
Writer Is Now A Villain

In a world teeming with magic and mythical creatures, Kael, a seasoned novelist from Earth, finds himself transmigrated into his own fantasy novel, "The Dawn of Eternity". However, he doesn't awaken as the heroic protagonist or a powerful wizard, but as the infamous villainous noble, Lord Varron. Now living as Lord Varron, Kael must navigate the world he created, a world filled with magic, swordsmanship, and a myriad of mythical races. Despite the challenges of being a villain in his own story, Kael is determined to survive and alter the course of the narrative he's penned.

Kiku_Kayu · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


With the ancestral sword in his possession and a cryptic hint from his father lingering in his mind, Varron left the treasure room.

'This unanswered question.I need more information.'

As he made his way towards his room, he passed by the training grounds. There, he saw a familiar sight.

His younger brother, Lucius, was in the midst of an intense training session. His movements were fluid and precise, a testament to the countless hours he had spent honing his skills. Nearby, their younger sister,Isolde was watching Lucius with a supportive smile, cheering him on enthusiastically.

Varron paused, watching the scene unfold. It was a simple, everyday scene, yet it held a certain warmth, a sense of normalcy that was comforting. Despite the tumultuous events of the past few days, life at the Ainsworth estate continued.

As Varron watched them, he couldn't help but think of their future selves as depicted in the novel.

Lucius, always training with singular focus and determination, driven by his desire to surpass his elder brother.

His younger sister,Isolde on the other hand, shy and kind, yet possessing an inner strength that would blossom in the face of adversity.

In the future, they would both become formidable characters, their power rivaling even Alicia's. They would grow and evolve, their potential unlocked through trials and tribulations.

Isolde, in particular, would undergo a significant transformation. Though she was still innocent and relatively weak now, the future held a different story. After the incident that would befall the Ainsworth family, she would unlock her core magic's true potential and stand alongside Lucius as one of the most powerful characters in the story.

A random thought crossed Varron's mind as he watched Lucius train from a distance. His younger brother's movements were fluid and precise, a testament to his dedication and hard work. He was so engrossed in his training that he didn't notice Varron watching him.

Without a second thought, Varron leaped from his vantage point, his cloak billowing around him as he descended. He landed smoothly on the training ground, the dust rising around him before settling back down.

Lucius, who had been in the middle of a practice swing, froze at the sudden appearance of his elder brother. His eyes widened in surprise, his grip on his practice sword tightening instinctively. His expression shifted from surprise to confusion, then to a guarded curiosity.

"Why are you here,Varron."

Isolde, had been watching Lucius train from the sidelines. At Varron's sudden appearance, she let out a small gasp, her eyes going wide with surprise. Then, her expression changed, morphing into a mix of worries and apprehension.

Varron straightened up, brushing off the dust from his clothes. He looked at his younger brother, his expression is unreadable.

"You're slacking, Lucius," he said, his voice cold yet devoid of malice. He held up the ancestral sword, its blade glinting under the sun.

"Let's see if you can keep up."

"That sword..."

Both Lucius and Amelia were staring at the ancestral sword in Varron's hand, their eyes wide with surprise and recognition.

"You're chosen?" Lucius asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.He could feel the gap between himself and Varron widening, a chasm that seemed to grow with every passing second.

'Can I even....'

This made him gritted his teeth and look at Varron with determination.

Without waiting for a response, Lucius picked up another wooden sword and tossed it towards Varron. He squared his shoulders, his gaze fixed on Varron.

"Let's spar, Varron."

Varron caught the wooden sword, a flicker of approval in his eyes. He got into a stance, the wooden sword held steady in his grip.

"Show me all you've got."

With wooden swords in hand, Varron and Lucius circled each other. The tension in the air was palpable, a silent testament to the seriousness of their spar.

Lucius made the first move, lunging at Varron with a swift and precise strike. Varron parried, his movements slightly hindered by his lingering injury. Yet, he didn't let it slow him down. He retaliated with a quick counterattack, pushing Lucius back.

Lucius stumbled but quickly regained his footing. He called on his core magic, "Elemental Manipulation", and the air around his sword began to ripple with heat. With a swift motion, he swung his sword, sending a wave of fire towards Varron.

