
Biggest Responsibility

The greatest responsibility my parents had given me was babysitting my little sister. It doesn't sound so bad right? Well, usually people babysit a kid that's over 4 years old, where they can feed themselves, be potty trained, and speak. That was not the case for me. I had to babysit my sister and the first time was when she was 3 months old. Only THREE months. I didn't know anything about caring for a baby, and I know that it is not in a child's description. I didn't know anything about how to make a baby bottle, or the correct way to hold them. All I know was how to change them. I was the youngest out of all my siblings and my parents choose me, Me, who had little to no experience. I didn't know why but as time progressed, I realized I am the only one who is not going to college right now. So while I am home, doing what any average teenager would do, I babysit, I clean, I cook, and I have to live. Those became very limited on time. I would have to wait till my little sister fell asleep to go cook something or try to put a load of clothes in the washing machine. Hoping I don't make too much noise that she wakes up. Unfortunately, for my sister, if she doesn't feel your presence next to her she is instantly up and crying. Even until now, I struggle to babysit my little sister because she is spoiled to the where she likes to constantly be held or sleep on you. I love my little sister and all but, when it comes to babysitting it becomes too much.