the time; I haven't realized I was on the phone for over an hour and some minutes. I didn't get to clean my room. But it wouldn't take me long to finish cleaning. I ran to open my door and Jones, my best friend, was dressed in his normal casual clothes. He wore black slacks and a white shirt with shades on. I started laughing at him because he wears shades everywhere he goes like he is famous or important. But he's NOT, he only important to me because we were best friends since middle school. He was planning to take me out to get some food because my refrigerator is always empty. Yet, when my mother visits me, she had been making meals out of the air so I give up. I grabbed my jacket and my keys as we left my apartment building. As we got on the elevator we heard so many people screaming and cheering as if a celebrity entered the building. As the elevator stopped at the lobby, the door was full of people with flashing cameras. I look at Jones to see if he knew what is going on, but he simply shrugged at me as he led me through the crowd. As we got outside the crowd still followed us. I heard a man with a loud deep voice who spoke to the crowd.

"How do you feel now that you are famous Ms. Blackstone? How did you discover this debit card? Where did you realize you were a millionaire?" He kept going on and asking me so many questions it was hard to process. WAIT?! I'm famous how? Magical~ Oh. This card I had was a magical debit card. I should only tell Jones about this because I trust him and I know he has plenty of questions for me. Yet he always hides his confused face with me when we are outside. When we were alone I know he will go off and bombard me with questions. As we continue to walk the crowd still followed us so I grabbed Jones's arm and quickly yanked him into a cafe and speed walk into the back of the cafe. We slid into a booth and grabbed the menu to shield our faces. A few seconds later the crowd seems to disappear so we placed the menu down. Jones smiled slightly then launched all his questions at me.

"Since when you are famous? How did this happen? When did this happen? Why am I just now finding out?" He kept throwing questions back to back.

"Calm down with the questions, I" I smiled and leaned over "I randomly had a magic debit card that keeps adding money so now I am a millionaire or a billionaire. Or something along those lines." I told him.

"Sooooo... You going to repay all the money you owe me?" He said so smoothly

I laughed and got so serious "You want me to?"

"No, gosh good no. I was only joking with you. I didn't mean it." He said comforting me.

"And that is why you're my best friend Jones" I smile and hugged him. I embraced him into the bear hug. He embraced me right back. After our little chat, he took me and brought me home. All through the crowd, he took me home in one piece surprising. I shower and got in my pajamas. I lay in bed with the nightlight on. This is when I discovered the debit card was the benefit to me for working and being committed to working for three years and not quitting this terrible job. Hard labor does pay off, even if it was something you weren't expecting.