Varron dodged, feeling the heat of the fire as it whooshed past him. He couldn't help but be impressed by Lucius's control over his core magic. He knew he couldn't underestimate him.

The spar continued, the two brothers exchanging blows, their movements a dance of power and precision. Despite his injury, Varron held his own, his respect for Lucius's abilities driving him to push past his limits.

'Despite his fire Element is weaker than Alicia's,his other element can easily close up his weakness.This is what made Elemental Manipulation,a core magic that everyone wary of in the future.Even the original Varron feeling difficult when fight against him.'

But that is in the future.

As they sparred, Varron took a moment to comment on Lucius's technique.

"Your movements are still sloppy, Lucius," he said, blocking a particularly forceful strike from his younger brother.

Lucius gritted his teeth, his focus unwavering.

"Shut up," he retorted, his frustration evident. He launched another attack, his movements becoming more aggressive.

The sparring match continued, the tension between the brothers adding another layer to their battle.

"Is it because of superiority?" Varron mused aloud, his eyes locked onto Lucius's increasingly aggressive movements. He could see the determination in his younger brother's eyes, the burning desire to prove himself.

In response to Varron's comment, Lucius's attacks became even more ferocious. He called upon his core magic, and the training ground transformed into a battlefield of elements. The earth beneath them rippled and cracked as Lucius manipulated it, sending shards of rock flying towards Varron. The air around them churned, gusts of wind swirling and howling as Lucius controlled it, using it to enhance his speed and agility.

Varron, despite his injury, was undeterred. He activated his Telekinesis, his mind becoming a powerful force field. He deflected the shards of rock with invisible barriers, pushed back against the gusts of wind with forceful mental thrusts. He even used his Telekinesis to enhance his own movements, matching Lucius's enhanced speed and agility.

The sparring match escalated into a full-blown battle, the brothers pushing each other to their limits. It was not just a display of their core magic, but also a manifestation of their rivalry, their determination, and their unyielding spirits.

As Varron deflected Lucius's attacks and manipulated his own movements using Telekinesis, he noticed a significant change in his ability. His Telekinesis felt stronger, more responsive. It was as if he had gained a deeper understanding of his own power.

'Wait,maybe it's because of that..'

Varron realized that this change was due to his improved mana control. Ever since he had flowed his mana into his old sword to cut through Alicia's fireball, his understanding of mana control had increased exponentially.

He thought to himself, his tone cold yet contemplative,

"So this is the power of improved mana control. It is still not complete yet but I can feel the difference.My Telekinesis has never been this responsive."

Mana control was the ability to manipulate the flow of mana, the life energy that fueled magic. For a core magic like Telekinesis, which relied on the precise control of external forces, having good mana control was crucial. It allowed for more precise manipulation of Telekinesis, making the ability stronger and more versatile.

Despite the short amount of time since his fight with Alicia, Varron was already seeing the benefits. While the radius and limit of his Telekinesis remained the same, he could now manipulate his ability more freely. He could shape and direct his Telekinesis with greater precision, making his movements more efficient and his attacks more effective.

"Maybe this will work," Varron thought to himself, his eyes locked onto Lucius. With a swift, calculated motion, he launched his wooden sword into the air, sending it spinning towards his younger brother.

Lucius, caught off guard, quickly sidestepped the flying sword. His eyes narrowed in confusion, unable to comprehend why Varron would willingly disarm himself. Seeing Varron seemingly defenseless, he made a split-second decision. Ignoring the nagging feeling in his gut, he seized the opportunity and charged towards Varron, his own wooden sword raised high.

But Varron's thrown sword had not fallen to the ground. Instead, it halted mid-air, suspended by an unseen force. With a flick of Varron's wrist, the sword whirled around, heading straight for Lucius's exposed back.

"Your back is wide open," Varron called out, his voice echoing across the training ground.

Realization dawned on Lucius just in time. He spun around, his own sword meeting the wooden blade in mid-air with a resounding clash. But in doing so, he had exposed his back to Varron.

Varron didn't waste a second. He lunged forward, his foot hooking behind Lucius's ankle. With a swift tug, he sent Lucius sprawling onto the ground. Varron then retrieved his floating wooden sword, the weapon obediently returning to his hand. He held it in front of him, the point of the sword aimed at Lucius.

"I win," he declared, his gaze cool and triumphant as he looked down at Lucius.